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Everything posted by RBH

  1. Other software may have a pre roll feature. Not sure though, I only use Cake.
  2. I'm a past life prog rocker : the last couple of years I've been helping some friends and family with a heavy rock, blues, country album - Just mixing editing and lead guitaring. Unfortunately the editing part was on the order of 2k edits per song. it was long excruciating album. - and no body bothered to practice any of it in the last year it took to finish........so practicing and gigging is a disaster. One of the guys is venturing into a screamy metal blasting your brains out kind of thing which combined with garage rock performances means it going to be 2.5k edits per song. I'm slowly squirring out of it. I did however re-visit some guitar re-tracking on my karaoke versions of Jose and PEG. so that's been sort of fun. Might re-visit some Donald Fagen Nightfly stuff. Just bought the Famous E piano from OTS - so the steely dan stuff might take on a new flavour.
  3. It's probably best to export to the Audio folder of the project by default - then to just copy to any back-up you wish. I often back-up to seperate directory on my audio drive - as well as portable drives. As far as wave or MP3? I do MP3 exports for communication or online stuff and do wave files for more permanent ( finished ) back-up. I think if you wanted to have the songs " mastered" by a professional, Wave is the more preferred file format.
  4. Hosa makes a low cost 12 channel XLR patchbay. I think you get a used or maybe even new one for around $50.00 . I think I bought one used for around 30.00 a few years ago. The tricky part might be remembering to switch off phantom power before switching things around ( if you're using Phantom ). I used it in a rack just so avoid the headache of tunneling behind my mixer.
  5. Sounds like you had a midi feedback loop. Glad you got it sorted. Former D4 owner here and even made my own triggers from some leftover piezo materials I used to manufacture. Tuning the D4 to different kinds of triggers is actually a lot of fun and can get pretty finely tuned too. Then translating the midi to a highly multy sampled set is when you get the best payoff for all the work. I think it's still a unique and relevant unit all these years later.
  6. There's nothing to recognize with the d-4. There are instrument definitions that will populate the factory presets for drum names. Cakewalk will recognize midi note output from the D4. Make sure you understand midi channels, the D4 can be set to output on any of 16 Midi channels. Hook the D4 midi out to the Midi input via ( 5 pin DIN connector ) of your /behringer UMC - it will pass thru the midi to Cakewalk.
  7. wow - I like the SimplySafe sign in the corner of the Vid ! that's crazy !
  8. I went with the Famous E. Rhodes is probably my most important key instrument samples need, I have a bunch but I want the best I can afford. I'm a guitarist so all those awesome libraries that are guitar and electric bass centric don't really find a home with me. But - I have the Rosewood Grand, Marimba, Vibes, Core Bass Pear in my catalogue already. OTS are probably my favorite libraries for authentic instruments.
  9. My first Midi device was an add on sequencer recorder on for my prophet 600.
  10. I have never had a great desire to travel out of country - but the one exception would be Japan. Would love to travel there. Plus Keiko Matsui is one of the best.
  11. I would second the notion that you're trying to record the note on before the note off of the same note. I suggest that you split the clip where you select that will force a note off event at the split ( I think ) , and will make a consistent selection for the punch in. In case you need to do multiple takes in comp mode.
  12. Sad news, have to agree that he brought real analogue back to the masses.......... again. Amazing guy. I've been wanting an OB6 since they first came out.
  13. That needs a conversion to a 4 string.
  14. Seems the easiest work around might be to create a pre-set project file (set-up specifically for editing) and import the midi file. With the preferred instrument already loaded, then it's an instrument assignment task. There are a number of short cuts and bindings to make that more or less kind of quick. Are you opening saved midi files? - or are you launching them from a website ? link or something other?
  15. It would be great if a compromise on notation could be made to easily apply Chord Charts , Tab and lyrics in an easy to format template. This would be usable for lot of contemporary genres. A full notation program is a whole different and serious undertaking.
  16. The monitors are only half the story if you're checking for mix quality. The room you monitor in is equally important. I've recently changed to doing tracking and editing and majority of the mix through Sennheiser HD 650's. Just because they are a consistent reference. l check finished mixes on JBL LSR308's and Tannoy Reveal 8D for low volume checks. Then I take the Mix to a big and cranked live sound set-up to try and cover a few more basses. I moved recently from a decently treated home studio - to basically a dungeon basement room. The sennheisers have made it possible to keep working.
  17. Nice find msmcleod. ! that is going to be very handy.
  18. I'm 61... I can officially say that " My get-up and Go , must a got -up and went. But I enjoy producing band stuff and after many years of Jazz rock - Not so Knew Age - y kind of stuff... I'm actually getting into pretty heavy rock. It was always fun to toy with and play, but I never really got into listening to it. Now I really enjoy mind noodling about the skills it took to create a really great record on pretty limited analogue equipment. I treat CbB as close to an old tape machine as I can. Plus it's a great synth rack. I can polish the Cow Pies now that I couldn't in the past. I still mess with recordings I made in the early 90's on Cakewalk. No expectations - but just fixing little things that I couldn't in the days of tape. Back then, at best I had 1 reverb and 2 delays and a compressor or 2 to record a 5 piece band on a 1/2" 8 track. I like what Mark said, going back and dumbing it down to the basics. Too many options means too much wasted time for me.
  19. I re-coned a pair of those a couple of years back and gave them to a friend for cost. Couldn't find the correct tweeter foams anymore. It was worth giving them a new life though.
  20. This is awesome. I like the cat strolling on top of the tree line too.
  21. Thanks for sharing the pain ! I'm really not much of a keyboardist.... so -that was my main justification. Now I'm stuck with a load of Kurzweil, Yamaha and Roland modules. I have a feeling as soon as I get rid of them, they'll spike up in price too. As much as I've tried to replace and re deploy with VST's - nothing is quite as good sounding as the real tools.
  22. I had an original 4 voice with sequencer and sold it about 5 years ago. Selling prices have at least tripled since. They are amazingly fun to play and do wish I had kept it. About 20 years ago I was able to score : The Oberheim 4 voice - A hammond X-5 with Leslie 760 - a Roland Re501 - a set of Moog 1 Taurus pedals - and a Rhodes suitcase for $850.00 Still have the Roland though.
  23. I think the CAL routines just deals with the bulk midi information - This issue may have to do with what root channel the track was recorded with. The midi channel can be changed for whatever playback channel after recording - but it likely has retained it's original input channel information. It can be an important to assign the correct channel to record the original information. If this not done then an additional step should be taken to correct the base channel information before importing the midi into another DAW - or in this case to take a type 0 file and basically convert it to a type 1 file.
  24. You can see the markers better in "Markers view" if you need to do a clean-up before correcting the paste special dialogue. I've had a situation where Importing wave files from Logic would paste logics track name of the imported file into the markers view - it could get messy pretty quick when doing bulk imports - Markers view is very quick method to clean all that up.
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