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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. noynekker


    As always, really interesting listen David . . . just the right touch of macabre. I especially like it when the clown starts smashing the cymbals randomly. (or, maybe that was you) Actually, the drum kit entrance totally took me by surprise. Is it a 1960's clown, hence the 60's organ sound ? Or, is that all part of the menace feel ? BTW, yes, I like this piece a lot ! If you hadn't mentioned "evil clown" I might have thought of it as a punk rock comedy, but definitely has a theatrical feel overall.
  2. batsbrew . . . in my mind, as I'm listening, I'm hearing a classic . . . it's just so well done ! I'm hearing 12 string, (sadly) I still have one in the closet, used to play it a lot, and really love that sound, but the fingers all went soft, what can I say. Interesting ambient perc efx you've added here, very tastefully done. Maybe I'll dust her off.
  3. Hi Jane . . . this is simply a gorgeous and heartfelt song, straight from your core, and let me tell you when I listened it went straight to my core. Loving the lyrics and the honesty, so well played on that new guitar of yours . . . thank you for sharing here !
  4. It's a very strong song, and the video reflects and enhances the message the song speaks of . . . (almost) everyone remembers those foolish days, so it speaks to the listener with a very personalized message. Your vocalist is so amazing ! . . . and there are lots of synth and bg vocal treats as the song passes by. I'm still trying to figure out when I hear your mixes, how everything gets spread so wide and stays clear, and keeps separated, especially the drums. Well done. Always such quality. I saw this posted a while ago, so just savored it for a bit, yes a pleasure delayer . . . I just knew it would be great, and it was.
  5. noynekker


    Mark, very interesting to listen to . . . so, playing live guitar into an efx box is how you got this sound ? It really sounds like guitar with added synth ambience, some incredible side effects from your process here. Musically, you've stated a melody, so it all works well, and washes out with the effect echoes playing a chord background. I really appreciate the experimentation here ! Yes, a few bits where the decay abruptly cuts off, but nothing to worry about, the overall feeling of the piece still shines through.
  6. So, if nothing shows up there . . . did you install the Focusrite drivers properly ? . . . or, try replugging USB and restarting your system. Cakewalk needs to find the drivers.
  7. Yes, you should see your device listed there, actually, under MIDI Devices ?
  8. So, when you say nothing shows up on input and output, do you mean in the track and console views ? Does anything show up when you go to . . . Edit-Preferences-Devices ?
  9. noynekker


    Very Interesting piece David . . . like this one a lot !! (yes, two exclamations from me) . . . so many great moments. So enjoyed the orchestral string section, and the gnat swatting. Well, you just never know what's coming along next here . . . a poem and a painting indeed. Your canvas is wildly creative, full of imagination. So, created 6 years ago you say, I'm curious, did you tweak this version ? ie. Are you endlessly tweaking older projects ? BTW, I'm not hearing any audio squashing here, sounds Au Naturelle to me.
  10. noynekker

