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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. The compressors I liked the most are the DRAWMER (UK) ones, loved their somewhat 'warm' box sound. Some models have quite a lot options, linked/dual mono, peak/RMS detection, hard/soft knee, limiter, autogain etc. Had the VCA and the (Multiband) FET compressors (don't remember if that had dual mono though). Good quality gear without busting the bank.
  2. I had one about 5 years ago and really liked it, but the connections are a bit unusual/could be problem. Had to get special cables, 'floating' ring (or floating pin3) in my setup. Depends if you connect to/from balanced or unbalanced gear iirc, but there's info on the internet. Got custom made XLR cables from Redco in USA and below cables. https://www.loopipedals.com.au/product/custom-trs-to-ts-cable-for-tc-flashback-ii-delay/
  3. has me new Goodyear 30s tyres (and paintit car with 2K spraycans)
  4. Thanks Craig, just plugged my Mogami guitar cable the right way (who needs AI ?) Now should get them Kemper ACDC tones from my Marhall.
  5. Toontrack EZ and Superior Drummer are green tape, my XLN Addictive Drums are blue for sure. I hear all used Mogami cable (dunno what Bapu has on his analog clone).
  6. No hairy buds mooning selfies please I beg you
  7. pretty hilarious some ***** youtuber saying Hendrix, Slash, Clapton etc are overrated. could make hundreds vids of 1000 most self overrating youtube clunkers, I've asked him in Youtube comments to do one. what an iddy hut
  8. a long ride to the concert, but well worth it
  9. from what I understood, they probably/hopefully did not even get the time to realise they were gonna die.....and were 'gone' instantly when the shell imploded.
  10. So after posting this, like me, you went all in on Oceangate submersibles stock ya ?
  11. this killer band is rehearsing 'you can call me Al' (will post it later).
  12. Hey Kenny, like your guitar tone a lot....you record a real guitar amp ?
  13. afaik smartest people in this area. In Netherlands, and most Europe....it's crisis after crisis (due to: fackap after fackap). The Nors have 0 probs, 0 debt, good jobs, great healthcare etc etc. If only I could get a job there (which you need to get a 'greencard'). Denmark are doing great too.
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