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Everything posted by RBH

  1. I have the PSP42 - great delay- It's quite old now and is 32 bit. I don't know if they ever updated it for 64 bit. I used it on a recording just a few days ago. edit - dbl checked they are 64 bit as well.
  2. You should staple those two words together I think.. ... chatwhiff... or maybe not. That name is a blast from the old forums past.
  3. I've run into scenarios in the past where a plug-in loads a window to ask for authentication or some other user info and it is hidden behind the Sonar program. Looks like it frozen but it's a window waiting for a response.
  4. I'm a bit of a outlier when it comes to privacy online. I have zero social media accounts outside of a few choice music software related forums such as this. No facebook - never have....... no insta gram - twitter, google accounts and emails are non existant etc. I find CbB to be one of the best updates routines there are. Unobtrusive and no- non sense. I think maybe the OP mis- interpreted the messaging about re- authorization. I interpret it as a need to get basic analytics about who is trying it a and flying somewhere else - or sticking with the program for extended periods of time. The last update was one of the best. I've been a loyal user since the day of DOS.
  5. Celebrating the Renaissance - wirelessly of course. AHHHH tradition !
  6. My opinion is that - I don't need some periodical or any other persons or associations opinion to determine that Cake walk is and has been a professional product for over 30 years. It's MY opinion that matters . I've used most of the majors, and most are ok. MAC based anything is mostly a joke to me personally. - but whatever.
  7. Mike B. - Sounds like a good idea. Adding a beginners forum to each might also help new patrons find answers to the basic start-up pains that we all have gone through ( great place to link to the tutorials section) The Cakewalk users in these forum groups are enormously helpful generally speaking and having the CTO of the company regularly chime in on what's real and what's perceived in the software is an exception to the rule.
  8. Thanks for the warning - but for many of us using Cakewalk products for 25 years : it's been pretty good.
  9. I did a number of searches related to number of installs allowed and couldn't find anything. So- is it allowed and or customary to use an install on a lap top just for themes related work ? I don't wish to power up my DAW to do this kind of thing.
  10. I took a stab at theme editing a couple of years back, I spent so much time trying to learn the basics - it was taking more time than music making. I will give it another go. Thanks for the tip.
  11. The update was the fastest, smoothest install experience yet. It was my first in-app install and less than 2 minutes to update and get working. the CA-2 in the Pro modules is perfect. Very nice work folks.
  12. I'd like to check these out - but I'm stuck at 2.71. ( win 7 still ). Are these availed in 2.9 only ?
  13. There was a free VST synth available a few years back that somewhat decently paid tribute to the pad sounds used on this song called " Crazy Diamonds" . I ended up doing a cake project of the song just based on the opening synth pads. Fun project actually.
  14. Please post these types of questions in " production techniques" . We all get to learn from them that way.
  15. RBH

    Unapply Neutron Preset

    If there is a threshold - you can turn it low enough to not trigger the " circuit " so to speak from activating and make sure there is no added make up gain. Save as the default is good idea.
  16. It's possible that your problem might be occuring because you're trying to install to G: drive ? Try to install on the C drive.
  17. I think current real estate would allow plenty of room for improvement. If we could choose to locate the track Icons above the gain " pot " . I personally don't have a need for track icons in the console view. I think using icons generally looks a little amateurish - But I realize it's important to many users. Higher res meters with select-able RMS / K Scale would be great.
  18. If you don't mind - can you post your opinion of the De-verb ? I've been thinking about it for awhile. I would likely use it on a couple of pre-existing tracks, and my system is already a bit too plug heavy.
  19. I just bought the ADA Flanger for 9.99. It's a bonus 20.00 voucher for plugs that are already on sale.
  20. It is a bit confusing, I know with the older system I have - Polyphonic Velocity Audition can cause stuck notes and unintentional copied notes when click dragging note groups. I'm curious if it's related to " if " the notes are re triggered in some way differently.
  21. You can do a lot in CbB alone. Experimenting with multi -band compression and eq and channel tools can change a lot. There is a new trend to have single do it all plug-do all things possible. They work really good. The presets can be a good starting place and you can learn quickly by sort of reverse engineering them. I think some are a little over the top. There's a production techniques forum here, this is a good thread to add to it.
  22. This looks pretty cool actually. I've advocated for the keys on the Keyboard graphic to respond to notes on standalone tracks - or respond if a multi track PRV screen had a track soloed. Over laying a staff looks really useful. I might actually learn to sight read this way.
  23. Higher impedance phones will be up in 600 Ohm range. These were common when using +4 analogue consoles. I would recommend something similar to AKG K240 Studio which are in the 55 Ohm range - or like Mark suggests Sennheiser 201's or 280's are also very good for the money.
  24. First step would be to make sure the track you are outputting midi from is is pointing to kontakt. You do this by looking for the small : O : icon, ( O stands for output - C stands for channel and B stands for bank.........right click it and set the track output to kontakt. Is the Music editing program saving the file as Midi type 1? You should check that as well. If you are playing back a single midi channel - you should check that the channel is set to omni.
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