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Everything posted by Pathfinder

  1. For clarity, I posted about the thread being closed by a moderator n just figured afterwards what's the point.
  2. You know I hate to say this because I know many of you have been forum members like me since the very old CW forums, Glennbo and Susan G. and so many others-kid of lie forum friends so to speak. But I don't get the CW lawyers on here that keep defending CW? Please remember they ARE MAKING $$$ from membership or whatever you prefer to call it. I am beginning to think that they (CW and I am not INCLUDING NOEL B. when I say CW-he is kind of one of us to me) feel if they sell it they will lose MANY memberships which is probably true. So please let's just have some actual transparency. OK I'm done! Sell it, we love bugs!
  3. Yes You are probably correct, but I also very much agree with Misha's post right above this.
  4. So are saying the (membership fee) , which is basically a subscription that many have now is FREE? I was\am talking about what is happening NOW. IOW, the wait is because of all the bugs but selling "memberships to same software is OK? That's just weird imho! OK I will STOP posting about the "wait". I guess I see it different than others and yes, as I said before I have been with CW since the early 90's a the very least. Obviously I am somewhat alone in NOT choosing to defend the situation.
  5. So their is a PAID SUBSCRIPTION with all these bugs? uh OK........................................
  6. Emails advertising for Bandlab like I said in other post-NOT for SONAR or CW. Just the bandlab community. I ll try and find the settings as recommended Thanks
  7. The many emails advertising for Bandlab (NOT SONAR or CW) For the Bandlab community-share, join, whatever..................
  8. way too many! I am a Cakewalk\sonar fan, not a BANDLAB fan, sorry. Hate to block them. Is there a way to OPT OUT without losing new sonar emails etc? I get that is their business. I am so NOT INTERESTED................
  9. Hey John I use\open CWBL everyday. I do NOT have the backstage pass and since an activation issue many weeks ago I never get asked again. Although every now and then when I open it dialog box above vst info says It is activated.
  10. I am not stressing Glenn- I am sad and disappointed.........Sorry I don't buy the excuses.......No pun intended. I'm Done!
  11. I had no doubt you were serious. I appreciated your comments. The jokes and the rest, not so much. Why the smug jokes and sarcasm? Well, we know!
  12. I agree about the lounge\Coffee house but I, for one, do NOT agree is it trivial. or doesn't matter and all the other "jokes" when anyone dares to mention this.
  13. Seems most just do NOT want to say Soon means actually what the dictionary states. soon is NOT later. everyone here knows this. everyone here knows the time length here is NOT soon. I get why they shy away from it. But I agree with you, we are way past the actual word "soon". I have my protective gear on for all the clever shots coming my way. But that does not change the fact that we all KNOW this is NOT SOON. Yes, we can stick up for CWBL, but for me, that does not mean making believe a word has no real meaning in the english language. Dictionary meaning: adverb in or after a short time: "everyone will soon know the truth" · "he'll be home soon" · "they arrived soon after 7:30" Similar: shortly presently in a moment in the twinkling of an eye early: "it's a pity you have to leave so soon" · "I wish you'd told me sooner" · "it was too soon to know"
  14. Go to Views (on top) and click on Browser-Works for me-drag and drop. Also, if you double click on a synth in the browser you will get the softsynth options window.. That's the way I have it set. You can move windows around in the browser also.
  15. So, if the subscription version is OK to take peoples $$$, (which it seems it is) why isn't the perpetual, whatever you want to call it license. Soon! Not trying to argue-But agree that Coming Soon has passed a while back. This is NOT SOON for a product that has been around since forever and you are selling subscriptions..
  16. Hmmmm? Hope he elaborates...which I think he will! ?
  17. Well more to think about. I even have new Samsung 980 Pro 1TB sitting in the box on my desk. Hmmm? I should have mentioned that I think , for me, it's time I did a clean Windows install-hence my question and concerns.............. Thanks for the input folks-It's much appreciated!
  18. Things like this John are what I was\am concerned about.
  19. OK-Thanks folks.............Seems about the same from what I recall. appreciate the replies!
  20. First, I already own a legal copy. I just remember back when it was first discussed - endorsements weren't too great! How about today? I am at win 10 Pro. Have been seems forever. No issues really. Thanks
  21. Well I just thought it was weird that the dates were the same-NEW Sonar and the very last cwby BL BOTH 2024.02.........No biggie really.
  22. As in the subscription, which is the only way. That is why it is weird. That is the LAST update-period! Wasn't implying anything bad on your part.
  23. Just curious. As I stated-Why is the version he speaks of the SAME as the the LAST version of CWbyBL? That seems odd to me. No?
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