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Everything posted by bitflipper

  1. Here's the stage we'll be playing on in a couple weeks (not our gear onstage). The video wall behind the stage is where Craig's psychedelic montage will be displayed. I gotta say, he did an excellent job. I asked for dark colors, because that screen is so ridiculously bright that the band members appear in silhouette in front of it, and the stage lights are completely washed out by it. I'm hoping the visuals will distract from the fact that the venue has the acoustics of an empty subway platform (note the stone cladding, which extends around the entire perimeter of the room - clearly for all the money they spent on this room, there was no budget for an acoustics consultant). Also note the 4 bass bins, each with dual 18's - total overkill for the size of the room. We're a classic rock and blues band, not an EDM dance party.
  2. There is no question we'd all be better off if we could make it through life without ever having seen 27-year-old boobies. They set too high a standard. Of course I, like most of you, remember being 27 and cannot just wipe the memories of what we saw back then. Our only hope is that future generations can be spared that awful experience. So thank you, YouTube, for keeping our hearts pure.
  3. 2008, iirc. A historian would find a clue in the fact that we're wearing watches. Nobody does that anymore. Trying to remember who else was in attendance that night. The late Old_55 (Jan) was there. A couple guys from Cakewalk who aren't with the company anymore. Middleman (Phil), who had a most impressive collection of vintage compressors. LanceInDaStudio (Lance). Though not at that gathering, I'd also met TheStringMaster (Les) earlier in the day. Interesting guy. He designs guitar strings for Dunlop, which makes pretty much every brand of string you've ever heard of. I still have the MXR shirt he gave me, although it has a big burn hole in the front now. Come to think of it, I still have the Cakewalk t-shirt. It, too, has a burn hole in the front. You'd think I'd eventually learn not to smoke, um, cigars whilst reclining in a lawn chair.
  4. Amen, brother. (No offence intended toward drummers prone to clichéd fills, nor to female siblings who might feel excluded.)
  5. We're playing a place in a couple weeks that features an enormous video wall behind the stage. If we supply them with videos and/or still photos they'll play them during our sets. If we don't give them anything, they'll run lame generic videos. Not having anything on the screen is not an option. What I thought would be cool, given that we're a classic rock band, would be a video of the classic oil bath lightshow gimmick like they used to do at the Fillmore. Any idea where I might find something like that (short of trying to find an actual unit and filming it myself)? Or really anything a venue might have projected behind the band in the 60's and 70's.
  6. "State income tax" is one that comes to mind. Maybe "California real estate speculator". Neither are currently hot topics in bars, though. "Go Raiders!", however, could get you tossed if it's one of those kind of places with 34 TVs on the wall and a large blue "12" flag over the bar.
  7. This is real. A buddy of mine gave it to me, said he stole it from some venue we'd played at long ago but couldn't remember which one. He may have felt it was put up just for him, as he was famous for his bad jokes. I think it could apply to this subforum.
  8. Best addition to my toolkit in ages. $2.95. I like it so much I'm thinking about getting the stereo edition.
  9. My garage is a museum of orphaned gear that I once wanted enough to pay for but now collects dust. I have two of these sitting under a desk, and can't give them away: I had two of them for running in stereo. These sound great on organ, but they're heavy and not powerful enough to compete with guitar amps. I replaced them with a pair of 1KW QSC powered PA speakers. Even those tended to distort with piano at high volume, so they got repurposed for vocals and I bought these more powerful versions for keyboard amplification: Those worked quite well, but because I placed them atop stands it was sometimes a hassle to find a good stage location for them where they weren't blasting directly into my ears. Nowadays I run keys through the mains and use the 8" version of the above as a monitor. The K10.2s are now floor monitors. But we plan on going to IEMs for monitoring so when that happens I'll be adding a total of 6 rather pricey QSC powered speakers to the museum. Years ago my favorite software Hammond emulation was VB3. So when Crumar came out with an organ that ran VB3 in hardware, I thought it would be the ultimate portable Hammond. It wasn't. Turned out, it ran the newer VB3-2 which doesn't sound nearly as good as the original VB3. So this poor orphan now collects dust on a shelf, a $1500 mistake. It does have a nice Hammond-style action, though.
