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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Their competition to be the most identically unique has made each one angrier than the last.
  2. Husker don't ? I think this is ok but kind of a 36gb bloat at an attractive price. I believe sd3 is coming up with some orch percussion soon.
  3. Ah, you will concentrate on Mac vs. PC then. ? Best of health to you, and may good music-making be good medicine.
  4. People who respond to marketing come-ons aren't intrinsically motivated enough to stick with it.
  5. Roth 403b with post-tax contributions?
  6. Mash them both with equal velocity and call it jazz.
  7. More than a nice waterfall? I'm on a PC but observations from any users would be appreciated . . . thanks!
  8. How callous. How vain!!! She pretentiously poses while the other four drown.
  9. Thong Thung Blue. My favorite Neil Diamond song.
  10. Just call your new band "Ruthless Lawyers" and that should take care of it.
  11. Freddie - thanks glad you liked it . . . I have a short attention span so changing it up works for me, too . . . much obliged John Maar - hata kifo kinaonekana baridi katika swahili! And, glad you liked it, many thanks indeed. Bert, - that's an awesome comment - let's both keep at it, I look forward to your contributions as well!
  12. Look, it's all very good, I agree a smidge of reverb on the guitar, and it's very authentic what you have done here. Great job! But I am absolutely floored by that harmonica. Well played, recorded, mixed. The parts fit very nicely indeed. You might do another pass with it so you don't have to repeat sections. It's just very nice and clear in the mix without being sterile. The ending kind of cuts off, I presume you have a fade out or something in mind? kudos Freddie! cheers, -Tom
  13. Peaceful. This would work with a whole lot of projects, from a slide show at a wedding, a Disney film with a love story in it, or even a tv commercial for a new blood pressure medication. Very smooth tune - maybe bringing the bass and drums in just a bit earlier might be worth considering? And you might reverb those strings a little harder? It's just me, but slathered reverb on strings fits a piece like this pretty well sometimes. A bigger hall? That was a cool listen, my blood pressure is lower now, and for that, I thank you!!! cheers, -Tom
  14. you might build in a half a second of silence right at the beginning. Your song starts immediately upon clicking, which for me at least is jarring. I like the tune, it feels somehow 80's to me. That melody really, really, really fits that chord progression!!! Pick any band: Pretenders, Psych Furs, Depeche Mode, Squeeze, REM, Elvis Costello - god so many 80's bands - I could hear them all doing this song and killing it with a huge hit. So that's a compliment to your songwriting. And it's a reveal into when my own musical growth became stunted. MEanwhile, have you thought of a killer solo section? I'm thinking sax but it could be anything really. The arrangement is great, the feel is up, so nice job! I agree the next thing to work on this might be killer bgv's and strong harmonies. Superb songwriting, hombre! cheers, -Tom
  15. Yep, and I checked out some other videos as well. Great catalogue and you have serious real deal chops . . . keep on rockin' in the Wayne's world. Plural, that is. cheers, -Tom
  16. Yeah, keep going no matter what. I agree, drums up. Particularly snare and hi hats. Cymbals might be loud enough as is. The bass line with a bit of movement and melody I think sounds right. It's the drone bass that might be worth shaving some of the bottom end off of. Great start methinks! cheers, -Tom
  17. This is what I now drive, thanks to Larry.
  18. This thread is best skirted.
  19. It's psychotic to make every item $29 then a day later it's back to 30%. Next Wednesday its 80% off of 30% with a $29 voucher. Chimpanzees are in charge of marketing. Why would anyone ever pay full price for a waves product? That said I own a bunch and use them lots.
  20. Bruce Cockburn? Alex trebek? Bob and Doug Mackenzie? Norm Macdonald? The Red Green show????? Canada stands first among all nations to have contributed to music, art, and culture that are to the immediate north of the U.S. I'd trade all of the above for one last set of Rush tickets.
  21. Well that was an unexpected pleasure! Unexpected in that "electronic" was tagged. But I can see how you'd have trouble giving this one a genre! Singing is great! Yes, moody. No problem there at all. One crit might be to watch the volume dropping off at the end of a lyric phrase - occasionally it got hard to make out the lyrics, just at the end of a line. It's a memorable tune, particularly that eerie synth, that's very well used indeed! Cheers, -Tom
  22. Hey, no politics!!! But sheesh, what's happened to melanie???
  23. I don't know, but the Klingon solitaire seems to be going well.
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