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Sidney Earl Goodroe

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Everything posted by Sidney Earl Goodroe

  1. Thanks so very much. May I ask was that info in the help file or maybe the reference manual and if so where was it located? I have searched all over and could not find it.
  2. Can anyone help!! I scoured the latest Cakewalk manual and do not find any reference to this editing workflow.
  3. Is there a way to copy and paste just the articulation track from one track to paste to a different track? I love the articulation map concept but the editing is rather slow going workflow wise. I wish the copy and paste of articulations were more like copying and pasting of the automation lanes.
  4. It was SVX1 given away a while ago. 2 just completed the collection.
  5. Used 5 Jampoints and knocked SVX2 down to 20 bucks. Now I have the entire Ampeg collection!!!
  6. Totally lost on this one!! Completed the purchase, took me to Box where the downloads reside. Download the vsts, no explanation to install with this Aquarius app thingy. All I got was the Comp part of the strip. All other parts of the strip must be authorized. Wtf?????? I GIVE UP!! HELP!!!!
  7. We already have gone down this rabbit hole enough!!! I would much rather we spend the time making music than posting about a crippled feature that probably won't be fixed!
  8. Hi!! Sidroe here!! I was the OP of the record breaking longest thread in the old forum on just this topic. That seems like so many years ago now. I still find it hard to believe that we are still having to discuss the shortcomings of the staff view for this many years now! It doesn't feel like the fix is any closer!!! I still have confidence that if the staff issues can be fixed, the bakers will find a way.
  9. Just never had any use for PA plugins. Recently upgraded to Amplitube 5 and have the SVT suite in there. Also have Mark Studio 2 and GK Amplification 2. Still, for free, this one was hard to say no. The lack of mic adjustments on the cab is disappointing but still sounds great!
  10. Thanks, guys! I suppose you have to have an account?
  11. Not much info on the page to process the code! Can someone here please give explicit instructions on how to grab this gem?
  12. I never use mastering tools until mix stage!
  13. Disappointed that the Leslie cabs in A4 do not carry over to A5!!! I do love to use that Harrison-Clapton swirl from time to time. I hate to spend more money but I guess I'll have to purchase a Leslie in the Custom Shop for A5. Kinda bites when A4 had 2 to choose from.
  14. Sonivox Eighty-Eight 2 can be found pretty cheap. It is sample based and depending on how many layers of velocity you load, can be cpu hungry but bang for the buck, can't be beat! It will need the ILok software licenser but that is better than a hardware ILok.
  15. Don't forget to move the virtual mic around the virtual speaker!!! Old school lesson that is invaluable!!!!
  16. Even though they are rather old and no more outdated as the ones you already. mentioned, you should keep your eyes open for deals on AIR synths! These are the plugins used in Pro Tools. You can find Xpand 2, Velvet, etc., for unbelievable cheap prices but they are very powerful for the money!! They do require the ILok software licensing but that is nowhere near a problem as a hardware ILok to me. This time of year, you should be able to find them really cheap.
  17. Sorry for your trouble but many thanks to you for keeping us informed. Glad you found the problem!!!
  18. Thanks to the wonderful support team at Soniccouture for their speedy response!!!! My problem was the vsti in CbB was the older version that was ver. 6.1. Deleted that and copied the 6.2.4 dll into the vst folder and all is well. Thanks, guys!
  19. 6.2.4 runs fine in CbB!! When I try to open Hammersmith it says the instrument belongs to a library that is not installed!! Yet the Hammersmith shows up and plays in the standalone version of 6.2.4. I can open Hammersmith by either using the banner in Kontakt or clicking on the .nki file in the Hammersmith folder. No problems there in the standalone at all. Only when I open the vsti in any of my DAWs, Hammersmith is not listed and if I try by opening the .nki file in Kontakts browser do I get the alert that the library is not installed. All the other libraries show up and play fine in the standalone and in the vst in CbB.
  20. I had to update the player before I could install Hammersmith just this morning!! The piano installed fine and I noticed in the installation instructions that they stress to install in the standalone version only. I am now wondering if they have blocked the use of the library in the vst plugin!!
  21. I am running 6.2.4 free player!!! Runs fine in standalone but no love in the vst plugin in cake!!!
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