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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. iirc Gearslutz / Gearspace had a free marketplace
  2. did he chew on the Custom Shop (didn't like the Squier anymore) ? or maybe he's called Hannibal and waiting for Clarice...
  3. Imma on the lookout hoping for more Kenny masterpieces in 2023
  4. Inspired by fellow male attention horse on Youtube, hoping this works (probably not) Can't create any fred content with FSF reply count so... please like and subscribe and visit my paytreon
  5. never played a Taylor unfortunately, but should as they get a lot and ONLY positive reviews. I remember playing around with the Fishman System-63 SRT on the Yamaha, don't recall what settings (guess all mic/no pieze, all wide and resonant set). When hearing the recording back it sounded 100% like a real mic'd guitar to me (no acoustic guitar expert).
  6. hope can I rant here about Fender Acoustasonic....if anyone owns one, sorry + please do not read. the guitar, to begin with sounds pretty bad compared to a decent mid-range priced full body guitar. Cutaways on a aoustic guitars don't make them sound better, and then reducing the inside volume by making it way thinner, makes it sound towards a 90's vst. Ok, with digital processing and a great sounding reverb it sounds somewhat reasonable... For far less than half the money you can get a proper sounding guitar AND a great sounding D.I. signal (Yamaha AC3R fe.). They really hyped the Fender but I'm convinced in 5 years or so they'll be on Ebay for a few hundred. How I love the build quality of a Fender Tele or Strat, some of their 'high end' products pricing is insane...a ripoff imo....like Suhr, PRS (try order a replacement part for a PRS guitar....wtf ?). Ok, I'll get me coat..
  7. If you ever get the chance, try a Yamaha AC3R or one with the same Electronics. I think it was the 'focus' switch on the one I owned, then the sound to the computer was just beautiful and very realistic. Defenitely that sound system (think it was a 'higher priced' Fishman design) was (a Fender Acoustasonic) KILLER, NO POINT in getting a cheaper Fishman version. that were like buying a Ford Mustang and then choose a 4 cyl diesel engine as it's a little cheaper. There might be other brands/guitars with that exact Fishman system.
  8. Hey Jesse, think I know what you mean. currently have a cheapo TC Electonics D.I. box (Teleport, normally used for pushing mic signal through long cable). Still need to add 10db in Amplitube. After holidays will try this 19Euro Magnum D.I. (hope they don't send me a Magnum P.I. ) It's a copy of the Mooer D.I. (59,-)....maybe it's the same thing just with a different name.... will let you know how it works. (did try several 'more expensive' passive D.I.'s incl the Radial with Jensen transformer, Palmer, but liked the cheap purple Samson passive one the best Built like a tank and most clean/open sound. The Jensen just made it 'darker' and the Palmer made it a litlle 'smaller' (could be handy if you record left + right guitars)
  9. Worcestershire saws not bad aigh ? sorry I see now I'm in rong fred
  10. (working on my Chibsons) temp on hot rodded Squier Tele into D.I.box, RME Aio card, Amplitube
  11. maybe Milo want to chew on
  12. Sheens


    hope that helmet's bulletproof....it looks killer
  13. you'll be fine and play/enjoy music with 10 fingers or 9 AND every time you order 2 beers, you'll just have to raise 1 finger !!! what about that ??!! guy with 1 hand in my area
  14. saw Bun's early St Anger building up indeed
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