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Everything posted by ALC

  1. I was wondering why this in addition to the 5150 (5151 Fluff). So, this one has different power tubes (EL34) like Marshalls. The gold faceplate should've clued me in. So, 5150 + EL34 = 5034. I get it now.
  2. That looks right. The colors match up. Thanks.
  3. Installed. 5034 Fluff (Free) | Modern metal chugs. No overdrive needed. Does anyone know or have a guess as to what 5034 Fluff is supposed to model? The number doesn't trigger any immediate associations. It's a high gain amp of some sort. ENGL? Discovered another free amp available here: https://ml-sound-lab.com/products/amped-stevie-t-free Update: The EVH 5150 III seems to match. https://evhgear.com/gear/amplifiers/head/5150iii-50w-6l6-head/2253010010
  4. Thanks for the notice. VST3! Still awaiting M1 Native.
  5. I’m interested in this product space. Looking for a lightweight, reliable program for live use (mainly for hosting amp sims). I want to be able to press a pedal on a MIDI controller and switch on and off effects and scenes/presets (pretty rudimentary). Studio One Professional has a Show Page/performance view. It’s good for setting whole scenes/presets but it wasn’t so obvious how to switch individual plugins on and off by MIDI CC. Looked at Cantibile. I like that it’s focused on being lightweight. Unfortunately, it’s Windows only. Been waiting on a deal on Gig Performer, but now I might as well check this out. I know a number of folks on here use Gig Performer. Any thoughts?
  6. Given that this is a new product, would it only support VST3 (given that Steinberg ended their support for VST2 on Cubase)? I would expect AU support on Mac.
  7. They also have an accompanying iOS app, VST Live Mods, that displays chord, lyrics, and a metronome. Could be useful. Requires the Pro version though.
  8. Look out, Cantabile and Gig Performer.
  9. ALC

    Dear VR Updates

    PA probably didn't publish until dearVR announced it. I was in the same boat--I had reinstalled my PA plugins a couple of days ago and didn't have the latest version. If you reinstall dearVR PRO now, you should get the latest version.
  10. I have Performer Lite that came with my M4. Any compelling reason for me to use it? I mainly using Studio One Pro.
  11. ALC

    Dear VR Updates

    Thanks. I wish the PA Installation Manager would actually keep track of installed versions to be able to only update the new plugins.
  12. ALC

