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Everything posted by mettelus

  1. It seems that this automatically pops up when a thread reaches 3+ pages in length. Fortunately on a phone it pops up in-line and collapsed below the first post on each page, rather than in a right-side pane.
  2. mettelus

    Playback speed

    If working with a single track, you can ctrl-drag the right edge of a clip to compress/expand the audio. Not ideal, and gets more difficult with more tracks involved. There was an old program called "Riffstation" that was paid for a while, then made free around May, 2018 (there was an unlocked version of v1.6.3.0 posted as a freebie when it was discontinued). I just tried looking for valid links for it, but didn't find one right off. If you are working with one audio track, that has a simple "tempo" knob, along with other goodies to dissect music tracks so you can play along with them. This old post has a link in it that seems to still be valid.
  3. Did you check out the link in the log? https://spitfireaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005196074 There is a video on that site walking through the repair on Windows (I inserted the video below). This error message describes exactly what you are seeing... "Error #1 usually occurs when the plugin is unable to load the patches and presets in a library. It may be caused by missing patches and presets, or whenever a library is moved to a new machine and hasn't been repaired." That link in your error log is a sub-section of the support page I mentioned above, and focuses on repairing the LABS libraries. If you click on "YouTube" in the lower right of the video above, it will take you to the YT video page... he has a link in the comments section about repairing all the LABS libraries (at once).
  4. ^^ This is probably the easiest solution for you. IIRC, there was a hiccup with the Spitfire Audio app where one older version didn't automatically prompt an update for itself, so be sure to get the most recent app from Spitfire (in case you kept an older version). To test that re-installation is working properly, I would recommend only downloading one of the LABS libraries, then open Cakewalk and seeing if LABS will insert properly. If it works as expected, you can simply go back and get any other libraries you want from the Spitfire Audio app. There is also a list of support topics on Spitfire's Support page for various issues that might be relevant, but try the uninstall/reinstall first.
  5. It is a bit more complex than this, and as soon as you mention "synth" it raises concerns. Each track/instrument should only have its relevant frequency material passed into FX chains. Frequency collisions are commonly countered with slight EQ boosts to instruments that use those, and complementary EQ cuts to everything else (mirror EQ). Another trick is to push colliding frequencies to the sides and leave the focused instrument more center. The goal is to keep frequencies that only add to overall power out of the mix (kills your headroom drastically). With synths in particular... presets are often for demo purposes, cover a WIDE frequency range, and are processed internally to no end (so they sound cool solo). As soon as you are mixing a synth, 3-6dB cuts/shelves to anything conflicting with another instrument is advised. Automation can be your friend to bring things in and out of focus as well, but knocking down "extraneous frequencies" (they do add up quickly) gives you a lot more headroom to work with for the overall mix. The "wall of sound" is achieved by filling the audio stage with relevant frequencies that each have their own place so they can be heard. Synths often "take up everything" so be wary of them (especially presets).
  6. So every three months you can cancel and "return" until they figure it out?
  7. Can't you pull monitor feeds from the PA system itself? Having to deal with all the environmentals is a nuisance, especially those, "Oh crap, sorry I spilled my drink on you! The keyboardist's head flash blinded me there!"
  8. This is the issue. That is where the Spitfire Audio app is telling Cakewalk that it installed the LABS settings. Your issue is with LABS at this point (Cakewalk settings are accurate). A couple things: Verify the path " C:\Users\Admin2\AppData\Roaming\Spitfire Audio\Settings" in both Windows Explorer and in the "Default Content Path" in the Spitfire Audio app. If the Spitfire Audio app cannot "just install" anything from LABS (at the top), then that path is invalid. Be sure to use a valid path in the "Default Content Path" in the Spitfire Audio app, and reinstall any LABS instruments you wish to use. When you open Cakewalk after doing this, it should scan automatically and be fine, but just in case do a "Manual Scan" and "Rescan failed plugins" in the Cakewalk preferences window. Cakewalk is running fine, and it only cares about the vst (dll) or vst3 file path. Those are correct from your images above. The issue is in the Spitfire Audio app and that path it is throwing as an error when you try to insert it in Cakewalk (C:\Users\Admin2\AppData\Roaming\Spitfire Audio\Settings). That is the path that LABS is looking for to load its presets/samples. Quick Edit: AppData is a hidden folder and may be invisible with Windows Explorer default settings. To make it visible, in Windows Explorer, go to "View->Options->Change Folder and View Options." In that pop up on the "View" tab at the top, check "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" under "Hidden file and folders" and then click OK.
