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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. I've had unfreezing crash with the latest release. I only recently started using freeze more to remove CPU load and have noticed weird behavior. also, as I posted elsewhere, unfreezing doesn't always position the clip correctly.
  2. I seriously doubt we can "rush" them. But what the hell, let's try it!
  3. The futures so bright I need a metaphor.
  4. Do a Shift J to clear the meter peaks. While that reverb has some great sounds, it's a DX plug-in and goes totally goofy at times. One thing I've learn is NEVER change a setting while it's playing. It will glitch and melt down. Sometimes you can get away with it. But - Just don't. I think this is what you are noticing. It won't get better. Just learn how to use it. I use it a lot.
  5. I've noticed that sometimes when I unfreeze a clip, the unfrozen clip will be a few beats earlier than where it should be. And re-freezing it "appears" to place it where it should be. I say appears because I've only tried it a couple of time and more often than not unfreeze positions the clip correctly. But here and there, they are too early when un-frozen. It also appears to happen only to Melodyne edited clips but again, I need to check more closely when it happens. Anyone else experienced this?
  6. I just figured someone might go "yep or nope." LOL. I didn't think we get into a deep alternative analysis. I fired up Reaper and tried various combinations of EVERYTHING and I think the noise is an artifact of the filtering itself. You don't notice it normally so I'm not going to dig any deeper.
  7. Guitar Center shows it for $129. Didn't try ordering it. I'm trying to figure out what's happening with LP-64. Maybe I do need to dump it,
  8. Hi Bit, I tried all of the standard fixes and it doesn't work. It's sounds like something is being over driven. Promidi, Expert Settings?
  9. Hopefully someone can check this - play something with a fair amount of low mid-range/upper bass and solo the lower mid-range band in LP-64. Do you hear noise like it's being over-driven or clipped? I was mastering a low volume section with a fair amount of lower mids and could hear some noise and start soloing tracks and it didn't change. Then I soloed each band in LP-64 and found it was in the lower mid band. To be sure, I switched interfaces, speakers and headphone and it was still there. I loaded several other projects and it was still there. I disabled all effects on all of the tracks and it was still there. It's something to do with LP-64. Disable LP-64 and it's gone. I switched to Sonitus Multiband and it's clean. Weird. Maybe it's something upstream I am missing? I reinstalled it from the old discs and it didn't change. I like LP-64 and hate to have to switch although there are plenty of alternatives.
  10. Oh, I was thinking it would go look since there is a VST in the effects rack. But it sounds like the answer is "it doesn't" Thanks everyone for the info. I'll start bouncing to tracks more. I do it now for sub-mixes but never thought to use it for this.
  11. I've been freezing tracks when I start to load the processor but one thing I've noticed is that if I have a track that has a midi-enabled effect like Waves or Melda Harmonizer (with a midi track providing the notes), the track will freeze but there isn't any harmony. I assume there is a logical reason for this. If I'm doing it wrong I'd like to know. Harmony plugins use a lot of processor time and it would be nice to be able to freeze the track and unload the processor.
  12. Does it hang closing a specific project or any project?
  13. Split the instrumental section and mute the clip. Unmute when you want it back. I do this a lot. You can always bounce to a clip to get rid of it later if you want.
  14. I will often do a few takes, edit and use Melodyne to correct it, then sing along with that for a couple of days and then re-record the vocal track. It usually only takes one or two takes and requires little correction after that. But as I am formulating the vocal melody, I can be all over the map so it helps to do some editing and correction to make it what I finally want to sing. Then learn and sing that.
  15. Thanks! It might be helpful to insert that point in the manual if they aren't going to remove it from the config window.
  16. The setting isn't in the latest manual I have and it's skipped over in the VST configution section of the manual (pg 1036). What does it actually do? I noticed that some FX plug-ins that use midi input need it while others don't. It also moves a plugin from the Insert Audio FX list to the Insert Soft Synth list. I was wondering why MHamonizer and Waves Harmony kept disappearing and found them in the Insert Soft Synth. Uncheck the box and they move back. I want to understand exact what that setting does. I though it was essentially the same as enabling midi input but it has to go beyond that. Thanks for any insight. TBK
  17. I have Studio and do like that I can see all of the clip blobs at once and don't have to click on the clip in track view to switch. That was worth the $149 upgrade for me. Once I got used to the Orange vs Gray selection of the tracks it became very easy. I haven't played with the other features of studio yet. One thing I was trying that I couldn't figure out was how to take a vocal melody and change every blob to the same note so it's monotone. I think I'm stuck dragging each block to the note. Not a big deal though. Midi dragging and polyphonic was available in Editor.
  18. Duplicate and Delete Track are the same issue. One fumble with the mouse and poof. But yes, CTRL-z saves ya.
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