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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. Also done with Magix. Instead of taking their SpectraLayers upgrade, I bought the iZotope SpectraLayers 6 version. I've uninstalled all of the Magix stuff I bought after SPlat hit the windshield.
  2. And Kody is a great guy, so I'm always happy to "give him the business!" ? EDIT: Bought Amplifikation Matchlock (to go with Cerberus, Vermillion, Creme and Caliburn). Really like his amp sims! And Matchlock looks a lot like the brown tweed '64 Fender Bassman I bought in '67. Should be fun playing through it. $21 at EveryPlugin.com. $25 at Kuassa's website.
  3. Agreed. Lots of good, usable sounds! While I was downloading it (very slowly), I noticed a bunch of other freebies that I claimed. No idea if any of them are useful. With downloading so slow, it'll be awhile.
  4. Use the new, individual instruments in the "06 Single Instruments" folder. All of the MIDI automation has been cleaned up, as has the HOST automation. There is now no need to use the original dual-instrument files.
  5. Absolutely! Some great sounding VIs. I just quickly played through all 10. I'll definitely finds some uses for them. While on the site, sign up for the newsletter to get 2 free libraries: Free Orchestra Chords and Free Sustained String Chords. One little odd feature of these two is that the selection of major or minor chord is based on velocity. Lower velocity plays a major chord, while higher velocity plays a minor chord.
  6. Yes. PayPal converts automatically. I paid US$10.44 (€9.25; no VAT for the U.S.).
  7. Black Friday. Best answer I can give. I have K9 Ultimate. Rather than upgrade the entire suite, I waited for BF and upgraded just Kontakt from v5 to v6. These are older libraries, so they only require Kontakt v5.8.1. Maybe you can pick up a license on the resale market.
  8. Grabbed this one! Download was fast (about 1 GB). The only manual I could find was for the Ukulele & Muted Piano combo. Scroll almost to the bottom of this page (the d/l link is in the System Requirements section. https://sonuscore.com/shop/origins-bundle-vol-1-5/
  9. The ones I own are: FAT Filter, Firefly, MSW2, Nebula, Oracle, Percolate, Ravage, Velo2
  10. I've already acquired all of their good FX plugins. Not interested in any of the others.
  11. I split the difference and bought the DT 880s. Love them. Great for long mixing sessions. I bought a cheaper set of closed-back Sennheiser's for tracking. If I'd have had the money at the time, I'd have bought a pair of 770s. I don't know about the 770s and 990s, but the 880s are available in several loads (ohms/resistance). If you're planning on also using them with a phone, e.g., get a lower ohm rating (60 or less; 32 ohms is one common number). If you'll just be using them with an audio i/f or other device with a better headphone amp built-in, a higher ohm set, e.g., 250 ohms, works great.
  12. If you're a dog person, check out "The Science Of Cute". It's fascinating. 19 minutes. I get CuriosityStream free through my cable company. I'm dropping them for straight streaming, so we'll see if they figure out I quit Suddenlink and want me to start paying (which I'd be OK with). CuriosityStream is great later at night when you don't want to start a 2+ hour something.
  13. I'm getting the following script warning (Kontakt 6): SCRIPT WARNING (Line: 4891, Script: 0): invalid slider value (clipped to min value)! Emailed the dev. I'll post any response that I get.
  14. Picked this up. Thanks for the tip! I'll find out, but just wondering if you've noticed any latency using this.
  15. For me, it was just an HTTP warning (no HTTPS). Surprisingly, the download is still available. The installer started up just fine, but I aborted since I already had it installed.
  16. Done! Never turn down a chance to add a nice upright for a great price! VI Labs ModernU is gonna have to go on sale for at least half off before I'll buy it. I don't need it $150 worth.
  17. I'm still on K9U, so no upgrade pricing for me. Will have to wait until I finally upgrade to the current version of Ultimate. I bought the Kontakt 6 upgrade, so it may be a long time.
  18. I bought the upgrade last time around. Worth it. I have no interest in being/becoming a sound designer, so VIs like Analog Lab 4 and SynthMaster Player are perfect for me. Both still make the most important controls for each preset available to the user (up to 8 on both).
  19. Or as the junior Bush was referred to in Munich as a Handpuppe!
  20. TheMaartian

    XLN midipaks

    All of the MIDIpaks are on sale on the XLN site for $10.97 until 15th March (4 more days), including the excellent Session Percussion pak. https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/addictive_drums_2/midipak
  21. Arturia is being quite responsive this morning. The AL4 update downloaded WAY faster than it installed!
  22. Gonna pass on this. I just picked up Initial Audio's new AR1 at the $19 intro price. Lovely little algo reverb. Very versatile. https://initialaudio.com/product/ar1-reverb-effect-plugin/ Early Size: This controls the distance or size for any early reflections. Early Level: Controls how much of an effect the Early size control has on the overall sound of the reverb. Size: Increases the size of the reverb space, also has the effect of making the reverb tail last longer. Width: Stereo width, at 0% the reverb will be completely mono, losing all stereo information. At 100% the reverb sounds as wide as possible in the stereo field. Pre delay: AR1 reverbs response is delayed by the pre delay amount in milliseconds. This can give the effect of an even larger space or just sound more natural. Reflections of sound usually takes some time to reach the ear. Set the exact amount with pre delay. Bandwidth: Reduces the amount of high frequencies in the reverb. This would make the reverb sound ‘softer’ , think being in a space with soft furnishings and carpets, as opposed to say a kitchen or bathroom with lots of hard surfaces. Damping: This controls how fast the high frequencies in the reverb dissipate over time. More damping will make the reverb sound softer and the overall reverb will appear to decrease in volume faster too. High damping means the reverb is absorbed very quickly by the room and doesn’t reverberate as much. Modulation: Adds a little pitch modulation to the reverb tail. Mix: Controls how much of the original audio is mixed with the reverberation. Set to 100 wet to get only the AR1 Reverb tail.
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