  10. You can add 1973 to that table. The difference is that in 1973 I bought my first house out of gig earnings. Today it buys a tank of gas. btw, last week my band went into a studio to record a going-away gift for our departing guitarist. The software in use there was Sonar 6. I am now mixing it in the current Sonar beta. I have worked on several projects that were started in CbB and seamlessly transferred to Sonar. No one should have any qualms about losing projects going forward.
  11. 'splody caps? I'm adding that to my tech-speak vocabulary. Kenny, you may be able to order new amps from M-Audio and install them yourself. Probably only takes a screwdriver. Cheaper than new speakers, hopefully. Although you never know these days with manufacturers actively discouraging people from fixing their own stuff. I have a pair of broken nearfields here myself. Can't bring myself to toss them, as they were the best speakers I ever had before they stopped working. But the manufacturer has discontinued them and the amplifiers are from some mystery company in China. Seems like damn near everything, even expensive things, are cheap crap nowadays.
  12. The only issue you'll run into is that the deleted project will still be listed in the Recent File list in the registry. At least, until it eventually moves down and off the list as new projects are added. If that bothers you, you can edit the registry. The list is under HKCU\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core\Recent File List.
  13. We've been gigging a lot this summer, pretty much nonstop since May. So naturally some gigs have been miserable and some pure joy. Varied venues, indoors and outdoors, big and tiny crowds, nice-sounding rooms and echo chambers. Half of them were with house PAs, half with our own gear. Of the former, perhaps 10% had both great gear and someone who knew how to use it. Last night was one of those. I hit it off with the FoH guy right away, being a fellow audio nerd and recording enthusiast. A few weeks ago we played a festival and I really dug the band that came on before us, who did girl-group songs from the 50's and 60's. I thought they'd be a great double-feature with a 60's and 70's band like us, and wondered how to reach out to them. While talking to Dan, the FoH guy, I described that band and he said "yeh, that's my mom". Kismet. The venue was a farm, but more like Knott's Berry Farm than Old Macdonald's, with kiddie rides and a brewery. We played in the brewery. It has roll-up garage doors, which were open because it was a warm evening and most of the audience was outside on a large patio. There were lots of little kids, dancing and grinning and thoroughly enjoying music older than their grandparents. I'd rather play for 5-year-olds than drunken geezers, even if the latter tip better. The staff treated us well, comping beer and food. And at the end of the night, directed us to the freezer section of the adjacent store to pick out pies to take home with us. Of all the perks I've ever received at gigs, getting a pie was the best.
  14. "Chakra" sounds like a Latin hand percussion instrument. As in "let me introduce you to Jorge, our percussionist, the most famous shakra player in all of Guatemala!". I imagine shakras sound like maracas filled with nickels and ball bearings. Mick Jagger would play them behind "You Can't Always Get What You Want". And there's probably a Kontakt library available.
  15. Even if you radically change your diet, the gallstones don't go away. You're doomed to forever pay for the bad habits of your youth. But yes, it is possible to avoid attacks with diet management. I have had none since my diagnosis made me aware of the problem. I've not had a hard time adapting, because the memory of that excruciating pain is all the motivation I need. BTW, I'm now convinced that google or meta or the Internet Elders* are always listening. Dr. Ekberg's videos showed up in my YouTube recommendations, even though I hadn't previously seen nor searched for them. I had only spoken with Craig about the guy, in a PM no less. I guess it's true: just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. * Another IT Crowd reference. "You're kidding...the elders of the internet know about me?"
  16. I might have a solution for you, Annabelle. I have sent you an email. (I believe Rachel lives in California, probably LA if I had to guess. Not all that far from Eugene. She also plays guitar pretty well, too.)