  9. There was a weird news article recently that both Baltimore and Delaware police are offering FREE steering wheel locks for Hyundai and Kia owners since they are the most frequently stolen vehicles (and keeps going up). Left me sort of baffled since 1) that implies Hyundai and Kia have no GPS built into the vehicle (??), and 2) steering wheel locks take all of 15 seconds to bypass. I hit that forum bug the other day myself. Editing out an errant "s" in a reply with quotes turned my entire reply into a quote and deleted the quoted material to boot
  10. Cakewalk is only concerned about the vst files, not the presets or samples (those are opened by whichever vst you load into Cakewalk). A few things here: The two entries you made with "Spitfire Audio" in them in Cakewalk Preferences for "VST Scan Paths" can be removed. The others mirror what you have in the Spitfire Audio app, so if installed, Cakewalk will find them. In the Spitfire Audio app, if you click on the "LABS" tab at the top, be sure you have installed the instrument(s) you want to use. Also be sure that the "Default content path" (on the left in your screenshots above in preferences for that app) are valid paths... those are where Spitfire Audio app is putting the samples. When inserting a VST Instrument (VSTi), Cakewalk is only opening the instrument itself, and letting the instrument "do its thing" at that point. The simplest method to insert a VSTi is to drag/drop from the Browser on the right edge of Cakewalk (hotkey B opens and closes that). In Cakewalk's Browser you need to first click on "Plugins" at the very top, then "Instruments" directly below that. The Browser will then show which instruments you have installed. Scroll down to "Spitfire Audio" and there should be an entry in that folder for "LABS." Drag and Drop "LABS" to the left side of the Track View into an empty area and you will get the pop up to insert the instrument. To be simpler, select "Simple Instrument Track" in the top left, and then "OK." The LABS instrument should then pop up for you, and you select the instrument/presets from the top of that window.
  11. Re-run the Spitfire Audio app and let that rebuild instruments as needed. That error implies the samples are not present. If you moved the sample libraries to save space, be sure to set where you moved them to in the Spitfire Audio app preferences (the gear icon).
  12. If you have never installed it before, Passmark let's you run their benchmarking software free for 30 days IIRC. The reason I mention that is because the only thing that degraded in my old i7-2600K was the graphics card (580 originally and got hot, and I forget what I replaced it with now). Passmark's software will give you good insight on choke points and what is struggling. The graphics card won't help specifically with Cakewalk, but is good to check how things stand in your machine now. The 8700K had a nice article about "finally getting the die hard 2600K users to upgrade" when it was released. That model is almost 6 years old now, but what I use. Be sure to consider the costs of options, and if you go with 2600K upgrades, that they will carry forward into a new machine later. Things with a few years under their belt are valid (and cheaper) options in some cases. OCing the 2600K helps for mild adjustments, but if you go to extremes with it, it begins to throw page faults and actually performs worse.
  13. No problem. I can be pretty terse if typing on my phone (I hate typing on a phone). CWP files save the location of child windows when they are saved, so if a second monitor was being used for child windows during that save, they will be out of view if opened on only one monitor. I think someone posted a quick trick to reset those to the main monitor a long time ago, but I forget what it was! I have always had to resort to turning the other monitor on as well.
  14. C'mon, shake your body baby do the conga I know you can't control yourself any longer!
  15. +1, watch the teaser for it at a minimum. MPhatik is more for processing transient material (drums) with the internal FX, but can also restore the dynamic range of that processing (where most FX chains cannot). Of course you can apply it to anything for fun, but transient material is the target use.
