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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Request to allow alt code symbols in Track View/Console View track names, like arrows: "▼" (alt+31) & "▲" (alt+30). They can be typed in but don't remain after saving & closing the project. Open the saved project and the symbol is replaced with "?"
  2. For variants just upload a separate zip folder with the extra knobs & faders. Then the user can customize his own theme & save each one the way he likes. +1 for Knobman! ?
  3. Zoom controls: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Introduction.24.html#1056357 (online help) I use zoom faders a lot. (reference "B", "E", & "H" from above link). Scroll wheel in TV: horizontal zoom = alt+scroll; No vertical zoom?? but you can simply grab the bottom of a track's control area and drag it down. (Used to be able to double click the control area to make it full screen - double click again to minimize, but no more. ?) Scroll wheel in PRV: horizontal zoom = alt+scroll; vertical zoom = alt+ctrl+scroll. Must center the cursor over the area to zoom. Not very smooth.
  4. Even more cool is how he made the entire album in his basement ('cepting the last cut) and it sounded way better than if made in a commercial studio (as the last cut was). 'Course he used pro grade stuff and even created his own processors (Rockman).
  5. As Blog says, Track View IS the audio editor window whereas Piano View is the MIDI editor, tho limited MIDI edits can be made in Track View by selecting "Notes" in the "Clips" button.
  6. Gotcha. Thanks Blog. Seems extremely limited for my needs. Guess that's why I never use it.
  7. Thant's how I remember it in Home Studio 9 & Sonar 8 but in CbB all it does is start play in normal speed forward & reverse until mouse button is released. And it only plays audio, not MIDI.
  8. I was hoping to use alt code symbols in track titles like arrows: "▼" (alt+31) & "▲" (alt+30). They show when typing, but not after saving & closing the project. Open the saved project and you're met with a "?" where the symbol was. Am I doing something wrong or can we not use special characters?
  9. Came across this YT channel the other day. Cool stuff! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynFNt4tgBJ0
  10. I bought a laptop 4 years ago and quickly upgraded the RAM from 2x4GB (8 GB) to 2x8 (16 GB). Aside from the periodical blue screens and program crashes, Sonar & CbB would crash the most. I recently got smart and ran a RAM test to see why all the crashes. One of the two newer 8 GB chips quickly reported bad in a basic read&write test. Yesterday I replaced the two 2x8 chips with two 2x16 (32GB) chips. and ran the same test. So far so good! Only noticeable performance increase in CbB so far is how fast the Themes window opens in Preferences. Used to take many seconds. Now only a few.
  11. Pre X series may not work on Windows 10 but I have all the 32 & 64 bit X series installed and working (mostly). And there's compatibility modes for Vista, 7 & 8 if they won't.
  12. Don't double-click anything. Online info says to "hold' the 'J' key but you don't have to. Seems to me in pre-X series you could drag the mouse across a clip at different speeds in Scrub mode? Is that right?... 'cause you can't do that anymore.
  13. Just a thought but do you bounce the clips in question after slipping? Bouncing permanently terminates the note at the new end of the clip. Slip editing changes the end of a clip, but if the end is moved to a point before the last note ends (cutting the note short), the note duration is still there somewhere in memory and can be recovered by slip editing again. Is it possible Kontakt is still seeing the end of the original note?
  14. It has been suggested many times over the years. But think what it would do to the Theme Editor. ?
  15. I prefer "notes" over "diamonds" as the latter are usually too small for me to see w/o constant zooming in & out and give no indication to length or duration, tho there's only a few instances where this matters.
  16. For sound I have an onboard card, speakers in the 2nd monitor, and 2 interfaces. I set the onboard sound to "Default" for Windows & internet apps like Zoom and use the interfaces for CbB. However, whenever I connect or disconnect one or the other, Windows will change the "Default" sound to something other than the onboard card without me knowing it. Is there a way to set the default so it stays where I put it?
  17. sjoens

    Saving Meter Settings

    Changes by right-clicking don't always save with project. Changes by View menu (TV & CV = Options > Meter Options) should save with project. Each meter has to be set individually thru the file menu at the top of TV & CV windows. EDIT: Inspector meters have to be set separately as well.
  18. "Stop at Project End" does not solve the problem of an errant automation node or MIDI event. Unless a loop is defined, SONAR always plays until the last bit of data is processed. Unexpected data is usually the cause of a runaway project." -scook Old thread: http://forum.cakewalk.com/PROBLEM-SOLVED-How-do-I-fix-songs-not-stopping-at-end-of-song-Sonar-85-m3277344.aspx
  19. For sound I have an onboard card, 2nd monitor speakers, and 2 interfaces. I set the onboard sound to "Default" for Windows & internet apps like Zoom and use the interfaces for CbB. However, whenever I connect or disconnect one or the other, Windows always changes the "Default" sound to something other than the onboard card without me knowing it. Is there a way to set the default so it stays where I put it? Or is Windows always going to be in control?
  20. Thanks. That's what I suspected. Too bad.
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