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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. You beat me to this one. The dev is the DSP coding genius behind a lot of the Brainworx plugins. Now $29 from $79. Several are free, so you can try them first. Nembrini Analog Rack bundle His Plugin Rig Host lets you build FX chains and save them. Now $9 from $39. Plugin Rig Host Alternatively, any audio FX stomp-box-like plugin that does what you want should work.
  2. My final BF purchase. BIAB 2019 Mega ==> BIAB 2020 Ultra. ?
  3. Actually, he updated all of his plugins. I just d/l'd MJUC, VUMT, VUMT Deluxe, DC8C3 and SDDR2. No slowness encountered.
  4. I have a feeling that there are some caching issues that account for the different user experiences.
  5. 1909 was more of Service Pack-type of release. It didn't even trash AD2 and AK authorizations.
  6. Odd. This morning, the download link on the Union web page was for v1.01, which I already had installed. When I went to check the versions of the other plugins of theirs that I own (under My Account), I noticed a v1.02 download for Union. Downloaded and installed.
  7. Had that one for years! I also have Singularis, PMI Börsendorfer 290 (which they no longer sell), and the most-excellent Rain Piano MK2 (both versions: Kontakt and Presence XT). Plus, for no good reason, the INIL Choir.
  8. Downloading (veeeeery slowly) Little *****, a nice little Hammond M100 with a Leslie 147. Heck of a deal for $4.90. EDIT: Seems like this forum doesn't like the product name.
  9. Release Notes v7.5.3 Playing - Audio refactoring - Fix of slides interpretation - Fix of the slides volume in MIDI - Fix of sound changes that were not systematically done in special cases - When playing a playlist containing a repeat part, playback stops now at the end of the selection without repeating - Fix of MIDI sound when stopping playback for some synth banks, which had an incorrect pitch - Fix of the occurrence of untimely sounds during countdown and playback (more commonly called "poc") - The violin does not ring anymore when the let ring is off - The loop mode no longer takes into account the repetitions - Fix of the reproduction of volume automations in a simile - Deletion of a second note heard on the F# of the spinoza bank - Fix of the volume of the golpe - Using the correct sound bank in MIDI on similes - Fix of the appliance of the playing style on track change - Fix of the sound of tied notes which sounded like attacked notes - Fix of the duration of some notes when triplet feel is active - The countdown is reseted on click on the score during its course - Fix of the reading direction on start on an alternate ending when the countdown is activated - Play similes at the end of the song when the pickup bar is activated - Fix of the backup of sound automations with identical names - Fix of the sound of a note following a slide out - Fix of the playing behaviour on alternate endings with a count down - Fix of bend playback misfunctions on releases Edition - Fix of the copy paste multitracks undo - Prevent the double similes from being superimposed on copy paste - The copy paste of a passage containing lyrics does not keep more residues of words (displayed on the sheet music but not present in the window of lyrics) - Fix of a tempo duplication on the same time in a particular case - Dead notes are no longer taken into account in the chord window - In the chord window, the position and the chord name are no more overwritten on alteration change - Notes are no longer disabled when switching to a tuning with less string Import / Export - Exporting implicit tempo changes and time signatures on repeats on MIDI export - Fix of diagrams display on ptb import - Management of the ties, lyrics, string and fret on grace notes on XML export - The C has now the right octave on gpx import with a C flat in key signature and no tablature - Export of "rehearsal" in XML when the associated beat does not contain note - Fix of instruments in gp5 exports for scores with more than 7 tracks - Display of the chords name on gp5 files opening - The audio export is now much faster Display - Centering of the "C" time signature on tablature - The design mode button is now visible at the end of a system when there are no margins on the pages => A TESTER - Fix of the display of the time signature in the top panel - Improvement of the visibility of the red of invalid bar length errors on the partition - Fix of texts which overstep the score edges - Free time no longer displayed on the next bars of the system - Fix of missing notes stems in multivoice - Fix of the display in case of diagrams occupying the entire first page Various - The baritone ukulele is now tuned an octave below - Improvement of the CPU use - Translations fixes - Various crash fixes
  10. I had to start SS at 62, as well. I wanted her dog more than I wanted my ex or her money. And I'm much happier for it. Once on a fixed income, I remain kind of surprised how it's gone. You get used to the budget you have to set for yourself. And then eliminate one thing. Like alcohol. [Easy for me. I lost the ability to metabolize it a couple of years ago.] I had MONEY left at the end of the month! Quite a bit. OK, I admit to spending some of the leftover bucks on music. But it felt good! Good luck to you!