  16. Try cycling ALT-Tab (hold the alt key) and see if there is a plugin window in that pop up. You may have it hidden behind the app or out of view if you used multiple screen monitors at some point.
  17. There is a nice Harvard Business Review on the downfall of Motorola and the analog engineer who pushed not going digital. Nice quote even from the middle of this article: "But Motorola was about to fall off a cliff. Because Finnish rival Nokia had wisely retooled for digital, by the time Gary Tooker’s four-year run as CEO ended in 1997, Nokia had surpassed Motorola as the world’s largest mobile phone maker. It had become a newly powerful competitor in building networks, too. Nokia would remain the world’s largest maker of mobile phones by volume—if not by revenue—for the next 15 years." Everything in the early 90s was analog.
  18. The analog cell phones from the early 90s were the size of a shoe! Come to think of it, I have never lost a shoe either....
  19. The Freeware Instruments Thread gets bumped to the top every so often, but is also a nice resource for VST instruments out there and recommendations. There are a lot of VSTis out and about, so often a detailed Google search will give you some options for specific instruments. As Promidi mentioned, for instruments that are not mainstream, the free (or even 3rd party) route is often preferred for the simple reason that you can use them in any DAW. VTSis that come with many DAWs are often locked to that DAW, which can be problematic; e.g., if you are composing a song that requires 3 instruments locked to 3 different DAWs. You are then forced to render and import tracks from one DAW to another in that situation.
  20. Or could just put something like Tru-Oil on them. The beauty of that stuff is when it gets worn, dinged, or scratched, you can just clean and rough it and apply another coat. I slathered two coats with my hand (very thick coats) on a piece of red oak that was the top step to the basement 12 years ago and never needed another coat. A lot of heavy traffic has used that step (heaviest thing was a new furnace), and I doubt anyone will be walking/dancing on your subs, but you never know! Most surfaces are only a few mils thick, so you definitely do not want the original finish taking the abuse.
  21. Thanks for the response. If you have common plugins between both of you, you would also be able to work in Cakewalk and send the project file and audio folder back and forth as well (keep that folder clean before sending by doing a "Save As..." and saving to a new folder and copy the audio over in the save dialog box). This would take "reaper" out of the loop for the mixing phase, but may be simpler as he has used Cakewalk before. If the focus is helping him learn, this will also let him view mixing stages a little better. Also to the "teaching" end of things, some video conferencing software (Zoom and the like) allow for screen sharing which would enable him to see and interact with you while you are working. There is lag associated with this and often a significant bandwidth usage jump (may be a limiting factor), but keep that in mind as well. When on the final stages of things, this can also expedite the back and forth with what is being done.
  22. A lot of the new pedal boards are pretty self-contained so they need nothing else. One bit of advice a guy mentioned (for a similar board) was that he basically forced himself to learn the functionality (going so far as to take only that pedal board to gigs without a backup). His approach was hard core, but the newer boards pretty much allow you to just carry a guitar and the board with you if there is a sound system available. You only learn all of the features by using it.
  23. Quick rewind to the OP again... It seems you did use stems for the collaboration, but can you expound on the "some challenges" part of your OP?
  24. Unfortunately, the tempo map and broadcast wav file stems is the only "sure fire" way to pass things between (any) DAWs, but azslow3 would be the best bet to try to convert Reaper->Cakewalk. Also bear in mind... there is no guarantee that each user has the same plugins available/used for projects, so even though it sounds cool on paper to collaborate projects with all the nuts and bolts included (even two Cakewalk users), this may not be practical at all (why broadcast wavs are often used anyway). Time-based FX (delays, reverbs, etc.) are the ones you may want not to bake into stems, but if you both have the same plugins an option there is to pass FX preset files back and forth as well as the stems. Save those presets from the plugin GUIs (not the DAW).
  25. I forget the specifics on what causes this, but there have been threads on this over the years. One of the workarounds when this occurs is to start and stop the transport, and then it will allow you to save.
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