    Dear VR Updates

    Yay, M1 support. I wonder how long it'll take for Plugin Alliance to publish the new version. I have dearVR music.
  13. I've been playing around with NA ODS and comparing it with Fuchs ODS. Here's what I discovered: Fuchs Overdrive controls (Input, Output) are different from NA (Level, Ratio), not sure if they're actually different or just different names. Using a pink noise generator, disabling the tone stack, disabling the onboard cabinets, and using an external IR, looking at the output with a spectrum meter, I was able to get both amps to match pretty closely. Now, turning on the tone stack, the Deep switch on the Fuchs doesn't seem to do anything, but Deep does a mid boost on NA (the manual says it's low-mid). On the Fuchs, if I click on mid-pull, it seems to do something similar (not exactly the same but close enough). With the tone stack on, there's a 4 or 5 dB hump centered at around 110 Hz on NA (not on Fuchs). With the 110 Hz hump on the NA. I just couldn't make the Fuchs ODS sound the same. There's a peak on the highs at around 2.2 kHz that's always there on both amps. If put NA Rack Cleaner before the signal with Rumbling at 6.7, I can filter out the hump and make the output sound similar, but with quite different settings. Fuchs: Gain: 3.5, High: 2, Mid: 4, Low: 95, Master: 5.5 = NA: Volume: 3.5, Treble: 6, Middle: 7.5, Bass: 10, Master: 3. Power soak and output are 0. For overdrive, Input: 1, Output: 4 and Level: 4, Ratio: 2.5 sound close. So, apparently, the amps are voiced differently, brighter on the Fuchs, and with a 110 Hz hump on the NA and the overdrive breakup happens at different threshholds. Basically have to adjust the tone by ear since the knobs don't translate between the two. Update 1: Apparently the bass hump isn't noticeable when overdrive is engaged. Kind of makes sense if you think of it as a tube screamer but built-in. Update 2: Oh, I get it. I can set the input/level and then adjust the gain/volume. Doing it this way, with gain: 1, input: 5, output: 4 = volume: 3.5, level: 5, ratio: 5. So it seems NA pre-amp has more clean headroom than the Fuchs. Update 3: What is the overdrive really doing? Input/level = how much to boost and then output/ratio = level for pre-amp output?
  14. https://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=124663#p124663 Most of the NA stock cabs use V30. https://ampgarage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=125443#p125443 The built in ones are the cabs from previous amp sims. Which would be the closest match? Given that the cabinet affects the sound significantly, I wonder what 3rd party IR would make a good pairing. Nevertheless, I still like the presets, most of which use V30 speakers.
  15. I’d love to get others’ thoughts. The ODS has so many knobs and switches that I’m still in the preset usage stage.
  16. Comparing the out-of-the-box presets from Fuchs ODS 50 and Nembrini ODS, the Nembrini is more in your face whereas the Fuchs plugin sounds more distant. So, the Nembrini is more fun for me just jamming. Nembrini has really upgraded the cabinet section (even has IR loader). Visually, the NA is more pleasant to look at, with a warm brown whereas the Fuchs is a monochromatic black and silver. I tried to use the same knob settings with my own IR that sounded very different so I must not be understanding the correlation between the knobs and switches. This is my first Nembrini desktop amp (I have most of the rest on iOS)--glad to have it.
  17. Here are some background reading for Dumble: * https://guitarspace.org/amps/dumble-amp-guide/ “How can something music-related acquire legendary status? Is it mysteriousness? Is it rareness? Or is it the perceived value and overall impact on the general public? I think that it’s a combination of all of these factors, and when you take a look at Howard “Alexander” Dumble’s work, you have one man who influenced the guitar world so much by building only around 300-350 guitar amps entirely by himself, taking months and months (if not years) to build the perfect tailor-made amplifier to suit the different playing styles of some of the best guitar playersin history, including Stevie Ray Vaughan, Robben Ford, Larry Carlton, Eric Johnson, etc…if that’s not legendary, then I don’t know what is.” * http://sebagosound.com/index.php?id=18 “No two Overdrive Specials were ever built exactly the same, but the basic circuit topology is what gives the Dumble amps their special qualities, and all Overdrive Special amps share this basic topology. The very open and uncompressed feel, overdrive without fuzz, warm sustaining cleans, and of course that saxophone -like midrange and sing that these amps are famous for all come from the cascaded four gain stage preamp and unique Dumble ‘tone stack’.”
  18. This is the cheapest I’ve seen any Nembrini amp sell for. I went for the Edstortion pedal instead for a total of $17.80 but anything that gets the total over $50 will work.
  19. https://www.nembriniaudio.com/collections/guitar-amplifier/products/overdrive-special-guitar-amplifier Intro price: $39. Regular price: $139. Nembrini Audio Overdrive Special Guitar Amplifier plugin is based on a Overdrive Special By Dumble* schematic #124. Nembrini Audio Overdrive Special is a two channel amplifier, which includes a clean channel and an “overdrive”channel. The overdrive channel is described as “cascading” from the first channel into, at least, one additional gain stage in the overdrive channel. This means that the clean channel’s tone stack and gain stages will “cascade” into the gain stage of the overdrive channel, causing the clean channel to become “overdriven".
  20. I would recommend the Analog Rack Bundle if you have PA/Nembrini standalone amps. What are people using as the amp sim host (performance, not recording)? I've been using Studio One, but tried out Live Rig (a bit too rudimentary, and the doesn't have the MIDI support that the iOS version has), Kushview Element (can build on Mac but haven't figured out Windows), Cantabile (Windows only), Gig Performer (waiting for a deal), and just now, Audified inTone 2 Solo (simple workflow that's familiar, like Studio One, but small text is rough on my eyes).
  21. Thanks. Here are the notes for the Exponential products: I wouldn't be surprised if these never become M1 Native, but at least they're supported on the current macOS (and may continue to work for subsequent OS releases).
  22. This is a good time to use the Ableton Live $50 discount coupon you get from buying KORG controllers. Only direct at Ableton.com, though.
  23. Make sure you check the list of free plugins to make sure that what you want is in there. Any recommendations from the current list? I bought two plugins for the previous promo (buy 2 get 2 free) but it just expired yesterday before I could figure out what I wanted. I may wait until there are more compelling freebies.
  24. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/209559469-On-How-Many-Computers-Can-I-Activate-My-Native-Instruments-Product-#:~:text=Account %26 Order-,On How Many Computers Can I Activate My Native Instruments,to use your installations simultaneously. There's no enforcement mechanism, so you're on your honor to abide by the EULA.
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