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Everything posted by RBH

  1. Double check that the midi note wasn't shifted. Also there are occasions when the note duration is so short that it is not correctly triggered during rendering operations.
  2. Valhalla has a free modulation effect called space modulator. It has some pretty interesting flange effects. I can't recall if there are stepped flange effects directly : But I've found it useful for a lot of other than standard flange effects. There are some audio demo's as well. Might be worth a listen. https://valhalladsp.com/shop/modulation/valhalla-space-modulator/
  3. I do a pretty hard cut with a low pass filter around 2.5K to remove the click sound. Some basses can get rid of the click with tone control only. It sounds kind of MEH when playing it soloed - but can work in a mix.
  4. I understand the issue you're talking about. - but really it is just a function of the way you expect it to work coming from Samplitude. I can't for the life of me figure out a smooth functioning workflow trying to utilize VSTi in Samplitude. CbB has come further towards your workflow by integrating the simple instrument track, but I think that approach is particularly confusing. The way I look at it is that the Instrument - the Midi track - and the instruments output(s) ( audio track ) are completely separate items and devices that are not intrinsically tied together until you patch them purposefully. So- the old school CbB way 1.) Create an Instrument VSTi via the synth rack. This will automatically create the associated audio tracks designated by the VSTi. Select the output of the midi track and assign it the the VSTi. All done. -If it's a multy timbral VSTi then set the appropriate channel from the midi track. Now it's really really all done. Everything is re-assignable from whatever midi track to whatever VSTi. If you wish to assign the midi track to new different VSTI then use the Replace Synth dialogue in the synth rack. If you want to just re-assign the midi track to a different already instantiated VSTi. just change the midi tracks output. Things remain open ended and easy to keep track of. IMO
  5. You perform track automation-which will accomplish what you want. You can select edit and then select all to select all tracks - then select the " tracks" tab in the track view- there you can set all tracks inputs , outputs. Also you can select the whole track and " bounce to clips " - which will create a single clip of the whole track if you want to want to make a global change across the track. This would depend on what state of editing you are at.
  6. Ok I understand the video better, thanks. I'm still on 2021 09 but I will try to see if 2021-11 works any differently for me. As far as generally utilizing clip gain, it has always worked for me though I likely am working with a higher zoom level and editing small clip selections.
  7. Just below the Bounce to Clips selection is the Convert to Stereo selection. Any chance this is caused by a slippery mouse click ?
  8. If I'm seeing your video clip correctly ( old eyes so maybe not ). It looks as though your trying to select in the upper part of the clip - and missing the envelope line outside of it's select range if you are trying to directly select the line. I'm having a hard time seeing exacty where your clips begin and end with-out the clip headers showing. I agree that it's sometimes hard to get the envelope nodes selected for editing - the way I assume they should be selected.
  9. Everybody needs one of those, even if you just think you don't: simple enough.
  10. It looks like you had recorded un intended automation. To delete just the automation: you need to select the entire track: go the the EDIT tab and select DELETE SPECIAL: that will open up a screen that will allow you to delete only the automation - read the choices and make sure EVENTs in TRACKS is not selected.
  11. RBH


    In my world there is still no such thing as facebook. LOL - I thought it was a stupid idea conceptually 16 years ago. I'm still right - I think. E-bay has been fine for buying for over 20 years for me. I could never bring myself to setup a sellers account. Reverb has worked well for both buying and selling, but there is way too many people marking things up through the roof. I can't call -it inflationary, more like dummy's taking advantage of other dummies.
  12. Unless Fender is being run by investment bankers (like gibson was ) instead of music instrument manufacturers, - No biggie in my book. The Pre-sonus folks have built a pretty robust line and have committed a lot of time doing it. Maybe time for them to take the pay off for their labors.
  13. Have videos of the band gigs ? Maybe he would come around a bit with some self embarrassment/ reflection? If he's the kind that doesn't care - then yea you need to just make the choice to thin out the vocals live.
  14. Ok -thanks, I was unclear about the playback audio tracks staying in sync.
  15. Noel - what situation would require or necessitate removing PDC ? I'm trying to imagine a scenario where it would not be wanted.
  16. If you can select all of the notes you want to effect, You can use the Event Inspector to offset all selected notes. You can also utilize the transform tool - to raise velocities - compress velocities - expand velocities.
  17. Thanks for following up on the thread. We all learn that way.
  18. I still do quite a bit of humanizing by using Cal routines. By humanizing, I consider subtle changes by randomizing the time and velocity removes the static repeated alignment of instruments and sample transients . I run the random time cal and vary the ticks amount by 3-4 ticks. Vary Velocity - I might run the velocity ranges at +/- 10 near where the base values are and. Them I do a couple of passes and manually randomize the tempo by +/- 2-3 from the nominal. This gets me a start at adding some random variation. Then I do a couple of playback sequences and just start fine tuning things. I never use a grid in composition, and I ignore it completely when trying to humanize a track.
  19. It looks as though you do have FX assigned to the clip - ( this is likely prohibiting clip gain offsets or automation? Mark - Can you correct me if I'm wrong about this ) - Right click in the small upper right FX box in the clip and disable or remove the effect that is assigned. Sounds as if you did not intend to apply any FX there.
  20. I have an old system and an older silver face FW Apollo . What sells me on UA is the fidelity of the interface. The plugs are great - but there's nothing I couldn't go with-out and substitute other good quality plugs. If these newer ones can hang with the interface headroom and fidelity - I'd go for it.
  21. It sounds like you are just starting out using MIDI and cakewalk? I would suggest that you google tutorials for Cakewalk. It's a very deep program with a long history. It was built utilizing MIDI as it's ground floor and it's probably the best program for MIDI instrumentation. To answer your question - yes there is a way to play using a midi keyboard.
  22. Select track - Process audio > gain. - Or select Track hold ctrl and drag in the track space upwards and you can add - I think up to 6db gain. You can use Channel tools as well. If this a stereo track - then use process audio Gain or Channel tools to offset left or right channel from the other.
  23. I've gotten caught a couple of times - thinking it is a global switch, but it's project specific. I wouldn't mind if this switch was available in the controller pane.
  24. That whole performance is great - one of the best of Steely Live. Bodhisttva is amazing on that beacon theatre recording.
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