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Everything posted by bitflipper

  1. Absolutely. Well, there's that one guy who's kind of a jerk. But the rest of them are A-OK.
  2. I could send you a screenshot, but it would be the same resolution as my 2560x1080 monitor. I'm told it looks pretty good. OK, here ya go...snipped from the About Box.
  3. Preach, brother. I remember when Waves gave away their products for free, then after five years started demanding money for them. Um, wait. I may be mis-remembering a few details. Cannabis: it's nature's preview of dementia.
  4. That orange actually looks pretty good here, on a dark-themed browser, on an actual monitor. I don't know how you guys can do anything on a friggin' phone. I tried that a couple times while killing time in a doctor's waiting room. That lasted about 2 minutes before I looked around and found a two-year-old copy of Time magazine. Since then I take a book with me.
  5. What is this "music store" you speak of? My music retailer is online, and their air conditioning consists of a desk fan.
  6. I had a humorous interaction with my car dealership this morning. I wanted to schedule service because my A/C isn't working. However, they now insist that such appointments be made online. I'm no Luddite, so I went there and began entering my information. However, I got nowhere when it came to selecting a date and time, as there were no clickable links anywhere on the page. Then I noticed in the corner of the screen a generic stock photo of a smiling lady with the caption "Hello, I'm Scarlett. Is there anything I can help you with?". So I type into the chat window: I am having no luck scheduling a service appt. via the online scheduler. Can you do that for me? Scarlett then replies: Hi my name is Scarlett. It’s great to have you with us! After a long pause, "Scarlett" adds: Hey! To assist you in scheduling a service appointment, here is the link to our service scheduling tool: [link to the same page where I started] Is there anything else I can do for you? My reply: I am now confident that A.I. will not be taking over the world. Thank You. Scarlett: You’re welcome. It's been a pleasure serving you today. Thank you for visiting us. Have a great time! Yes, Scarlett, I did indeed have a great time. Unfortunately, the forecast is for "hot", and for tomorrow "hotter still", and I have no A/C in my car. But I am happy that I was able to give you pleasure. BTW, the reason I couldn't schedule an appointment is that there were no slots open through most of the summer. I'll have A/C by October.
  7. So do some of your audio plugins, whether they advertise it or not. That's partly why your Melda and FabFilter stuff is so CPU-efficient.
  8. In the beginning I was referring to it as "New Sonar", but that sounds too much like "New Coke", and we all remember how that went. I propose that we refer to the new product simply as "Sonar". If you need to differentiate from pre-BandLab Sonar editions, call those "Classic Sonar". That's a suggested component, not a hard requirement. I can assure you that Sonar's running just fine here on a 6-core Ryzen CPU.
  9. I'm still on Ozone 7. The mastering aids that have been added since then are features I would have been excited about 10-15 years ago, but have since realized are mostly useless.
  10. Finally, somebody said it out loud.
  11. Since they took away Insight from the Advanced bundle, the main advantage now over the standard edition is getting each of Ozone's modules as individual plugins. I very rarely use Ozone's individual plugins. I think you could find better things to spend that $124 on. Of course, that's just my opinion. You can compare the Standard and Advanced editions here.
  12. I think that's an add-on, also back-ordered with estimated availability in 2039, or after the global AI takeover, whichever comes first.
  13. Some of you older guys might remember ordering X-Ray Specs from the back of a comic book...remember how you'd check the mailbox every day but it took so long to arrive that by the time it got there you'd forgotten ordering it? Well, that's how I'm feeling right now. After much research and deliberation, I bit the bullet and ordered this fancy little digital mixer. Unfortunately, it's back ordered and Sweetwater will only say it'll be "a few months". 9" touch screen. 18 inputs, 8 aux outs, parametric EQ, compressors and gates on every channel and every output. 8 reverbs, 4 delays, plus the usual chorus, etc. Patch anything to anything. DAW controls and full MIDI control. Motorized faders, 200 scenes, Dante-ready should I ever need it. All in a tiny (12.6" x 18") package, same size as the little MG12UX analog mixer I'm using now. Yeh, the whole thing's overkill but hey, I'm old - and well, like they say, you can't take it with you. So f*k it, I'm gonna enjoy my golden years with awesome toys.
  14. You might know this fellow for his song Bad Things that was used as the theme for the TV show True Blood. That's a good tune, but not the only goodie on the superbly-produced Red Revelations album. It's in of my collection of references.
