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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. This is a bargain. 2020 was just released. My upgrade from 2019 Ultimate to 2020 was almost $70. New, it's $100. I quit on Cyberlink long ago. For several good reasons. I wanted a good video editor that I could buy a license for, and not have to deal with an annual subscription. I've been pretty happy with VideoStudio. 2019 is a very capable version. 2020 added 4K support and a few other nice things, but nothing that makes buying 2019 a poor decision.
  2. How is that any different from, say, Microsoft ending updates for Win7? You don't upgrade? Support stops after awhile. Does Bandlab continue to update SONAR Platinum? No. Now it's CbB. Companies offer deals. For a limited time. Miss the time. Miss the deal. I uninstalled SD2 after getting SD3 up and running. Yet the TT Product Manager keeps offering to reinstall it along side SD3, so they'll let me run it in parallel if I choose.
  3. Drum Shaper. Retro Color. XO. Couldn't be less interested in any of them. Lots of dev time that's of no use to me. SD3 and EZKeys work great for me. Haven't touched AD2 or AK in quite awhile.
  4. Release notes for SD3 3.1.7. I haven't found anything on the Avatar SDX update. CHANGES General Added support for SDXs consisting of several sub-libraries even though installed as one. BUG FIXES General The reported latency was too small when a sample rate other than 44100 Hz was used. Fixed a sound glitch that could occur if a host requested less than 16 samples. Drums Tab It no longer crashes on Mac if you ctrl-click a stack pad and select a different sound from the context menu. Grooves Tab Changing position in a browser groove being played in original tempo caused the looping to jump back to the wrong position. During browser playback with “Preview in Original Tempo” active, mixer effects that sync to tempo now use the correct tempo. Fixed a possible crash when user MIDI was synchronized/added. On Mac, the browser should no longer sometimes stay dimmed out when MIDI is dragged out from the window. Grid Editor Fixed a potential crash when Randomize was used. Song Track The undo system can now handle more than 128 song blocks. Exporting audio using “Bounce Microphone Channels” would in certain cases (involving having instrument stacks) result in incomplete exports.
  5. My only complaint about my AudioBox 44VSL is the lack of pop protection on the Line Outs. If I power down the i/f before powering down the speakers, I get a good ol' thump. Real solid build. Will buy their Thunderbolt i/f when I buy a new PC (from Jim Roseberry (Purrrfect Audio)).
  6. Good reminder that I already own this.
  7. Woo hoo! I asked them for an upright a couple of years ago. I got a reply telling me to hold my horses. Took them 2 more years, but this will be nice to add to the 4 VILabs grands I own (Ravenscroft, European, American and German).
  8. Remove MIDI Learn? Oh, swell. And I already updated.
  9. Thanks for the reminder. I did the same. Brainworx do good work.
  10. Maybe the free SAVIHost will work for you. You copy the SAVIHost.exe file to the directory your VI is in, and rename it to your VI's name. Then just run the .EXE standalone. https://www.hermannseib.com/english/savihost.htm I used this solution for years, until I found Gig Performer. Not free, but awesome also for studio use. I created a rackspace for each VI I wanted standalone access to. https://gigperformer.com/ Although not exactly what you're asking for, also check out the CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth. Much better than the Windows default. I use it with the Arachno soundfont. It's nice and small. Just be careful about which soundfont you pick, since the whole thing gets loaded into RAM at startup. https://coolsoft.altervista.org/en/virtualmidisynth
  11. This reminds me of XronoMorph. https://www.dynamictonality.com/xronomorph.htm
  12. Love it! All kinds of goodness in it (song and video). Wallflower, you're not. ? Can relate. Drive across a Mississippi River bridge up around La Crosse, WI in May. The June Bugs (they should be called May Bugs) can be so bad, that your windshield becomes completely obliterated in a single crossing, requiring a stop on the other side to clean things up enough to see. Sorta. You have my sympathy.
  13. I bought the recently released reMIDI plugin (the dev pronounces it "remedy") for $19. Would have bought it without the freebie, but thanks anyway! Now, I've just got to remember that it's online only via the PB website. I have two other courses in my account. I'd forgotten about both of them. Check reMIDI out. It's a MIDI sampler! reMIDI @ Plugin Boutique reMIDI Review and Tutorial
  14. Welp, Spring has a ribbon. I'm now out $25. All I have to do now is remember how to automate that ribbon. Haven't used Blackhole in awhile.
  15. v3.1.6 finally showed up! Run the Toontrack Product Manager to update.
  16. I really like the Eventide plugins I have, but since I already have Springbox by PSP Audioware, I'm not sure if this buys me anything I don't already have. Does anyone have both and can compare the two? TIA.
  17. Notice that they don't say a thing about drivers? Especially for Win10. What's the round-trip latency through a DAW when tracking? I don't care how good the hardware is, it's the drivers that make or break an audio i/f. And I really dislike the physical design. Putting all of the controls on the top of the box instead of the front was not wise, IMO.
  18. I'll bet that this explains why my 8-Track version refuses to update anymore. They want $100 for something that came with my Panorama P6 years ago. I found it unusable in practice, given the numerous limitations. I wouldn't pay a nickel for the 16-track version.
  19. What is the Win10 file extension of the video file? I'm hesitant to recommend a solution until I know that, but in the meantime, take a look at Corel's VideoStudio. I spent several years trying to get along with Cyberlink, but never did. And they're too expensive. And they try to rope you in to an annual subscription. Bah humbug. I did a pretty thorough review of several consumer-level video apps, and bought a license to VideoStudio. Decent ease of use. Decent interface. Paid license; no subscription. Both the Pro and Ultimate versions are currently on sale, with the Ultimate version being $4 CHEAPER (at $59.99) than the Pro version at the moment. The primary difference is the additional add-ons with Ultimate, plus some very cool masking capability (which I suspect you'll never use; but it's way cool!). https://www.videostudiopro.com/en/products/videostudio/ultimate/ Let's make sure it can deal with the Samsung video file before you spend any money.
  20. You're being most helpful. Thanks so much! EDIT: That may be enough info. I'll post again if that changes. Vielen Dank!
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