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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. yes ABBA war is done
  2. need a help with the Sonah, it crash the speakah
  3. from lower quality zero latency up to linear phase mastering eq. as many bands, shelves, filter as you want, a/b, bypass / mid/side....no installer/serialno etc. https://plugins4free.com/plugin/3025/ free dynamic eq and no installer/serialno etc. https://www.tokyodawn.net/tdr-nova/ dare hugo
  4. didn't see that 1 coming aigh ?
  5. no Erik, we´re all good f − friends mate just I spotted the ´ f − fox news lied´ van
  6. and The Who and Hooters !
  7. Maybe it was not so brilliant raising a generation on fast food, sugars and computer games (as now it's Game Over). Although that generation is not to blame, they're not able to save us. I at least had a life for maybe 40 years and feel sorry for young people, they come into a real crappy world.
  8. By rude, cold and lacking humanity they adopted well to 2023 business/management standards. Between you and me-> world is going down for at least 1 generation.
  9. too bad his youtube video wasn't blocked after all the time/money...,would enjoy watching him rant then ☺️
  10. awesome !!! Hoping for a 72 Dodge, Marshall Plexi and a dog named Flash
  11. can't remember this really, was only few weeks old. but wouldn't mind spending rest of my life in 70's and 80's.
  12. I whacked the goat Bud Spender style there you can built trust, by not hurting them just showing 'don't do that'. as a kid had a 'pretty bad' cat that I picked up to carry downstairs. he put his claws in my head and bit me, I threw him to the ground and he was standing before a closed door. looked at me afraid, could have kicked him but I just opened the door calmly....were BFF's then. my girlfriend had a pretty 'bad' dog that bit me in the nuts. I kicked him realy hard in a reflex but thought to kick his butt so he didn't break anything. he cried and ran away, I left him alone and in the evening just took him for a walk like always....again BFF's.
  13. one advised when I used simular stuff on old Onkyo Audio receiver, to clean after using spray. reaon: dirt/dust etc would stick to spray plus electricity transfers better on clean metal. (I'm no expert...just DIY guitar and car work)
  14. just ordered months after turning 50, should arrive saturday. have no life BUT I TRIED ! Marshall 40DSLcr (40 watts tube / 1 x 12 inch Celestion 70/80). nightowl in appartment -> naybours will be superstoked.
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