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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. It's the cool kakku style. I like it. Sentimental brain, huh? Nothing wrong with that. I like the claps on top of the snare. I think that's what I hear? Cheers, Tom
  2. I like the buildup of instruments and it has a Brian Wilson quality about it. Although that itself is pretty hard to define. Nice one!
  3. This wins the award for Greatest Distance Between Title of Thread, and Thread Content. congrats!
  4. Clearly your fever has turned you vegan.
  5. Despite my best physical effort, I was not able to pull the credit card out of my wallet. I am not worthy.
  6. Did you have to aim your darts lower, to compensate for the thinner atmosphere? Just wondering.
  7. I see a right shoe, so I must be using my left brain.
  8. You turned the shimmer knob up to 11! Really, really nice. Thankfully I listened on headphones. I'm not sure if you could somehow make it better by balancing the piece with more, or stronger, bass elements. Seems like most everything is a wonderful shimmering salad up above 1khz. Would some tasteful croutons of tympany or taiko mess things up? Just a thought . . . Hoping there is a video planned? Good one, Bjorn! -Tom
  9. Gromit is hereby advised to stay off the lsd. Great mix. My toes were tapping, man that drummer is great. It's all well performed, and shout out to the vocal mixing, they blend very well. I like my metal with a heaping helping of prog - thanks for that !!! Sorry no crits. I listened on headphones and got everything clearly. Perhaps some of his cheese had mold spots consumed unnoticed? Very well done, lads! Cheers, -Tom
  10. I wouldn't eat any templeballs before bed, Nepalese or what have you ? Great sing, great fractal, great lead guitar, and absolutely great vocals and vocal mixing with the bgv's . . . this is killer from top to bottom.
  11. Wow, great stuff. I'd call out the section from 1:54 onwards as being especially well mixed. The piano here is just a bit lower in the mix, allowing the entire piece to breathe. I understand a louder piano in the first third, the intro sets the theme and mood perfectly! You might play around with decreasing the piano volume in the middle third, as the strings start doing their things. Maybe it's just the upper treble of the piano that could be softened a bit? I dunno. Very cool chording, very cool piece! Cheers, -Tom
  12. Any opportunity for a Jerry Reed reference must be seized upon . . . !
  13. Now Bayou Bill was a Cajun, he lived by hisself in the swamp He hunted alligator fo livin! He just knock'em in the head with a stump.
  14. The video helps move the song along nicely, I'd say it works. It would be interesting to hear the first mix, and compare it to this - I'm sure it's much clearer the second go around . . . I especially like the added measure and the vocal processing in the chorus! The vocals throughout are a strength. A great effort, Lynn! Which is not to say it wasn't also kind of depressing as hell. cheers, -Tom
  15. Yep, count me in. Fun tune, and these lyrics really mesh with your voice and vocal style. Mix-wise, there might be a lot of midrange elements at any given time. I can hear you low-harmonied yourself - that sounds good! But could you maybe take a notch out of that low harmony part? Maybe it might clear up something a little in the middle? Just a thought. <gets off of Freddy's lawn> cheers, -Tom
  16. The British dancehall stomp groove, one of my favorites. Well played all around, and the mix was a particular pleasure as well! cheers, -Tom
  17. PhonoBrainer

    1 Bit

    Very original. I dig the vocal treatments! cheers, -Tom
  18. Pro chops. A great listen - thank you!
  19. Can they nail it in one take, or do you have to play it for them?
  20. I invented bread in a loaf. It was the best thing since just before sliced bread.
  21. Nobody really "needs" any of this krapp. The maag 4 has the "air" band up top, which adds life. I find the lower bands are just destroyed by this eq, but I love that top air band. Other than that, the maag 4 must be twice as good as maag 2.
  22. Sorry I'm dumb, soundclick has a super tiny arrow at the very bottom. A nano-aarow.
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