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Everything posted by RBH

  1. It would depend if the clip that contains the fade has been rendered. If the original audio was " bounced to Clip " or" bounced to track" - then is has been rendered. - but, that audio clip that is referenced to the project might not be the only clip that contains the original audio. There may be other hidden and unused clips in the audio folder that retain a copy the un- faded audio. You could "explore" the audio folder and listen to playback of the various files and see if there are versions prior to the file save of the faded version. If you find one - cool - drag it to a new track and have fun editing.
  2. Spell checker popping up on me makes me feel feel way stupidier. Basic stuff I've mispelled for years are now apparently a thing ? See ? I even misspelled misspelled..... this is not okay.
  3. Real musicians will be the " rare, vintage, boutique " versions of music makers - that turns down requests for dumb songs.
  4. The coolest thing about a tone wheel type organ is the overlay and interactivity in each range. It's really difficult to cop to a specific sound and to even learn what chord intervals are being played. It's all Hocusey Pocusey magic stuff.
  5. I'll give AI a look - as soon " they" figure out how to actually, successfully pull off a working spell-check as a first step.
  6. I consider " 6 ways to do something " a feature. Make your own work flow instead of having it imposed.
  7. I think I've asked for this in the Feedback forum before. This would be a great workflow advance IMHO.
  8. Eeek - I still have 2 K2000R's and 2 PX 1000's with A&B blocks, an AX 1000 module, a D-50 and a TX802, and uh TZ81Z. Anyday now I'm gonna sell them on Reverb.... been saying that for 10 years.
  9. I have a photo of me shaking hands with Jim Marshall way back when I was a young lad. He was doing a promotional tour of local mom and pop music stores in the Chicago area. Nice guy for sure and I just recently learned a bit about the company start-up. I played a gig about a year ago and another band's guitarist had (2) Marshall Jubilee's on stage . Amazing sounding rig for sure.
  10. i think you need to distinguish the difference between Keyboards and Sequencing.
  11. I'd like to see a chord grid / tab / lyric capability that aligns with-in the arranger module. Something more for songwriters / recordist's with export options. I think CbB has done wonders for the electronic midi / synth centrist musician. Real world full scoring is a behemoth of a task.
  12. yes - I've used them a number of times - been a few years for me though, but yea - they've been a good source.
  13. Wayne Shorter passed today. Best to family and friends. Amazing musician.
  14. Thanks for that - Those guys are the genuine article... great documentary.
  15. I've never been able to draw notes on the inline PRV. This is interesting. But- secondly, make sure snap is turned off?
  16. This like that 3 Stooges episode - where Curly is drilling holes in the bottom of a row boat to let the water out. " Ohhhh - A Water letter outer ! "
  17. You can also set key binding to advance forward - or - back for measures.
  18. Try a small sample - what happens if you don't select the retain pitch switch? Copy a small clip to a new track and test.
  19. I'm curious what would happen if you select all and bounce to clip. ( is that not an option? ) Would that render and dismiss the FX ? or what kind of loss would you in-cure if you simply migrated the track ? My advice would be to render each track - but that's just my workflow routine. I think the worst that could happen is that the plug-in wouldn't be found and you might get a dialogue that it is missing, but the track should hopefully still play.
  20. As if I had a vote - But this thread should be a sticky--or some edited version of one. Noels explanation for us " laymen " is gold. Thanks.
  21. Sorry just saw this response.... yes I'm talking about the Inspector panel. The slider widget there is not easy to guide to a specific number without over running. At times - I'm trying to adjust a key offset ( audibly ), to get an idea of how many keys to edit transpose. A Plus or minus 1 at the edges of the slider would be helpful as well as a numeric input. There seems to be a lot of screen real estate in the inspector window for midi generally. I can think of several ways to expand the current selections for better graphical layout. The transpose is just one that I use pretty regularly.
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