    The Darkness

    Bjorn . . . very nice bit of ethereicity . . . didn't find it so dark, more relaxing and reflective, but maybe that's just me. Lol, "Leonard Cohen on helium" . . . my best laugh this week. It's very introspective . . . and kept my attention in that vein. Well done, once again !
  11. Well, for me it's not really about "score" editing for the music I do . . . an improved staff view feature for me would be a more efficient way to compose and input notes and chords, and lyrics . . . that feels kind of clumsy right now when tried in staff view . . . but, I have a slick key command to continually switch between Staff and PRV, which works well enough. I recall reading somewhere here (years ago) that the staff view module was coded outside of Cakewalk, and incorporated into the existing program. Those folks are long gone, so re-coding or modifying staff module would become a real mega project . . . probably better to incorporate something else that's currently out there. Seems there's a bit of "catch up" happening recently at Cakewalk by BandLab . . . with additions of ARA2, Elastique Pro for Audio Snap, Articulation Maps, and Arranger . . . but not much mention of Staff. I agree, if they are trending towards the education market, Staff improvements would put them in the game big time, especially since education and free software go together well. Whatever is in the oven next, we never know until it's done . . . it's still got the best and most intuitive user interface of anything else I've tried out there.
  12. Great work ! Very interesting to listen to . . . it's jazzy, it's rocky, and Tablas, in a hard drivin' guitar song ? . . . but you totally made it work . . . you really cut loose on that guitar throughout this piece, and the recording and mixing is spot on. I liked the jazz piano interlude a lot , surprise deflection, more please, but maybe you're more of a guitar player. Mr. Braner, thanks for posting here . . . . . . now one question remains . . . who is Wendy, and why are you waving to her ?
  13. Brian . . . much respect for this theme, I've been using it on a session tonight, and just want to say thanks, really enjoying the clarity, and knowing what is "off" and what is "on" in the Console view is amazing, well thought out ! . . . and thanks also for keeping it updated to the latest Cake thing.
  14. There is an auto scroll button, bottom right if I remember correctly . . . and sometimes (for unknown reasons to me) it gets turned off, without me going near it. Also, scrolling will not work if any blobs remain selected. In my Cakewalk, the scrolling between Cakewalk and Melodyne is totally in sync. Sometimes if I use a Cakewalk key command when Melodyne is highlighted, oops ! it messes with things, because their key commands are totally different. Let us know which Cake version, and which Melodyne version you have, it may offer more clues.
  15. Not really getting the Lofi vibe here ? . . . musically it's a good listen, but sonically, it reminds me that the audio card is not set up correctly, hence the endless high end pops through this whole piece. Is that intended ? Just curious.
  16. Like this one a lot ! (every time I see a hidden symmetry post here on the forum, I know it will be greatness) Very worldly jazz, so much talent here. Since you're asking for mix critiques, my personal preference is to have more low punch in the kick drum, yes it's super clear, leaving more room for the instruments, but kick should have more kick. Doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the piece, and maybe on a large sound system it might work . . . but, on my headphone listen, that was the first thing I noticed.
  17. Nicely done gentlemen ! Don't apologize for the topic, it needs to be said. I thought it was a positive message. Lynn mentions Dave Gilmour, and at first listen, the guitar effect actually reminded me of an old song where Dave Gilmour played on a Paul McCartney song . . . lots of junk on that signal chain, but it really works here. You seem to always get very clear mixes, so nothing more to add there. Guys, keep on rockin' in the free world, as they say here in Canada.
  18. Hey Jerry . . . delightful to listen to. While classical in it's presentation, you have infused some modern synthesized sequencers very effectively, and wow ! what an intricate tapestry you've accomplished here. Moments of mathematical and soul at the same time. Liking the way your theme develops and recurs in different forms. The choral aspect is a nice addition, but I can't hear the lyrics . . . but maybe that's just the singer in me , wanting to understand them ? Ya' I know it's Requiem Choir, but . . . In fact, you took 20 minutes of my time on this Friday night (once on speakers, and once on headphones) So good Jerry, always so good !
  19. Well I've joined a bit late, but the current mix sounds good on my studio headphones. I don't hear much music like this on the airwaves recently, rock it on. The guitars sound warm and not brash at all, very pleasant to listen to, and I can understand the lyrics, which is always tricky in this thick rock style, cudos there. I'm curious are you using any mix techniques to get the warmth, or is that mostly in the recording technique ?
  20. noynekker

    A WORD

    Superb and heartfelt ballad, excellent vocal delivery. Ya' this one resonates for me. Psychedelic video adds some visual interest, but I mostly appreciate the song itself.
  21. Hi Wayne . . . Yoda used to say "nefarious the world is" . . . are we naïve if we trust in the humanity of it all ? . . . or, are we fools to keep our music only for ourselves to listen to ? The Cakewalk Songs forum has always been about sharing projects created in Cakewalk . . . thieves will always steal, musicians will always make music. There are probably plenty of copyright lawyers who would love to take your money if you feel your work has been stolen. Posting it online might be the best copyright we have these days.
  22. Gary . . . poetry is poetry, this is quite well done. It won't be a Christian Pop song. It has some serious drama, so I think the music you write should reflect that. My favorite all time theatre music is Jesus Christ Superstar, music that has stayed with me all these years. I think you should fit your youthful lyrics to a really powerful chord progression (one that shifts between major and minor keys, perhaps), and orchestrate it from there. I look forward to hearing the results here. Sounds like it's calling out to you, so you simply have to do something with it.
  23. If we're searching for perfection in this mix . . . the one thing I've noticed compared to my previous listen to this . . . those very subtle background vocals have become just a whisper, in my opinion far to subtle. Please bring them back so they are audible again.
  24. I was going to say 7/8 time. RexRed . . . always love your lyrics and vocal delivery. I would call this song "Last Love of Mine" because that's the line that seals it. Great work as always.
  25. noynekker

    Work It Out

    Okay, so it starts like unplugged metal, user friendly congas and shakers . . . but I've heard your stuff before, so knew those big drums and high vocals were comin' ! , and they delivered when they came. Really like this one, glad to see you still cranking out some great tunes.
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