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Bill Phillips

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Everything posted by Bill Phillips

  1. Thanks. I do have that and had forgotten it has a vocal doubler. Haven't used it for a while. But I'm looking for a doubler with 4 tweakable voices like the Waves one. I'm guessing I'm out of luck.
  2. Is anyone aware of a free 4-voice vocal doubling and harmonizing VST similar to the one from Waves? I have the iZotope Music Production Suite which includes Nectar which has a harmonizing plugin and I have the free iZotope Vocal Doubler. But I'm looking for something similar to the Waves plugin for a Mixing Template that I'm building using only free plugins. I've looked and haven't found anything but am often surprised by what the folks on this forum have found that that I can't. Thanks.
  3. Found your nearly year-old post looking for a 64-bit version of Maxwell Smart. Loudmax looks like exactly what I've been looking for for 2-days. Thanks.
  4. Yes, I understand. I was thinking that you could find a less expensive version with less I/O if you don't really need 26x26 I/O. But that's not the case, at least at Sweetwater. The only TB3 interface less expensive than the Quantum is the UA Apollo Solo with 2x4 I/O. All others are more expensive.
  5. Why do you need 26x32 when you're working with all-VST-instruments-all-the-time? Wouldn't a smaller desktop interface would serve you better?
  6. Yeah, I've always wanted an interface with onboard DSP but never had one. Neither my MOTU 828II or Focusrite 1st gen Scarelett 18i8 have it.
  7. The Pesonus Quantum looks like a pretty good buy. It's about half the price of my trusty MOTU 828 mkII from close to 2 decades ago. I've never owned a Presonus interface, so I can't speak to the performance or quality.
  8. I don't think so. The USB 3.1 interface might. I'm wondering why there aren't any PCIe x1 or x2 interfaces which I suspect could drastically reduce latency.
  9. After partially digesting your last comment, I checked the modified dates for all the original audio clips and they were also all 3/20/2010, the day the song was recorded. So it looks like I recorded them at 32 bits using my 24 bit interface. I guess that doesn't hurt anything. Each sample just has 8 extra 0's at the top.
  10. Thanks @scook I'd forgot about that but I don't think that's the problem here. Assuming the preferences shown are those for the project and not the current ones. The project date modified is 3/20/2010.
  11. I'm working on a mix of this old (2010) project and noticed that the audio file bit-rate is 1411 kbps (32-bit at 44.1 ksps). That's a surprise to me. At least I thought that I always keep recorded clips as recorded (1058 kbps or 24-bit at 44.1 ksps) for archive purposes. I've checked every take of all tracks. They're all at 44.1 kbps. The only explanation I can come up with is I bounced all the clips to the default 32-bit bit-depth. Take a look at the gif below. Is there another explanation?
  12. Ditto! I'm with you. And my goal is to have fewer compressors that I know well than dozens to choose from.
  13. I like the browser and docking options. A sprawling list option is ok as an option.
  14. It could be acoustics creating bass frequency dead spots in your room. That's a common problem in small rooms. Solo a bass track or loop and walk around your room. Also try headphones.
  15. No. It just seems like a good idea to reduce head motion. I also think I've seen large curved monitors recommended on this site who use them.
  16. Yes. I put it in it's own partition. Leaving OneDrive on the System volume puts it in competition with programs for storage space.
  17. In my case I have about 39" between my monitors. So I'm looking for a 37" or 38" curved monitor like this one. I'm just waiting for the price to drop below $700. Hope I live that long.?
  18. @user390096 I'm not surprised. So far I agree with your assessment. I've had similary issues. I haven't given up yet though. I'm waiting for Microsoft to respond to my latest email. Microsoft tutorials don't address issues like OneDrive adding a folder that can get big quick and the default location is your C:\ drive. The issue I'm dealing with now is that OneDrive can backup you user Documents folder which I don't use at all because there are so many applications that place folders in the Documents folder. I have been placing documents I create or download in a H:\OneDrive\My Documents folder. However while trying to repair a OneDrive sync problem, I unlinked and re-launced OneDrive and accidentally chose for OneDrive to backup my Documents folder. Well in it's AI wisdom it merged the Documents folder with the My Documents folder. Now I'm trying to figure out how to reverse that process without corrupting all or the applications folders that were in the Documents folder. Will advise once I have this sorted.
  19. Thanks. I'm a subscriber and I'm sure I read that in 2014. Now I'll read it again. I think I'm more interested in that now.
  20. Thanks again. That looks like it works a lot more like Pro Tools varispeed. I used the "Fit to Time" option which does the same thing but is too precise for what I was trying to do. The example I was trying to emulate is this Jamie Lidell Alter Boy tutorial He doesn't say much about varispeed. So I guess I'll need to look for a varispeed tutorial to understand just how it works but the "Length" adjustment looks like it will accomplish the same thing.
  21. I don't think groove clips are required. I'm not even sure that the stretching algorithm even uses the project tempo. I think the stretch algorithms detect the clip tempo. In my case the clip was not at the project tempo and stretching still worked.
  22. Yes, thanks. I don't think I've ever used it but I just did on a reference track. When I compressed it significantly the results we garbled but when I slowed down significantly it sounded like playing a tape at lower speed so it looks like it would work similar to what I've seen in the Pro Tools tutorials and Undo, worked to restore the original clip. I'll have to pay closer attention to one of those Pro Tools tutorials to maybe better understand the process for Pro Tools.
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