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Everything posted by mettelus

  1. Another FYI with NA... it will hang on load if you are using a VPN. The last two versions I have had to kill the app, disconnect the VPN, then restart NA. Edit: The newest version (3.5.2) resolved this issues as well.
  2. Another thing you may want to look up is "tempo map." When replacing real-time audio with another track, you will want to align the original audio to the beat markers so that working with MIDI is timed correctly.
  3. If you hadn't reported it I would have never known or cared. Now I know but still don't care.
  4. LOL, hence the "Captcha hell" I was in earlier this week.
  5. When a Region FX is active (clip not bounced nor Region FX removed), the FX has control of the clip you are working with. It's job is to modify that data and send it back to the DAW. If you are recording new takes, either remove/bounce those Region FX or work in Melodyne standalone. Modifying a clip in Cakewalk doesn't change the wav file in the audio folder, which is what Melodyne has control of with a Region FX active. Same holds true for external editors added to the Utilities menu.
  6. My bigger concern is folks who onboarded during CbB are "eventually" going to be put in a position where their work gets held hostage. Not going to comment further, but anyone who was here a decade ago will remember those discussions on the old forums, participants, and what was said. Not everyone uses software at such frequency that they are always in the loop to what is going on in the background.
  7. I had to go search for this one, but not really a Stones fan myself either. First reaction to the "Official Video" was, "OMG, could you use any more de-aging CGI in this?" Anyone going to see them in concert are going to wonder who the people on stage are!
  8. Not sure on that one, but I have had it unregister a few times on me and haven't quite pinned down the exact mechanics as to "why." Here is the post on that error and how to re-register it via command prompt (second post).
  9. I have had Registry cleaners remove the TTS-1 registration. I am on my cell, but @bitflipper just posted how to correct that a month or so ago. If you right click a MIDI file and try to open with Cakewalk, is that throwing you an error message?
  10. There is also a newer version of Native Access that may be contributing to installation issues if that is not already updated.
  11. Good point. I only read the deals thread on MPS 6! ?
  12. GR 7 was surreptitiously embedded into iZotope's MPS 6 upgrade. Most of us had no clue it existed until folks started installing that.
  13. No option to unselect AAX in the new installers, sorry. Those two installers for iZotope are light in the britches on options.
  14. Well crap... the "repair" is because I obliterated all the aaxplugins... had to "repair" a few to see what this was from. Side note: All three of these applications install the aaxplugins as well without asking (NI taking over iZotope changed the installers iZotope uses now). I was a bit shocked to see aaxplugins for every module from Nectar 4 and Ozone 11. Ugh.
  15. No problem. It is really more paying attention to sends and where they are going (and what they are doing). Most sends you will want to leave post-fader (default), but you can play with those too... the reason being is "usually" you do not want to have an effect not proportional to the actual signal (post-fader), but this case is a little different.
  16. GR4 was really nice, but seemed NI didn't really keep on it, so everyone else overtook them and now they are more in catch-up mode.
  17. After I walked away I realized what he is doing, so you do want the compressors after the reverb/delay on the associated busses (can just drag/drop to reposition them). The reason is that he is saturating the bus with either reverb/delay and using the compressor to choke off that signal while the vocal is actually going. If the compressor is first, it will choke off what the reverb or delay sees, so there won't be that saturated FX tail he is talking about in that video.
  18. Based on what that video is showing: You have a Vocal track in place. In the console view (OR you can show the Bus Pane (small icon in the lower right on the left track view pane)), right click an empty bus->"Insert Stereo Bus" Rename it so it is descriptive (like Reverb Bus). In the track view (left pane), right click your Vocal track (the area beneath the name)->Insert Send->Choose the "Reverb Bus" you just made (or whatever you named it). Leave it post-fader. In the Console View (or Bus Pane)->Insert a Sonitus Compressor, and then a Sonitus Reverb below it. Back on your Audio Track, right click->Insert Send->Sonitus Compressor-Reverb Bus (or whatever you named the bus). Repeat the above to add another bus for Delay, but using Sonitus Delay for step 4 on the new bus instead of Sonitus Reverb. When finished, you should have FOUR sends on the vocal track: Post-fader out to Reverb Bus. Post-fader out to Delay Bus. Side chain input to the Sonitus Compressor on the Reverb Bus. Side chain input to the Sonitus Compressor on the Delay Bus. Tweak to taste. The compressors are ducking the vocal (not sure why that video shows them in front of the reverb/delay). The settings he used are fine (solo the vocal track while messing with it so you can easily hear your changes). Quick edit: See post below.
