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Everything posted by bitflipper

  1. I had to chuckle when I ran across this video, which showed up in my YouTube recommendations because I've been researching subwoofers for the new PA system I'm putting together. Thanks for the suggestion, YT, but I think I'll just be getting 2 for now.
  2. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Sigh. Just place another order from Sweetwater and there was no option offered for any shipping method other than FedEx. I could have sworn they used to ask if you wanted to use UPS instead, but maybe that was removed in light of the coming UPS strike. This order is the next piece of my new PA system and I'm calling it an early birthday present to myself. That way, I won't be disappointed if it doesn't come before October.
  3. Barbie's suddenly quite topical. I read this joke this morning. Here's the short version from memory... Man in toy store asks staff about Barbies. Clerk says "we've got Beach Barbie for $19.95, comes with a beach umbrella and surfboard." At the other end of the price range is Divorced Barbie. It's $395." "Why is Divorced Barbie so much more expensive?" "Well, it comes with Ken's house, Ken's car, Ken's furniture..."
  4. Don't sweat it. Keep using PerfectSpace until it stops working - which may be never. Fretting about ongoing "support" for 32-bit plugins is silly. If it works today it'll work tomorrow. Think about it: PerfectSpace isn't going to change, Bitbridge isn't going to change, and Windows doesn't enter into the equation. To answer the initial question...just adjust the overall reverb level at the bus, using either the Gain or Volume sliders, or automation.
  5. I counted at least 44 15" subs. Way more than the iPhone could handle, as you can hear in the dreadful audio. Then later on in the video you see them bringing in yet another box, as if they weren't sure they had the bass covered for a 10-mile radius.
  6. Years ago we held a contest on the old forum where we gave everyone the same MIDI file (Star Trek theme) to orchestrate. That was fun, although the forum did not support polls back then and voting was done via gmail, and there was some ballot-stuffing going on. Maybe somebody with better googling skills than me can find that old thread. Because I was conducting the contest, I couldn't participate. But I did one using only the TTS-1. It didn't turn out too bad. Several contributors used low-budget libraries, and none of them were awful. Goes to show there's a whole lot more to convincing orchestration than just the quality of the instruments used.
  7. Note that this is a per-clip setting. However, if you select the track first all clips in that track will be locked. You can also select multiple tracks or press CTL-A to select all tracks and apply the location lock to everything in one go.
  8. Now imagine you rely on some life-sustaining medication. Your life could literally be in the hands of FedEx. This is not a hypothetical scenario.
  9. I hate to think about the day when the last local retailer shutters its doors. While we were worried about Amazon taking over the world, in the post-apocalyptic future it will actually be the shipping companies that rule it all. There's a (Korean?) movie on Netflix right now that I started watching but can't remember the name. IIRC it's about a paramilitary delivery service that braves the lawless wasteland to bring oxygen and water to a population that can't go outside. That sh*t's too close to reality. I'm looking forward to the Barbie movie.
  10. Golly gee whiz, that's a boatload of content for 80 bucks!
  11. This thread got me excited for a minute...but sadly the subs I want are still $1700 each. Better keep digging through the couch cushions. Can attest. These are literally HD650s, but $200 vs. $350. Maybe not ideal for mixing (too pretty-sounding) or for listening on the bus (open-back), but absolutely perfect for kicking back in the dark waiting for the edibles to kick in.
  12. Sheesh, don't get me started on Guitar Center and why I'll never give them another nickel. Last I heard they were in bankruptcy. Wonder how that happened.
  13. You can bet we'll be clear on this requirement in the future! Although even when we've had cover for previous outdoor gigs, the canopy was often not big enough for a 5-piece band plus PA. It's like peoples' mental image of a band is two guys playing banjo and harmonica. PhotoBrainer, I like that solar-powered fan-hat. Practical AND stylish!
  14. Even if there was a distribution center right there in your city, I expect FedEx would first send it to Atlanta anyway. Good to know your 01V is still functioning. My biggest reservation about going digital is the fear that one day I'll flip on the power switch and - nothing. Something that almost never happens with analog boards.
  15. "Establish a budget" - then double it. Unfortunately quality orchestral instruments are $$. There are some here who've spent thousands. Come to think of it, that includes me. Look for libraries that feature lots of articulations, a major factor when it comes to realism. Vienna Symphonic (VSL), Cinesamples and Spitfire are some of the top-tier vendors. Ready yourself for sticker shock. However, lately I've been getting a lot of use out of an inexpensive library called Amadeus Symphonic Library. Despite its relatively low price, it sounds pretty OK and offers a complete orchestra with both solo and ensemble versions of each section.
  16. Now, that's not a bad idea, Keni. I often wear a straw fedora on stage. I could hide a baggie of crushed ice under there.
  17. Slept poorly last night, kept waking up with leg cramps. Something something electrolytes. We're definitely not equipped for the coming global meltdown up here in the Pacific Northwest, land of flannel shirts, hiking boots and wool beanies with ear flaps. Woodstoves far more common than air conditioning. We've long whined about crazy housing prices driven up by the massive influx of California refugees. I think in the coming years we'll start calling them Climate Refugees. Look out, British Columbia, you're next. Oh wait, wasn't it B.C. that saw a whole town burn down a couple years ago from 126-degree (52c) weather? OK, Alaska then. For now.
  18. Like most, I have often tossed out the word "exhausted" rather flippantly. Now I know what it really means. Today's gig was an outdoor company event. I don't have a problem with corporate gigs generally, since they pay well. But today we played from 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM and it was the hottest and muggiest day of the year so far. There was no canopy. Because there was no canopy to shield from the sun, I couldn't see the touchscreens on either my synth or my mixer. Very frustrating. And because the A/C in my car is broken, we were already dripping with sweat before we even arrived at the venue. By the time we got set up everyone was dragging, me especially. The whole time my knees were wobbly. My keyboards were sticky with hand-sweat. I poured ice water over my head at every opportunity. On our breaks I retreated to my car and just collapsed. Normally, I make a point of having a pee before we start playing, but I was completely dry, despite drinking gallons of water. By the end I had to have the bass player drive my van home while I my head flopped out the window like a dog. My fear is that I'm just too old to handle that kind of heat. Next weekend we're playing a festival in that same town. We go on at 4:00 PM. At least it's only a single 45-minute set. Maybe it's time to add a small fan to my rig? Maybe get over my reluctance to wear short pants, too. The audience will just have to deal with my blindingly white legs.
  19. Tangent: as a former boater, I can also attest that many of those rush hour morons have boats, too. The Z-axis ain't so bad, but Newton's laws are a bitch.
  20. I just got home from an unavoidable trip along the absolute worst highway in my state. I keep looking for a sign saying "all morons must use I-405". It's got to exist somewhere, because that road is clearly a magnet for them. The thought of all those idiots having to deal with the Z axis is terrifying, since they haven't figured out the X dimension yet.
  21. This is the most important advice you'll get here. The more you listen on the same headphones (or speakers) the more your ears will become attuned to what a good mix sounds like on those headphones. Even if they're not perfect.
  22. Well, I'm sure we're only a few years away from a working Star Trek transporter. You'll be able to order a guitar and in an instant have it materialize at the wrong address in another city. Imagine a world where a Nigerian prince can steal your identity and order himself your house. Or your wife and kids. Forget flying cars, this is a far more interesting Future.
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