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Everything posted by Pathfinder

  1. It seems many here don't understand or just dismiss the obvious fact that many of us just do NOT like subscriptions. It's not about the $15, Especially when we have been led to believe that a product will be offered to purchase SOON!
  2. Excuse me for asking a simple question on the CAKEWAK forum instead of watching 3 videos? Like I was suppose to know all the videos John made? Jeeezzz!
  3. As title says. after reinstalling CWbyBL I installed basic Sonar Plat to get the TTS-1. Is this the latest version of TTS-1 or do I need something else? Thanks
  4. Didn't realize we had a control Center ? oh Product Center...........
  5. Well John- You make sense-My C drive for win 10 pro x64 is a new Samsung 990 Evo 1TB. Many Thanks to you and Tom. sure wish my memory was even half as good as my vocals and guitar playing - But it isn't. Still not looking forward to re-installing my VSTS-but many I don't use so I need to check as I go!
  6. I KNOW CW requires NO SAMPLES. . Well studio Instruments do. CW WANTS to install these to C drive. I get that my VSTS have most all f the samples,BUT---I have not installed CW in a long time nd I have Cakewalk Contens and ALL the larger CW folders on my sample drive. Just don't remember how i did it. Like I said I am guessing mlink or something like that. But when I did it the first time the sample drive was empty. Anyway thanks for the eply-I honestly think I explained it pretty well in my OP. I'll figure something out-thanks
  7. So, finally, motherboard died. Got new GPU, PSU and Asus Z790-A motherboard. I have NOT installed CW yet because: I have 3 nvme2's- 1 is OS, 1 is Audio, those are easy, BUT, my sample drive has all the CW content files, multisamples, etc. IAH, I do not remember the best way to approach the install? Sample drive has all the VST samples also. I NEED the samples, etc on the Sample drive, not on the C drive, which is where CW wants to install them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. mlink? is that the ticket? HOW? Thanks-at least Daw, well PC for now is running great and fast. Long day of windows BS so I ill attack this stuff tomorrow. iirc most, if not all of my VSTs have custom install options but iirc CWbyBL doesn't! Thanks
  8. Curious? Wasn't Rapture Pro Full suppose to be like the bigger brother of Dim Pro? I still have al the mulisamples installed for Rapture Pro on my sample drive-I have tons of room so I never deleted them-I just uninstalled RPro-as stated just never could get it to work correctly @john Vere Re-installing Dim Pro seems to have fixed any issues-so far anyway-Thanks
  9. Wondering if re installing ALL of Di Pro from CCC might help - as stated I get maybe 20% of the available instruments yet they all are in the same place? Also I purchased the standalone Rapture Pro but just could never get it to work consistently-presently uninstalled but I do have the files and the serials. same with Dim Pro
  10. I rec'd dim pro with one of the purchases but I also purchased a stand alone version.
  11. Pretty sure I did that when I aske for help here back then-But I certainly will try it tonight regardless! Thanks
  12. I use this when I can. but very flakey for me. Sometimes it will work and sometimes NOTHING. IU have tried all the suggestions I was given, maybe a year ago. Still happens. Love this program-wish they would update it. I paid for it maybe twice actually. I would PAY AGAIN if it was fixed. Craig A. made some nice add ons for it. I have them still but I cannot get most things to work, not just his. ?
  13. JUt thought I would post back. worked for the last 3 hours or so under daw desk (good thing it's a standup Electric) Bottom line: after all this BS even though Aomei said clone\migration to drive was GOOD-it wasn't. Also, realized, yes my memory is terrible. I actually had the OS drive in a PCI card adapter instead of on the motherboard. iirc it was because at the time of the build I didn't have any heatsinks or covers for the MBNVME 2 slot but I did have the card with it's own heatsink.-Still, the clone did not work in there either. so I am right back where I started- ?
  14. Well, finally shorted the 2 pins by cmos battery (should have done that from the get go, just been a long while. There was a Feb 2024 BIOS update on ASUS site so I downloaded it. Nice since my MB is from 2021. So I updated the bios and all is well. Last step will be, DOES the PC boot from the cloned C drive-We'll see. Thanks very much folks-Greatly appreciated
  15. OK I give up. i CANNOT boot to UEFI bios. I tried everything I found on the web. Fast start is off. Problem is I have no idea which slot the Boot drive is in. Guess I could remove everything but this really stinks. Oh well.
  16. OK LIke I said I forgot an awful lot-So the new C drive has a d drive letter assigned . when I pull the existing C drive and put the new one in the ssd slot there will be no C drive for PC to boot? So, since Aomei said all migration was successfully completed I will have to believe it so first I can delete the partition on the old c drive, change to letter to q or whatever. Then I can change to New drive letter to C? Hmmm-Getting old is not always fun!
  17. So Samsung Magician does NOT recognize the USB connected SSD. So I cannot select it as a target. Aomei immediately recognized-how weird. I am going to try Clonezilla now-Jeeezz. Aomei seemed very capable but some steps I thought were weird. If Clonezilla isn't straightforward I'll just use Aomei Partition Asst Pro.
  18. Just for info: It's an Asus Prime Z590-A MB. All NVME 2 slots are filled, one of them being the c drive. Full disclosure-I used to admin Systems in Country clubs and other places. But tis was back around 2005. I really don't remember much of what I used to know I do still put my own towers together which actually is no big deal. I do have a nice laptop (Asus also) So I'll just give it a shot with my DAW and go from there. Worst case scenario I figure is shutting down and having to put the original SSD C drive back in original slot which should not change anything or cause any issues Thanks again everyone . I will post back. I do have Clonezilla, Aomei partition asst, Acronis True Image and samsung Magician. Why I have no idea. I do use magician every few days to check things and Aomei to do stuff on the drives.
  19. @John V and Msmcleod so after I am done I will install into NVME2 slot the NEW drive and take out the old. Question: Will the PC automatically recognize the new drive ? Is there something I need to do in the bios first? I can but just checking it has been so long. Thank guys
  20. I was wondering where I would have the target drive while doing this. Now I know. I have plenty of very fast eternal housings\cables. I also wouldn't care if it took all. And I am going from 500GB to 1TB so that is part of the reason- Since all my drives a re Samsung drives I will go with Samsung Magician since it worked for John V. I do have a few different partition manager\editors type apps also.
  21. If this is the wrong place for this I apologize . Also, hopefully, install NEW Sonar perpetual whenever that happens. I understand it's almost always better to just start over but Jeezz, such a pain. Have a new Samsung SSD 980 Pro 1TB. Would rather clone than re install everything. All SSD's are Samsung SSD 980's and 990 pro's. 3 of them installed. One for samples and one for audio and one for Windows. Is Samsung migration a good choice to clone (migrate?) the C drive to new drive. I do have True Image 2021 also. Also not apposed to buying a different app if need be but I am hoping Samsung Magician migration is OK. ****I am also wondering best way to do it. Where should the (target) NEW DRIVE BE-internal, external??? Thanks Hope this makes sense...................
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