  19. Side comment on this one, since it comes up quite often. A "solution" to lackluster samples I have come to rely on Melda's MCharacter. It excels at dry, monophonic material and allows you to sculpt harmonics in samples before sending them into an FX chain (always use this first in the chain). Even with TTS-1, you can up-sample the default piano and get very usable iterations. It can definitely address a lot of "sample quality" issues as well as the urge to buy more instruments of the same type, and is one of the very few plugins that lets you do harmonic surgery on a "note by note" basis. That said, a few important comments on this, especially if you are unfamiliar with MeldaProduction... 1) Melda has a 15-day fully functional trial on all products, so set aside time to test it before ever buying it, 2) Melda always has plugins for at least 50% off (either in the Eternal Madness cycle or during holidays), 3) Melda gives you $10 just for signing up for a newsletter, and 4) If you use another's referral code you get 20% off your first purchase (but I would honestly save that silver bullet for a bundle, not an individual plugin). MCharacter will struggle with wet or polyphonic material, but can certainly be used for creative purposes. Over the years I have shied away from samples that have baked in FX (like Spitfire Audio LABS), and often turn internal FX to VSTis off (MCharacter needs to be first in the chain to be most effective). Also, there are a lot of free VSTi pianos out there, and many can be "dealt with" by using external FX chains as long as the samples are dry. Quick edit: The TL/DR version of the above is that MCharacter lets you surgically change the timbre (even mutating one instrument into another). I was chuckling to myself when I realized the "simpler description" is just one word!
  20. Historically, Microsoft has had $9 versions for work-from-home situations (one for Office, one for Project, and one for Visio in for the 2019 versions), but nothing prevents companies from scarfing up tons of them and reselling them. When linked to your Microsoft account, you can even log in as a new user on a computer and use them. The mobile versions are free, and I have always just logged into those apps with my Microsoft account and they work and transfer files without issues.
  21. Sort of OT, but related... JRR had Nectar 3 Plus (for a new non-iZotope user) for $99, while the upgrade was listed as $79 last week. When the newer versions got released, that jumped back up to $249 and seems to have since disappeared (iZotope has always excelled at removing older versions), but errors from a 3rd party often absolve the buyer... and screen caps of invoices are always recommended just in case. I have only had one issue with a vendor in the past and the first thing they asked for was the invoice from the 3rd party vendor... I sent that, issue resolved, done deal. That iZotope sale the last week of August had some statement on the iZotope site to the effect of "Buy Ozone 10 Advanced or Nectar 3 Plus and qualify for special pricing when the new version arrives!" That was the first time I have seen a blatant "new version" ad, but the overall execution was a bit haphazard (probably due to the merger).
  22. On cell here, so this might have been answered. NA had an update to it and the install process (not the download) was mighty slow today. Seems NA and iZotope's Product Portal conflict with each other too, so they could not both be open simultaneously and work properly. NA also came up that I had to repair a lot of stuff... Not overly happy there.
  23. Some folks just feed off of negativity... it is often better not to feed them.
  24. I do appreciate them splitting out the modules. I just got a chance to kick the tires on Nectar 4 for a bit, but didn't catch the video above until afterwards. The new "assistant" page is handy for quick tweaks (they are pretty much macros for the FX chain), but can also delve into the FX chain as with previous versions. I am a bit on the fence with the auto-level still... for dialogue that is helpful (I was more focused there just now), but for a vocal track I would not do what they did in that video (the dynamic range of a vocalist often adds the emotion to the song). Nectar 4 has become a better Swiss army knife for sure. I didn't even touch the backing vocal stuff shown in that video, but now I am curious. I will have to check that out later when I have time.
  25. When I saw that price I had a feeling that this might be the case, so jumped on it immediately. Even owning 5.2 that is $14 a pop for 3 new versions of software.
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