  15. I believe the enclosure is just too small to get the full benefit of 8" woofers. I got spoiled with my Emotivas, which had incredible low end. They were also much larger and heavier than the Focals. They also had more powerful (1KW x 2) amplifiers. The Focals start to distort at high volume. Of course, I don't mix at high volume, but do crank them when the band is in here learning a new cover song and we're listening to the original recordings for inspiration. One thing I do like about the Focals is the wide sweet spot. My previous speakers, including the ADAM P11As that preceded the Emotivas, had folded ribbon tweeters. Those are exceptionally flat but laser-focused, requiring you to precisely triangulate on them with your ears to hear them properly. To anyone elsewhere in the room they sound dull. But you can't beat them for accuracy. I miss that.
  16. I've been using Focal Alpha 80 Evos for the past year. I'd always admired Focals but they were just too expensive. Then last year the amplifiers crapped out in my Emotivas (my all-time favorites, but sadly discontinued and no longer available) and I had to scramble to replace them without having money set aside in advance. Focal had just come out with this model and I hadn't heard them, but I trusted that Focal wouldn't risk their reputation by putting garbage on the market. And they were listed at an amazing price of $500 each. At a grand for the pair they'd be the cheapest monitors I'd ever bought. Long story short, they are not impressive. They do the job, and I've become accustomed to them. But gosh, I miss folded-ribbon tweeters.
  17. Huh? Aside from being superfluous in Cakewalk, which provides its own dithering, why wouldn't you expect a limiter to offer dither? Ozone can be run standalone, too, not just as a hosted plugin. It's meant to be a one-stop-shop for all things mastering. Keni, I missed your comment that you had Ozone! Your solution's been right there all along.
  18. Are you powering the interface via USB rather than using a separate power supply? I looked it up on Sweetwater and saw that it's marketed as a bus-powered unit for portability and doesn't come with an external power supply. That's a potential problem if for some reason your laptop's USB port can't deliver enough current.
  19. That would be a reasonable strategy. Open-back headphones are generally flatter than closed-back, and of course a flat frequency response is preferable if you're mixing on them. I don't mix on headphones myself, but if I did, it would probably be on a pair of Sennheiser HD600s. For editing, flatness isn't as critical. An inexpensive pair of ATH-M50s are fine for that. My go-to headphones (Sennheiser HD558) for editing are moderately Hi-Z. They generally work fine with my Focusrite interface. But back during quarantine I was trying to do some real-time online jams (never again) and wanted more volume. So I bought an inexpensive headphone amplifier. That turned out to be a fantastic investment. Turns out, even if your interface can deliver satisfactory volume, you may still be getting compressed peaks without knowing it. For a long time I'd assumed that headphone amps were audiophile snake oil, but I was so impressed by how much better the amp made the headphones sound that I bought a little battery-powered headphone amplifier so I'd always have the higher-voltage rails and higher current capacity even when outside the studio. And while the improvement is most dramatic with my high-impedance cans (Sennheiser HD650), it helps my low-impedance headphones as well. Bear in mind that while the broad consensus is that Lo-Z headphones are easier to get loud with, there are diminishing returns as you approach an impedance that requires more current than your interface can supply. The sonic effect is very similar to having insufficient voltage to drive a Hi-Z speaker. With a good headphone amp, you won't have to worry about either one.
  20. ^^^ Well, there ya go! I'll bet OP doesn't have one yet.
  21. This is why everyone should grab a copy of the free tool AutoRuns from Systools and run it periodically. I recently noticed that the Pace driver was being loaded at boot, despite having uninstalled all products that use it. Not a big deal, as that driver doesn't actually do anything unless validating a license, but it's still irritating. And don't get me started on Acronis and its takeover of my computer.
  22. Seems some of you have missed the point of the piece. It's about persisting with something despite knowing you'll always be mediocre at it. Let's be real: that describes the vast majority of us here. (Don't be offended. I am using the word "mediocre" in its literal sense. It comes from the same root word as "median" and "medium". If there are a billion musicians in the world and you are good enough to blow away 500 million of them, then congratulations, you've successfully achieved the rank of "mediocre".)
  23. And in breaking news, the family of Marvin Gaye has copyrighted the Am chord. We're all screwed.
  24. You might find that a quality dynamic microphone with a narrow pattern quite beneficial in non-ideal recording spaces. Here's one I've been using on stage for the past 3-4 years, primarily because its supercardioid pattern lets me place a vocal monitor right next to me on a stand. One day I put it up to record a quick 'n dirty vocal harmony while sitting at my desk, and was delighted at the results. It's now my go-to vocal mic for recording; my fancy condenser hasn't been out of its case in ages.
  25. Good catch. I hadn't noticed that it was VST3. A reasonable hypothesis would then be that Konrad had been using the VST2 version on the old computer. If that's the case, then the Replace Synth function should be an easy fix. Of course, there's no problem installing both versions and that would avoid future hassles if he's got a bunch of projects to move over.
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