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Sidney Earl Goodroe

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Everything posted by Sidney Earl Goodroe

  1. Should locate the folder in Edit-Preferences-File-Folder Locations.
  2. Smasher will run on the Ilok License Manager! I made the mistake of choosing the cloud option when I installed and went back and set it for the computer license. It's a keeper as far as aggressive compression goes!!!
  3. I must say that loading these older EZX kits in Superior 3 for use with all those great built in fx, really makes those kits come alive!!!
  4. Finally got 140 activated!!!! Is it worth the wait? Hands down, YES!!!! Don't miss this one, kids!!
  5. Downloaded the installer and manual. Followed the instructions to do the offline registration. Got the plug registered in my account but still no luck with getting the plug fully registered on the computer. Sounds good in demo mode and dead easy to operate!! Just hope the website doesn't blow up before I can get this thing running!!!
  6. If my recollection is correct, I believe Zeta had a memory leak issue that the update took care of.
  7. Raum finally showed up this morning!! First impression, it was worth the wait. I did have to move the .dll file from the Native Instruments folder to my Cakewalk VST plugins folder and scan but it seems to be a keeper. Thanks, NI!!!
  8. While it would be a dream come true to just press a button and out comes a perfect master everytime, it now at best is a hit and miss debacle! Nothing, IMO, will take the place of a good old analog human being using the oldest tool known to man, his ears!!!! Mastering audio tracks has wrongly been enshrouded with a mystique that scares people to death!!! There are tons of online tutorial programs and YouTube is overflowing with tips and tricks to get you started. When it comes down to it, there's only 5 things that you need. 1- Know the sound of the room you work in. Play your favorite songs over and over to train your hearing in that space. 2- Choose reference tracks that are along the same lines as your project sonically. 3- A thorough understanding of EQ. Especially the one you are using!! 4- A thorough understanding of Compression! 5- And last but not least, a good limiter!!! Not to over simplify things, these tools are really the core of any world class mastering engineer to the little guy sitting in his bedroom studio banging out songs. I won't go into the process because I already mentioned material above. Try several different ways and find a workflow that works for you. The results will be far better and more consistent than any automated service can deliver once you learn the ropes!!! Just my opinion!!
  9. Mono instruments are ones that can only play one note at a time. Example, a sax, a flute, a trumpet, a singer, a trombone, a French horn. Any track that has single notes as opposed to chords. For instance, if you recorded background vox of three singers singing in harmony in to one mic to one track, you couldn't use the Izotope doubler because it doesn't understand the difference of the cluster of notes. BUT, if the singers recorded their harmony parts on separate tracks and the mics were fairly well isolated or the vox were recorded one part at a time, the Izotope will work like a charm because it can only understand one note at a time. Hope that helped!
  10. The Izotope doubler only works on mono tracks! Doesn't play well with polyphonic notes!
  11. Love the TX16Wx!!! Pretty steep learning curve on the GUI but good YouTube videos to get you started.
  12. There is a very nice upright in the free library for the free Kontakt Player!
  13. Forgot to mention that Sonivox 88 has to run with the Ilok elicenser!! It just registers its licence to your computer drive rather than having to have a dongle eating up one of your usb ports. Not hard to setup and well worth the trouble!!!
  14. First impression, very nice. Will try these, especially the tape emu, on some projects and let you know if they're keepers.
  15. Sonivox Eighty-eight is one of my favorite low budget grands!!! Can usually find it on the cheap somewhere. Try googling!! IMO, it blows Truepiano out of the water.
  16. Does it play nice with the ilok software license? A dealbreaker if I have to use a dongle!! I have the se version of revolver and it works fine with the e-licenser!!
  17. My last early build was a fiasco!!! But, I have a small window of downtime for my projects so I put my head down and got this update! While I have not fully given it a blowout testing, I do have to say WWWOOOWWW!! Some of my projects are running at the very least, Superior Drummer 3, Kontakt, Sampletank, Garritan, AIR plugs, Mark Studio, Amplitube, along with at least 4 to 12 audio tracks with various plugins. My asio has hovered between 120 and 512 in real time. I have been running my large projects that would choke below 330 very easily at 130 without a hiccup! This, for me, is a major deal!! While I have never had to freeze or bounce my vsti tracks, bumping that latency up sometimes has been a real pain. So far, congrats gentlemen, on a job well done!!
  18. Thanks, Brian!!! For some reason the license file was trying to open as a notepad file! I went back and redownload saved as. Got the files. Now registered. While not a jack of many trades, this is really nice for more aggressive box it seems. Sounds really nice!
  19. Tried that!! I click on the load button and the Notepad file does not show. I tried dragging to the plugin, no go. I tried cutting and pasting, no luck!! Any help would be appreciated. I take it that the license was downloaded as a notepad file. Any chance it should be another format?
  20. Downloaded the vk and vk-2. Also downloaded the unlock key. I can't figure out how to unlock the plugins! They're still in demo mode. HELP!!!!!!
  21. Orilriver is a super nice sounding reverb. It finds it's way into my bus many times. It's very low cpu intensive as well!
  22. 80s guitars were some of the most over the top processed tracks ever!! I can't tell you how many guitarists I have witnessed, including myself, who have slaved for years chasing the ultimate tone on their rigs only to have the producer and engineer mangle that tone to fit in the final mix!!! All amps are curious creatures. They only do what they were built to do. I don't know of any guitarist that has not relied upon some studio trickery to get what the song calls for. That being said, I would try a different mic or mic placement. Maybe two mics. A dynamic with a condensor. There is a tremendous difference in what speakers are in the cab. Was the amp modded in any way? Any engineer will tell you start at the source to get the best sound possible. Beyond that, it will be up to some masterful eq. And don't forget that refrigerator size FX rack packed with every toy known to man! As well as the 10 foot long floorboard to control the rack!!!??? At any rate, I wish you luck chasing that ever evasive perfect tone!! Now, go write a song!!!!?????
  23. Is this for 32c only? I use regular Mixbus Standard and I wonder if these updates are available for me!
  24. If you bought it from Cakewalk you can still access your account or use the Cakewalk Command Center to download and your serial key is still in your account. I helped a friend get his by contacting Noel Borthwick a few weeks ago. You could try that.
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