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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Simplest way: Open 1st project. Drag clips to desktop. Open 2nd project. Drag clips from desktop to a track or blank space below. If many clips in one track: highlight all clips 1st, proceed as above. When dragging, wait for the process bar in Transport module to finish before releasing mouse.
  2. The PE L & PE d check also seems to work on the standalone .exe versions. How did you know what to look for?
  3. Both. I'm sure the Browser is reporting info from the plugin itself. They are also identified in the Cakewalk installers. Or if you have Theme Editor you can also use this: which is color coded to the FX Bin dropdown list. Import it to: Browser | Plug-in Browser | Plug-in Tree Icons
  4. Good point. Unlike Kontakt, you can't have 2 different versions installed.
  5. Upgrade was $99. Now $29 so... end of discussion!
  6. Well then... for $29 I guess I shud jes shutup and upgrade.
  7. I get why Celemony won't fix it as they've moved on, but... seems odd for Intel to break a 64 bit app and leave the 32 bit one alone. Out of 99 scanned plugins, this is the only one failing.
  8. Thanks Noel. Did that a few times already. Just heard from Celemony who said v4 isn't tested or verified on Windows 11. Apparently Intel 10th & 11th gen i7 CPUs are affected. Mine's 12th gen so probably inherited this issue. https://helpcenter.celemony.com/hc-2/faqs/?qOpen=299 At this point my options are use 32 bit Sonar to edit or CbB w/o Melodyne or upgrade to v5 for $99 or fix my Win10 system and use it until it's no longer supported. Upgrading is inevitable! Just curious if anyone else is having this issue?
  9. Just learned from Celemony that 64 bit Melodyne 4 won't work on my new 12th gen Intel i7 laptop. And for some reason CbB doesn't see vvocal on it either. They specifically mention 10th & 11th gen Intel but I suspect every gen to follow will behave the same from now on. Anyone else having issues like this?
  10. Today I get this same message. After several rounds of trying to get 64 bit Melodyne to work in Windows 11, I've discovered the secret to uninstalling Runtime 4.1 and avoiding the message from "HAL" is to uninstall it 1st. HAL only reared his ugly nasty head when I tried to uninstall it after uninstalling Melodyne. I'm still trying to get 64 bit Melodyne to work. The Scanner says it's a known bad vst and skips it. The 32 bit version scans fine.
  11. After invoking VstScan.log it said Melodyne is a "Known bad VST plugin skipped". Hopefully Celemony has a fix.
  12. After several uninstalls/reinstalls I got 32 bit Melodyne to work properly. But 64 bit refuses to work, or even be scanned, at all. CbB stops scanning once Melodyne is reached and never includes it - not even listed in "Show excluded". Something is preventing it from being scanned.
  13. Come to think of it, sometimes they're black, but that might be I'm using a different theme.
  14. This happens to me a lot. Looks like an automation envelope but it never shows up in the Automation Lanes. I never know what I did to invoke it but a series of Undos usually gets rid of it.
  15. Installed CbB on a new Windows 11 laptop which also installed Melodyne 5. I installed Melodyne 4 editor which said I need to uninstall Melodyne 5 first. Uninstalled Melodyne 5 and installed Melodyne 4 editor. Melodyne 4 editor standalone will not open at all. CbB does not see or list it after a plugin scan. Not listed in Region FX. Location path is listed in PIM Options. C:\Program Files\Celemony\Melodyne 4\Melodyne.dll 1.4 MB C:\Program Files\Celemony\Melodyne 4\MelodyneReWireDevice.dll 1.7 MB C:\Program Files\Common Files\Celemony\Bundles\MelodyneCore- 57 MB C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Celemony\Melodyne\Melodyne.vst3 1.35 MB
  16. Those units look quite expensive and seem more for studios than joe homestudio guys like me. Still I wonder if this had been the option for all things audio, obsoletion may not be a thing right now?!? RJ45 has always been on just about every desk & laptop out there. But then, once audio is piped to your system, something has to make it audible, like whatever soundcard you have.
  17. So how does one use ethernet cabling to a DAW without an interface? Or does one?
  18. This has nothing to do with Cakewalk but ever since Windows 11 updated to 22H2 a few days ago, Alt Codes 1 thru 32 don't work anywhere except in Excel. Alt+16 = "" Copy/paste still works: "►" OAN, Windows 11 seems more stable after the update. Before it I was getting white screen and desktop refreshes each time it booted up.
  19. Nice! What "bugged" me was the Browser tabs stretching bigger when in focus, as illustrated in the OP. Because I'm all for equality... I made mine all equal - all the time.
  20. No... now ALL tabs are doing it.
  21. Yes. I've already linked to it above. What about LAN ethernet RJ45?
  22. And some of them are better featured than the newest and sometimes overpriced offerings. I still have issues with USB. I've read some on mLAN and ethernet but know little about them.
  23. Sounds relevant to me. Gives hope anyway. Thus the reason for this thread. Some like tecknot get them to work, but according to Studio1 Productions the drivers need to see a firewire chipset somewhere on your system. Also, it seems the way Windows XP, 7, 10 & 11 handle firewire are all different. I don't see a problem for my old XP tower. It has FW all over it, but it's 32 bit and can't run CbB. My Win10 & 11 laptops have Thunderbolt so curious about the adapter route. Like all things PC, YMMV.
  24. Probably best to install CbB last. I've had weird things happen in registry when they're all installed together. And if you're installing 32 and 64 bit stuff, install 32 1st.
  25. Mouse settings are normal and I never leave the flyout. It's only this one tab that acts up. Same behavior in Edge. Could be the mouse itself. Laptop track pad works fine on it but 2 different USB mice don't.
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