  11. His amp sims! I have Vermilion, Caliburn and Creme for guitars, and Cerberus for bass. All good, except that Creme is more difficult to fit in a mix.
  12. It's not you. It's YouTube. YT transcode everything you upload, the quality of the transcode being (partially) related to your status (views, subscribers, etc.). YT also have very specific audio specifications. Try the free Youlean Loudness Meter plugin. I have the new Pro version ($47), but the free one should have all of the presets, including one for YouTube. If your audio is hotter than the specs, they'll definitely transcode it. Youlean Loudness Meter Edit: Once you get your audio to meet YT specs, search for tips to on how to get YT to transcode your upload using their highest/best quality. I vaguely remember one tip being to edit the uploaded video (delete ONE frame) and save/reupload. Something like that. If any of this helps, please post an update.
  13. Just so you know... I'm betting that the free plugin will be v11. If you haven't upgraded yet, guess what? All your v9/v10 plugins will still run just fine, but you'll just keep adding WaveShells. Most of my plugins were still under WUP from a BF special a couple of years ago. Waiting for something similar, so I can upgrade the remainder. I am NOT paying >$150 to reWUP them. FWIW, the upgrade was pretty painless, just slow.
  14. Baps, you are the master of the rhetorical question.
  15. I bought individual Soundtoys plugins when offered at a stupidly low price, even if it wasn't the FX I needed/wanted at the moment. Then last BF or the one before (too old to remember or care), I got a great deal on the bundle because of the plugins I already owned. I've paid maybe $150 (certainly less than $200) for the bundle. Great deal! And the bundle is the only way to get the Soundtoys FX Rack. Niiiiiiiiiice.
  16. I jumped on this straightaway. Really clean initial sound. Full 88 keys. Modeled. No samples. Small. Fast. Very playable. VST2, plus standalone. I also have his Fire Piano Bass and Glassy Digital EP. Both are modeled. The Piano Bass is modeled on the Rhodes Piano Bass that Ray Manzarek played when the Doors toured (they toured without a bass player). Lots of fun!
  17. Army here. Germany '71-72. Tactical intel, 7th Army. Seven Steps To Hell. Wore that fatigue jacket for a LONG time. Had deployment orders to Pakistan. Nixon was sending us into the Pakistan/India war. Indian launched a major offensive 48 hours before we were shipping. War over. Bangladesh created from East Pakistan. Only the (still) disputed territory in the north. No deployment into that front line. I'm still among the living. I have the greatest respect for those who sacrificed everything...and for their families, as well. And for those who sacrificed a lot...our service-connected disabled vets. And for those now serving in a dangerous world. If any of you know of a vet having trouble with the VA and getting recognition/compensation for a service-connected issue, ask them to contact the DAV (Disabled American Veterans). Look for a National Service Officer close to you. They helped me when the VA screwed me over. I'm a life member. Other than that lousy incident, I've had very good luck with the VA (except Hines VA Medical Center in the Chicago area and Hayden VA in Phoenix; avoid both). Sorry for the length, but one other thing... For those on Medicare, with this being the annual election period... The agent at USAA turned me on to the Humana Honor PPO. It's designed for vets who get their primary healthcare and prescription drugs through the VA. $0 monthly (they just get your Part B premium taken from your Social Security check). Includes dental, periodontal and vision. Reasonable deductibles. Will save me about $2500/yr over Medicare/Medigap. Back to your regularly scheduled programming...
  18. Worthy update! Don't know why I didn't notice the slide into an island vibe for a bit. Really nice!
  19. Oh, come on. We all know that computers are designed to help us take more time to do less.
  20. I'm holding on tight. OPIA sounds pretty good, but they are tempting me with the OPW Toolkit ($29; wonder where they got that price). The demos sound pretty good. The main patch (Oliver's Piano) has only 4 layers with 2 round robins, but sounds (and seems to play in the video) pretty darn good. https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/oliver-patrice-weder-opw/ Here's one of his songs that use sounds he included in the toolkit.
  21. I need to take back what I said. They did something smart! I have Analog Lab 4, Matrix 12 and Wurli. Previously, any update downloaded the entire multi-gig file. This time, they only downloaded the bits that needed updating (I was on the latest versions). All three took longer to install than they did to download. Tons of small .png files to support GUI resizing. Slow, and very wasteful of hard drive space. I downloaded and updated all three in less than 15 minutes. Almost like the 8th Wonder Of The World!
  22. I'll update, but, Todd, you're right...they are PAINFULLY slow. I think they serve from their own servers in France. Have they never heard of cloud services like AWS? Oh, wait, Amazon aren't French. Sorry.
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