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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. Shifting between tools is kinda fun. As long as the handle doesn't break, i can dig fairly good holes with lots of shovels. Under pressure, I'll surely pick up a trusted, sturdy friend.
  2. flirting with the politics tos.
  3. Obviously taking a sec before 4.20. Duh. ? Jk No, i can't think of what might cause all projects to drop out at 4.17. Have you used latency monitor to make sure you have your computer tuned for real time audio?
  4. Could you use a stack of midi filters to do this?
  5. https://www.ebay.com/i/323879731908?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=323879731908&targetid=475515018221&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9008393&poi=&campaignid=1669934840&mkgroupid=65058350539&rlsatarget=pla-475515018221&abcId=1139296&merchantid=6296724&gclid=CjwKCAjw1_PqBRBIEiwA71rmtfHdBqCFlWq8vBEM9MVMivNWM8jdmiKQyZoOd5vYse1AI3k87JieARoCvckQAvD_BwE I use a frontier design alpha track. It works with a 30ft usb extension that gives me plenty of slack.
  6. I have off ear headphones i can wear indefinitely. I cannot wear closed back headphones more than on hour or so.
  7. That's the type of thing that indicates it isn't authorized for some reason. I don't have that problem but I purchased the full version of Breverb. Is it possible you downloaded the full version as a trial and never purchased it and just forgot?
  8. I think it's ok to play with your output eq. I do it when I'm listening to netflix too. You can her all kinds of interesting things that aren't obvious if you don't. It can give you a sense of the mixing too. I was pretty eq timid when I started way back when. I'm more laid back about it now. I let my mixes wander. They don't all have to be the same. It's ok to do things differently on different mixes. It's ok to listen at times to the highs pressed, or the lows or both. Or the mids. It can be an education.
  9. I wonder if our difference in process might explain some of the diffs in result. I usually fast bounce to a new track then export that clip with no processing. This makes the export go super fast and I can export to different bit-depths and sample rates where that will be the only difference. I don't know if this helps but it might help you isolate the difference to only the exports.
  10. For me, after the last windows update, I had to re-register some of my plugins (like AD2). I also had to zip through all the hardware and disable the selective suspend stuff. In other words, I had to kick off Latency Monitor and hunt down all the issues that come with a fresh install. HTH
  11. You do a null test by re-importing the file you just exported into a new track exactly lined up with the clip you exported. Do this by using ctrl+g to move to the beginning of the selected clip, set focus on the new track then import the file you exported. Now you have two copied of the same clip aligned. If you flip the polarity (phase) on the track you just imported and play the two together you should get silence. If you bounce the two clips together and normalize the new clip you should get flat silence.
  12. Interesting. I've never seen that. Any chance other audio is getting in? If you import and do a null test does it match? It should.
  13. Start run mmc File add remove snap in Double click computer management Local finish Ok Expand computer.. System tools.. Event viewer.. Windows logs.. This gives handy access yup device manager also. You don't have to understand ask the events. If you are watching latency monitor when it trips to red, that is the moment in the logs to look at. It may be obvious what caused it. If your video card is causing issues look in device manager for power settings on that card.
  14. I sometimes use the pre-fader sends to mix different amounts of tracks into the reverb bus. I realize you can do this post-fader too - pre-fader can be interestingly expressive. I've never used them for real-time monitoring. I do that through TotalMix. I think there are a bunch of us who don't do real-time monitoring through Cakewalk but might still use pre-fader sends at times and in those cases, I think the behavior isn't obvious. When you explained the real-time monitoring use-case, the behavior suddenly made sense.
  15. I'd hate for you to spend any time on this. The behavior is consistent. With a single solo'd track selected, I checked fast-bounce compared to regular bounce and in both cases the result doesn't include the sound from the non-selected track. When listening in real time, the non-solo'd track routes through the buses into the master and may ultimately merge at the output with a solo'd track routed direct to the interface outputs. With both tracks selected, this is the behavior in either a real-time bounce or a fast bounce. I didn't mean for this to be a bug discussion. I was trying to help the OP with something I thought might be related to his issue or might help him understand behavior so that he could see what behavior to expect and act accordingly.
  16. Yes, I didn't think it was a bug. It only caught me by surprise and when I saw this post I thought maybe this is what the OP was describing. I also think the pre-post fader difference in behavior might have led him to believe this is a new behavior and not long-time-existing. To me this behavior has been around forever, but not at first obvious why it differs as it does. When I was first noticing it, I double checked the export to make sure my exports were ok and they were, so it has not worried me.
  17. @Noel Borthwick This is what I was describing. Please remember you can listen at high-speed in you tube. I record in real-time and it's kinda boring and not orchestrated or planned in advance, but I hope it's still helpful.
  18. I think mostof the time, most computers can work fine if configured correctly. I expect in the right hands, your computer could be made good. So don't give up hope or break out your wallet yet. Answer the questions. Consider hiring Jim to take your phone call maybe. He can walk you through things you might be missing.
  19. At the moment that it goes bad, what do you see in your system and application event logs?
  20. I didn't mean to say it was a bug. I'm not at my pc. Tonight I'll retry and make a video if i think it could be at all interesting to you. There is behavior that sometimes surprises me. I think i can demonstrate it. I definitely have no feature requests around this.
  21. @Bruce Searl I think i know what you are describing. In cakewalk, if you solo a track, other tracks mute but their sends do not. This is not the behavior for export. If you select a single track to export, it will not send from tracks not selected through their busses. The most common mistake is to bounce your final mix to track. The new track will likely be routed to the master bus. When you export, you will be applying the fx on the master bus again, messing up your track. If you set your bounced track to output to your interface, you will not have this problem. Also if you solo the master bus with your track you can listen without adding in from the buses.
  22. Add a new instance that works. Aim the old midi track at the new synth. Aim the new midi track at the old synth. This is a quick way to look for the problem. Look for muted anything or solo that excludes the synth.
  23. Beautiful! It is giving you clues. Ok. Watch it until it turns red. Look in the system and application event logs within a minute of the drop out. What do you see? You can practice away while running latency mon. This will likely turn up some event that is at the heart of your problem. Make sure wifi is disabled and disable select suspend on usb. Usually intermittent problems come down to your system powering down some device some time after it had been idle. The place you will likely find it is in device manager .
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