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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. I'm on 1903, and Expose is still working just fine here.
  2. The Germans have a word for that kind of viewing experience...schadenfreude.
  3. You mean like this one? EDIT: After posting this, I scrolled up to the video, thinking I might watch the train wreck again. Before clicking on it, I came to my senses and thought "No. I. Can. Not. Watch. That. Ever. Again." Whew. That was close.
  4. Welp, someone's gotta. If you think the song is bad, check out the OFFICIAL video.
  5. Overheard in a bar in Milwaukee in the late '70s... I'm shooting pool with a friend, when 2 young punks walk in and head to the jukebox. When they come across a Jefferson Airplane: Dude 1: Jefferson Airplane? I thought it was Jefferson Starship. Dude 2: Jefferson Airplane was their name before they got their $hit together. Those 2 almost got beaten with pool cues.
  6. The VST2 version of 1.3.2 also crashes Gig Performer and Studio One.
  7. 1) Is that recording available anywhere? I envy your opportunity to record them! 2) I've never been lucky enough to see them live. The closest I got was plane tickets to Mexico City to see their show there, when work got in the way, and I had to cancel. I didn't learn of Magma until 1980, after Attahk was released. It was very difficult here in the States to find their LPs. When Seventh Records remastered and released their back catalog, I bought it all at once (over €500). Seventh were nice, and added a bunch of accessories for free! Alles gute!
  8. Another Magma fan! Woot! What would the world be without Seventh Records in France? I own dozens of Magma/C.V. albums, lots of boots and some videos, too! Seventh Records Butt-ugly website. Great tunage!
  9. ¡Muchas gracias! Also works great in Studio One and Gig Performer (live).
  10. Got my Instant Pot Ultra last BF. Used my $10 Prime Day credit from Whole Paycheck and snagged a Fire TV Stick 4K for less than $17! https://www.amazon.com/Fire-TV-Stick-4K-with-Alexa-Voice-Remote/dp/B079QHML21/
  11. WARNING re Klanghelm... The freebies are so good, you'll buy his full versions. Well, I did. Really nicely priced (DC8C @ 23€; SDRR @ 23€; MJUC @ 24€). And his meters are also excellent, with great ballistic response. https://klanghelm.com/contents/main.php And how can you not like a guy who named his saturation monster SDRR (*****, Drugs, Rock & Roll)! ? EDIT: This forum didn't like the first word, but y'all know what it is.
  12. TheMaartian


    Thanks! My login was remembered, so I didn't need to login again.
  13. ChordPulse is great. Simple and quick. BiaB takes more time, but covers much more ground. I highly recommend LoopBe1 (no noticeable latency for me) instead of LoopMIDI (noticeable latency when playing live). I went ahead and bought LoopBe30.
  14. Haven't tried. Kept hoping for machine auth. Most (all of mine?) plugins that use machine auth. permit 2 or 3 activations, enough to get you going on a replacement PC before trying to get the used activation back.
  15. At least Soundtoys allows PC authorization, unlike Slate, which forces you into either a hardware key or, MUCH worse, the iLok Cloud, where the plugins keeps checking for auth via the internet. Sure wish I could get that money back.
  16. Yup! Not Soundtoys (best bundle ever!), but quite useful tools.
  17. They have bundled the instrument soundbanks you used to have to pay separately for into GP7, so this is a really good deal.
  18. I highly suggest this book (if it's not the one you ordered). It's not just a large collection of recipes, like most of them. Most recipes have interesting variations, but most importantly (for me, at least), was that they give a lot of "why" and not just "what". Very informative. https://www.amazon.com/Instant-Pot-Bible-Recipes-Strategies-ebook/dp/B079L5NP6M/ref=sr_1_3
  19. All of my Imgur photos have gone missing. I just get their version of a 404 page. Bastidges.
  20. Mama cried and daddy burned When I told them what I learned
  21. Map the Tack to your right hand. Map the Rain Piano to your left hand. Play boogie woogie with the left and honky tonk with the right. Sounds FANTASTIC!
  22. I had been in the habit of clearing this directory from time to time...and then forgot all about it. What a mess! Now? Mess be gone!
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