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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. Happy birthday DAVE!! Keep on rocking!
  2. I was never very good. I better know the truth of this now than when I was younger.
  3. Gswitz

    Bronco amp issue

    @Glenn Stanton thanks!
  4. Gswitz

    Bronco amp issue

    Old 72 amp going quiet after 15 minutes. What causes this? Could be transformer? Can i fix this myself?
  5. People who think they know it all really annoy those of us who do.
  6. Just to point out, tube amps add nice harmonics. Mic choice adds character. Preamp adds more. Turning up a nice amp in a good room does so much! Performing with your sound impacts your performance. Feeds back through the fingers. Nothing wrong with what you try after initial capture, but what you hear as you play matters a lot. Your ears are like a console.
  7. There is a setting for it to reduce cpu that makes it jump. Pause maybe? Scroll lock?
  8. I can't remember lots of great times. But i have confidence they were great! Enjoy imagining what maybe was!
  9. Good luck. Sorry for the conflict. I hope things get better from here!
  10. I'm not having issues. If you start a new project, does it have the same problem?
  11. Just start a new project. Don't delete anything. This is almost surely something you have overlooked. Copy your tracks to the new project. Try them one at a time. You will find the issue.
  12. Are your tracks muted? Did you select them? Ctrl+a?
  13. Try bouncing to a new track. Does that have the problem?
  14. I had a case where turning one plug around fixed a buzz.
  15. John, snap to zero crossing can be helpful.
  16. Insert the soft synth. Output your midi track to that soft synth.
  17. When you record a full band all night, you might make gain adjustments during the night. When you mix each song, normalizing the tracks gets the gain level into the fx fairly predictable from song to song. This way you can save time and mix faster. Each song will need adjusting, but it is something i will use.
  18. I'm guessing as you get more practice mixing, this problem will burn off like a morning fog. Share your files and I'll do a mix and show you what I did. You may not like it, but you might.
  19. I play on a couple of champs every week at a friend's. I play on my fender 4x10 at other times. It's is loud but sounds stunning. Deville. I use a rock crusher to cut the volume. Some tube amps have this built in now. The champs don't break up a ton. A distortion pedal might be useful with the champ. The are rivera amps that will diffuse some power prior to the speakers. Kinda a built in rock crusher. I think the internet has hurt chances of getting a super cheap local deal, but watch Craig's list. Stuff does pop up. https://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/msg/d/puyallup-crate-palamino-v8/7352179097.html
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