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Everything posted by RBH

  1. This could this causing a lot of issues unless you are bulk importing all the same tracks. I import all kinds of tracks from other Daws that wouldn't have the same off-sets. Sounds like a lot of subtle ( hard to fix )phase issues could crop up when off-setting milliseconds.
  2. Make sure you have "Zero controllers when play stops " selected. EDIT > PREFERENCES> PROJECT> MIDI .
  3. Great thread for the " Production techniques " forum.
  4. There's typically a " handshake" which requires a midi in / midi out loop. Then the Ensoniq probably has a button sequence or dedicated sys-ex send mode and cake will record it for patch storage. Outside of that : cake will record patch changes and you can use simple text editing to create a patch list with names that will send patch changes. This has been basic a MIDI function for nearly 30 years. Sending banks is done via re-loading the sys-ex data back to the ensoniq. It's a reverse of the handshake where the Ensoniq needs to be in bank load mode. Cakewalk just records and sends sys-ex - plus the added function of being able to create corresponding names list that lives in cakewalk bank and patch change fields.
  5. There's a switch to record SYS EX in CbB -which is enabled by default, I believe. It'under < edit > <prefereces > < MID> < recording and playback >
  6. That's one of the great things about MIDI. It has stood the test of time. It's a very robust protocol to this day.
  7. What really matters is how many pieces it is. We talking 1500 ?
  8. Yea- but do you think Win 11 will work as well as XP ? That is the question ! I'm still on Win 7 - it's finally starting to work as well as XP - now that updates are off the table.
  9. I needed to use the web installer on my Win7 system. The in app installed fine on Win10. both coming from 2021-06-26.0.58.
  10. I've only dbl miked snare on a couple of occasions, but I've found that the bottom mike only needed a little bit mixed in to emphasis the " snares". I wasn't able to run them at near equal levels. - could be I wasn't miking them just right. - but that's been my experience.
  11. I can see this as a great addition. Would be nice to have a simple lock icon for track height. - Or get the heights set for a particular project and control select all tracks to lock heights. Key binding would be great too. maybe create a thread on the feedback forum.
  12. I saw the a Nightfly tour he did a couple of years ago. The band was " Donald Fagan and the Night Fly's" . The guest band were 4 young gents from the upper Ny area. Great players and all in there mid 20's. They also did a number of standard Steely tunes with the band - and the arraignments were a little more sparse of course - but just as good. The videos linked above are pointing to a full " normal " Steely Dan compliment and some great embellishments to the standard arrangements. Can't wait for these releases as well. Wow Keith Carlocks drums on Aja are great - as are the backing vocals.
  13. My next speaker re-cone challenge is a pair of blown Altec 604's that I've had in storage for better than 25 years. I should play it smart and just send them off to Great Plains. Also have a pair of Voice of the Theatre's that need to be re worked.
  14. It would be nice to improve the GUI and selection tools for this in the track view and inspector views. It would be lot more convenient than keybinding a CAL.
  15. That is NOT nice - even for a cat. and - If you've never personally re-coned your own speakers. It's actually a fun project. I've done 3 or 4 and all have come out just fine.
  16. Always in view in relation to the zoom level ? They would need to sync to the track view state. Mute and Solo would be really handy there.
  17. It's the best DAW on the market - but only if you use and learn it - kind of like most things in life. It's comprehensive and allows you to learn multiple methods to get your results. It's very flexible work flow wise and covers a lot of ground if you want to do deep edits.
  18. I would recommend the TRANSFORM tool in the velocity pane of Piano Roll View. -you can set the selection box to " grab " only the ranges of the errant kicks and push or pull just those chosen notes to where you need them. This lets you keep the notes as played timing wise. If you want to kill those notes then right click the mouse and select from upper right to lower left to select just that range of note ( the box highlights in blue ) and hit the delete button. It's very fast and intuitive - once you've done it a few times.
  19. Another consideration is the base channel used to input the original midi data. Controllers typically can be switched to output on any of 16 channels. I've seen cases where you might migrate to different tracks and route playback to separate channels - thinking you are composing for all different instruments on their respective channels , but still be inputting data on just 1 channel. Mid type 0 doesn't respect tracks nor the channels you intend to playback on. It's worth looking at the Event list for each channel you intend for specific instruments to make sure the channel data is separated properly. then save as - or export to type 0 if you want all data on a single track.
  20. For basic install with-in the CbB program Win 10 was effortless and fast - as usual. Win 7 required that I signed into Bandlab first - then it was equally effortless and fast. No update to bandlab was required. This coming from 2021-06 build 53 to build 58.
  21. Hitting the " S " key will split the clip where the track cursor is situated. So you would select the 2 clips ( just hit ctrl - and select in the track - or header of each of the clips - Mouse right click then select " bounce to clips " . It's also available under the clips tab , in track view. If you get in the habit of selecting the header of tracks, - and stay away from the clip boundary , there's less of a chance of dragging or fading the clip. When you bounce to clip - you are rendering any edits made to the individual clips into a new track file. Sometimes undo is your best bet.
  22. I think the answer - or suggestion was given to re-scan. - And by the way, sonitus plug-ins are great. I have used them for years and I also have some of the best offerings for plugs available.
  23. Select the clips - right click - select bounce to clips. If they are on different tracks and you want to keep them at the same position on the time line - Select the clip - use shift key and drag to the intended track- right click - select bounce to clips.
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