  17. Great interview, but the title is indulging in a bit of hyperbole. The FM discriminator was invented by Edwin Armstrong in 1933. Saying this fellow invented FM synthesis is like saying Bob Moog invented the ring modulator. In both cases, the real innovation was taking a known technique used with radio frequencies and applying it to audio frequencies. Despite that minor nit-pick, I appreciate this kind of coverage because it's musical history that might otherwise be lost to time. I'd love to sit down with this pioneer and just let him reminisce about what was a truly exciting time to be experimenting with electronic music. I remember the rush I got in 1973 when I connected two signal generators together and heard what two drifting square waves sounded like as they interacted with one another. I had "discovered" pulse-width modulation. I decided then and there that I would build my own synthesizer, but finding information about such things was very difficult in 1973. My synth never happened because I was stymied by my inability to build a stable VCO. My proto-synth did have a nice white noise generator, though, which I later built in to my Oberheim SEM. That led to my first home-brew drum machine, based on a sequencer I'd originally designed as a keyboard scanner. It was an exciting time, full of possibilities. Fast-forward to today and lazy now-me is content to click a virtual "button", an illusion made up of glowing dots on a computer display labeled "white noise".
  18. ^^^ This. If there are only a handful of plugins, it may be faster to just narrow down the suspects via a binary test. By that, I mean disable half the plugins and test. If the problem persists, it's one of those plugins. If it doesn't, then it's one of the other half you didn't disable. Then disable half of the remaining suspects and repeat until you're down to one plugin.
  19. Did the program create a crash dump? Look in %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\MiniDumps. It will be named based on your project name plus date/time. Here's some more information about crash dumps. If there is a dump file, I'd be happy to look at it for you, although the Cakewalk crew would be able to extract more information from it than I can. I should, however, be able to at least identify which plugin caused the crash. If you're more of a DIY guy, here's a long-ago post I made about running the Windows Debugger (WinDbg) to analyze your own crash dumps. Scroll down to my second post in that thread.
  20. Or "have you tried turning it off and back on again?" That IT-Crowd meme actually worked for me recently. Our guitarist's multi-fx/amp emu box started making awful screeching sounds just as we took the stage and prepared to start the first song. The whole band turned to me in unison, because, well, "Dave can fix it". I turned the unit off, waited 5 seconds and rebooted it, once again saving the day and cementing my reputation as the band's nerd-in-residence.
  21. Encouraging that the top 10 things a guitarist should know does not include knowing how to play a guitar. Encouraging because it implies that the engineer will make any garbage you play sound good. "We'll fix it in the shrinkwrap" - Frank Zappa Couldn't agree more about learning to wrap cables properly, though. I don't know why guitarists are so resistant to learning the "roadie wrap". My drummer can do it. Heck, even the bassist can do it. Maybe even the singer could do it, but that would fall under "manual labor" so we'll never find out.
  22. That setting should be automatically saved with the project, along with all the other export options. I just checked that here to make sure, and it does. However, I am running a newer version of Sonar so it's possible your version isn't saving it for some reason. But don't worry about it. It won't affect the quality of your export if you have dither enabled when it's unneeded. But your thread title mentions "extra encoding options", so I'm assuming you're talking about the dialog that pops up after clicking the Export button that lists different wav file formats. Which of those you choose depends on the purpose for exporting a wav file. For example, if you're sending a track to a collaborator for inclusion in a shared project, use "signed 32-bit PCM". If you're exporting for inclusion in a CD compilation, use "signed 16-bit PCM". For most other purposes, including sending out for mastering, use "signed 24-bit PCM". But if in doubt, don't sweat it. 24-bit will almost always be OK. As a footnote, I only export to wav if I'm sending the file to someone who has explicitly requested a particular format. Most of the time I export FLAC, which works for almost all scenarios. The exception would be if I plan on attaching the file to an email or uploading to a hosting site with a file size limit, in which case MP3 is preferred.
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