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Everything posted by noynekker
What else can I say but sonically and visually stunning . . . ya' really well done ! Lots of very cool thwacking sounds at the start, transitions between the sections musically are excellent, creative use of efx, it's really got it all . . . I'm goin' back in for another whirl.
Wookiee . . . always a great listen . . . seems you found that old school sample and hold in this one and worked it into the piece, really like the echo rhythm, and the melody you play over it . . . WARP ON !
John . . . you're cookin' with gas with this one (as they say in Canada) . . . a really great production. Mixing and lyrics are extremely clear, and may I say just a great song !
Hi Paul . . . had a few listens through your first mix here, really like the song and the integrity of it here. I hear some timing issues between the instruments at the beginning and also about 3/4 of the way through the song. The lead vocals and background vocals are excellent, and recorded with a lot of honest feeling, that drives the song. I would also say that for the background vocals, you've really added something very special and unpredictable to this one. Not sure how you recorded this, so the timing issues are hard to pinpoint, but I think it's the piano out of time near the start ? . . . and 3/4 of the way through, the drums get out of time ? Anyways . . . just trying to help, and look forward to any future versions of this one posted here. Ha ! you are a brave one with your reality picture online, very cool.
Modified "Humanize" CAL script
noynekker replied to Fred's Gratis Scores's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks guys . . . I still use CAL from time to time, thought I had them all . . . forgot you can roll your own . . . but alas, I'm no programmer, just a consumer. Thanks for all your time and effort, hope I can figure these out. (and not be such a quantize monkey) -
RexRed . . . you've added some things to this since I listened to it last week, and it's really come together as a great song, a great arrangement, and a great mix . . . so glad I stopped by again !
Mark, had a few more listens on different speakers, studio monitors, car stereo . . . and it stands up as a really great and balanced mix no matter what. After more listens I must add the guitar solo section is really brilliant, you are truly right inside the music with your touch there, awesome !
Barry . . . I want to buy this for my collection of great classic songs . . . clicked on your links, but don't see a download . . . just love it so much.
Sorry, missed a few warps last week, they seem to fly by so quickly . . . I'll catch up next week. This one is a bit warped with all the detuning stuff, but always pulls out into something different, and unpredictable. I like the final triumphant bit, lots of stars flying by there.
Thanks Gary . . . amazing powerful song, and it seems talent runs deep in your family ! I did listen to both of your mixes on headphones, and must say I lean towards the first version, as the vocal on the second mix has way more presence and sibilance, sounding less natural and more electronic. It gives the impression of being closer to the performance, but maybe dialed back a touch would be a better place. (Knowing we all paint different pictures, this just my personal preference) No matter how I spin it, I really enjoyed listening to both versions. Your studio pic on Soundcloud looks very efficient and comfy . . . now I need to go buy some candles !
It's a very cool song, and the vocals are excellent, guitars are well played and very inventive. The mix sounds super clear, an overly picky producer might want to tame it down, but for myself it has a very raw and real authenticity to it the way it is. For some reason, the chorus made me think of Joe Walsh. BTW, the ending is brilliant . . . sounds like it just happened that way out of a genuine feeling, so well done.
Wow ! Wow ! (yes, one wow was not enough) What a great song, and a perfectly shiny mix . . . nothing predictable or repetitive in this one, jazz infused . . . what great creativity and songwriting, mixing skills are top notch.
Yes indeed SupaReels . . . when comparing to your older mix this is a great improvement . . . now the songs shines through much better, and I like it a lot !
Yikes, I can't feel my toes after this. Very peaceful and effective escape from all that's happening in life these days . . . I will surely play this on on my Monday AM commute. Especially like the outro with the water and birds. All through a great touch on the keyboards . . . thanks so much for the interlude.
Hi SupaReels . . . I can echo bjorn's comments here about the mix, and the quality of the vocal, but, the high end of the instruments simply overshadow the vocals . . . there's a good song here, just needs some further mix attention.
freddy j, I love a good rescue story, glad you found a way to make this one work. I've got lots in the dumpster, but the truck hasn't come yet, so maybe I can still pull them out. Great collaboration, lots of energy, and swirling things ! In the mix, there are parts where the kick gets lost somewhat, but there are lots of other things driving it along, didn't miss it 'til I thought about it. Also, it's fun that two great guitar players on the Cakewalk forum get together, love it.
Yep, like this a lot . . . right up there with your usual quality standard. Simple and effective. Your vocals are always great, and an excellent job with the harmonies ! . . . since you're still working on this one, well, I'm hearing cellos . . . but that's just me, I love cellos in songs like this.
Hi Mark, had a listen just now on headphones, and there is absolutely nothing offensive in your mix . . . what a great song, your talent really shines in this one ! I'll circle back after a few more listens on the bigger speakers, and the ever critical Ford Ranger highway road test. Really like everything you're doing in this one.
David . . . now I'm feeling left out for missing that other version ? . . . but, fortunately I like this version just fine, it feels comfortable, down home, and I really like the guitar part through this. Now, this is something different from your normal thing, didn't know you played guitar as well ? The thing I like about the guitar is that even though the chording pattern is repetitive, it changes up in feel and tempo constantly, very nice, like it's played live. I'm interested how you recorded this one.
Enjoyed listening to this very much Bjorn . . . some great clear tones from those guitar vsti's, then there's those flutes and fiddles . . . acoustic music can be so relaxing, and I like the ambience around the instruments the way you've mixed it, just the right touch . . . it's very well done, as I knew it would be.
. . . so, you're missing your dog ? . . . the gal in the picture is obviously not your dog. I like this, nice clean and simple recording, very bluesy likeable and easy to listen to, what I hear is very John Lennon, if he were here today.
Barry . . . this one tells a story, and paints many mental pictures, and it reaches deep into the listener, young or old, I think . . . one of those rare poetic moments where it's painful and beautiful all at the same time. Mix wise, not sure how you could do it different, the vocals and lyrical poetry takes most of my attention as I listen, and the gentle guitar flows along with it, none of the other instruments take away from that, they only add to it. I sincerely hope more people of the world get to hear this.
So, the song is selling the car . . . it's got a very modern vibe to it, so it should appeal to the younger generation who might buy the car. You might turn the vocal efx down a bit to be able to interpret the lyrics, I can only pick up a few lines here and there, maybe that's the idea, it's more about the car ? You mention "explicit content", I'm not seeing / hearing any of that here, maybe because I can't interpret all the lyric content, who knows. The video is pretty good, and translates well for iPhone video, I do wonder about the volume being a bit low compared to other mixes I hear online, are you using a level of -14 LUFS ?
Ha, not a lot to go by with 9 seconds of a potential chorus, with possible vocals ! . . . but I kind of hear a chord progression, think you should bring that out more, and not so much of the lead part, which may ultimately compete with the vocal . . . but who knows, anything can work, if you can make it work.
This a good listen Will_Kaydo . . . I listened on my headphones and studio monitors . . . and It strikes me as the kind of song / mix that would work on a mobile phone speaker, so it should do well.