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Everything posted by noynekker
Well, I must say it's a very balanced use of vertigo efx . . . *# Lol, full effect cannot be achieved on a phone . . . unless you have 1 phone on each ear, or maybe listen to it loud in a phone booth ! But seriously, Wookiee I enjoyed this, found it playful, brightened the grey day over here.
David, the extra minute added sounds great. Seems to me it starts as a quick allusion to a classical theme, and a waltz, then goes more mod for the rest of it. Nice work !
So great ! The band Yes comes to mind, but more edge, and modern gadgetry that they used. Vocals are powerful and flawless. The mix, as others have mentioned is spectacular. Really wish I could find so much space around those drums in my mixes as you've accomplished here . . . so I'll go back for some more studious listens, thanks ever so much for posting it here.
Great to hear ! . . . that setting has tripped me up so many times, that's why I remembered.
Allan . . . very well written song, and I always dig your vocals and harmonies. You have a characteristic "slide up" in the vocals of many of your songs that I like. I'm not hearing the 60's thing others have mentioned, for me, it needs more tambourine to sound 60's . . . or, more cowbell to sound 70's ? Lol. My mix preference here would be to have the vocals lower and the instruments slightly louder, drum balance is good. On headphones it sounds more balanced, but listening on smaller speakers, I hear the vocals standing out a lot, but alas, they sound great, so no real offense there.
Do you have Edit-Preferences-Project-MIDI . . . Zero Controllers When Play Stops checked ?
Wookiee . . . part 5 is alive ! . . . and it's a wonder, lots of swirling synths. I got a very positive vibe from this, especially the triumphant ending, thanks Wookiee man. (So you do have some drums there after all)
ReMARKable . . . simply ReMARKable ! ! Sounds like you had some fun recording this, your subtle touch on the frets is SO there. I've loved this song ever since the first time I heard it on the radio, instant like, and as a musician I remember wanting to know who it was, and how they got that sound. You captured it's unique mood very effectively ! (I'm kinda' wishin' I had a mark skinner VST guitar plugin in my studio, I would stand in line for that)
David . . . nicely done, an interesting piece . . . it alludes to many things and styles in it's short little time. I found that if you play it 3 or 4 times, it asks you to open your wallet, lol . . . one of these days I might just do that, but it will need to be longer
Hi Kenny . . . really like from the start how you made this a smooth combo of acoustic and electric GTRs . . . you have that great touch on the fretboard, really enjoyed this ! . . . thanks for the post here.
Wookiee man . . . I have been following this 4 part tour of yours, I listened to this latest addition last week before you put EFX onto it. Yes, the ambience and VST stuff really adds an extra dimension to your composition . . . and it's interesting to see it evolve here. For some reason in my head I'm hearing a Pink Floyd groove without the drum kit, but I know you won't add a drum kit . . . and I like it just the way it is.
Gary . . . excellent mix, I've always loved the big band era music, and you've nailed it so well. Sounds just like you are actually there, live.
Rex . . . really like the vocal performance, the way you've captured it here, quite stunning, lyrically and performance wise. I can hear this on the radio so easily. Ya' the harmonica is a bit brash, those producers will tell you that I'm sure . . . I'd like to hear it mellowed a bit, but it's so well done, that becomes minor stuff, just a great song . . . thanks for sharing it here.
Billy86 . . . I may not have the recipe for the fix you want, mostly sympathy (I have Impulse 61) . . . I've had this happen way too many times, a real drag to the creative moment, monkeying with midi connections. Usually I get it to work after numerous reboots, unplugging USB, replugging etc . . . sometimes toggling Input Echo on the channel, or Global FX toggling helps. Good luck !
Audio Engine Dropout - on Export Audio
noynekker replied to noynekker's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks for confirming, I've noticed it happens on projects with lots of heavy plugin usage. Lighter load projects do not exhibit the audio engine dropout notification at all. -
Audio Engine Dropout - on Export Audio
noynekker replied to noynekker's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I also wonder if this dropout occurs because I had to add some lead in time . . . since most streaming sites require some quiet lead in time so the intro notes don't get cut off on streaming playback ? -
I've been getting this in some projects . . . where I proceed to do an audio export of my project, and it immediately throws a dropout error, though, the resulting export seems to sound OK, but still alarming to see an error code during the whole export process. In the Cakewalk notes it is Dropout code 0 . . . an "Unknown error or no dropout" So of course the question is: if there is no dropout error, why report it ? The message occurs right at the beginning of the export process. My export method is . . . select all tracks, go to ending marker, set thru=now, go to starting marker, select from=now . . . file-export-audio
"Sharing Violation" when trying to save a project
noynekker replied to noynekker's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I read the thread scook was referring to . . . seems there is no fix for this yet, all the software developers have to figure this out, so the rest of us just have to use the workaround "Save As" -
"Sharing Violation" when trying to save a project
noynekker replied to noynekker's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Scook, nothing in my Cakewalk world should need an eLicense . . . but I do have HaLion Sonic by Steinberg loaded as VST in this project which runs on the eLicense . . . you think that's the issue ? . . . I haven't seen this in the many other Cakewalk projects where I use HaLion Sonic. -
I had a Cakewalk project idea on the go, which eventually turned into a good idea . . . so, I renamed it and moved it to a folder in Cakewalk Projects directory . . . then opened the project and saved it using a per project Cakewalk folder. Basic stuff ? Now, when I open the next day and try try to save it I get this "Sharing Violation" message, like it's in use somewhere else in Windows ? . . . the only way to keep my new changes is to do a "Save As" So, now I have 7 project versions, because of this. It's like The Edge of Tomorrow movie . . . every day this error repeats itself. Once I do a "Save As" I can properly save all my edits . . . until tomorrow, when I get the "Sharing Violation" message again . . . have to do "Save As" to a new version. Anyone experienced this ? . . . and know a way out of this perpetual time loop I'm trapped in ?
Gary . . . I'm hearing the lush tones of your baritone voice in this one, yah, just like Bing used to do. It's interesting you've showed your vintage microphone, it really captures your performance well. I'm gonna play this version on Christmas Eve, thanks man.
John . . . this is very good, enjoyed it beginning to end . . . and, I think it also speaks to me very personally, especially as a songwriter. There is zero mud, you have a recording that sounds very clear to my ears. Well done ! You've been away for a while . . . PLEASE STAY, write some more and post them right here for us.
Gary . . . nice, you're getting into the spirit so early . . . such a booming great voice you've recorded here . . . Bing Crosby is smiling from above. You know, it's such a clear modern recording, I never understood the lyrics so well before, though I've heard it so many times over the years. Ha ! you've got 14 days to fix it, so we can play it again on the 24th . . . though, I don't think it really needs fixing.
Douglas, always like what I hear from you here on the Cakewalk forum. Basic 4 piece band stuff, but so well done, and recorded. You've got something special happening with your recent songwriting. While I was listening, I read Barry Seymour's last comment . . . "Chorus sounds like fragments. Maybe "Crave, I crave you, Crave, this feeling is so new?" . . . and it got me thinking, that's producer stuff. If I sing Barry's lyric suggestions in my head, it really adds something from a songwriting point of view, punchier, more to the point, appeal to a wider audience . . . etc. I'm not asking you to rewrite it, I like it as it is . . . but, I've learned that a good producer can take a good song to the next level. Your talent is undeniable, I don't pretend to know your circumstances . . . just glad to hear your songs here, that's all.
Wookiee . . . continuing in the saga of part one, equally well done ! Many journeys, much imagination. Entirely worthy of a part three.