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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. I'm having an intermittent sustain pedal issue. Haven't got it sorted yet. I'm new to the Opus engine. I can easily hold down for sustains, but can't cutt the sustain off with a release of the pedal. In Studio One
  2. Cmon, Korg SDD-3000 delay, when you go native, I'm in.
  3. No brainer identified. Target acquired.
  4. You can blend sampled bass with some nice onboard synthetic bass waveforms, and/or either/or. Quite usable in many different musical contexts.
  5. This guy is amazing. Once Djokovic fades, look out.
  6. He found a deal he kept to himself. ? Well done Larry, have a blast!
  7. Absolutely loved this! Great tune, great playing, maybe the mix is on the bright side? Would have liked a bit more of those low bass strings, but wow, what playing! Sounds like you wrote this? Very very cool. cheers, -Tom
  8. It's for the Japanese rice wine they make in Ireland.
  9. This helps me see the capitalism in the music industry quite clearly. Swift is Microsoft or Amazon, with dominant market share and control. Bar bands are the Mom and Pops, struggling to find a niche amongst the crumbs that Taylor Bezos might leave behind. ? Also, I hope you use the second paragraph I quoted in your onstage patter. They'll love you for it ?
  10. Anyone compare that eq to the Air band on the Maag 4?
  11. Groove is solid! Arrangement is built well! Funky understated guitar! Well supported by pads! Bass holds it down! Very cool! She has a very emotive vocal and sings with passion, which is awesome! I'd say in this mix her vocal is sibilant which is a bit distracting. Plenty of punch in her vocals, which might be a bit overcompressed? Her initial transients cut deep! So there might be room to dial back the compression a bit, or drop compression's eq away from the upper sibilant registers. Sibilance can definitely be in the ear of the beholder. I beheld it! Others may not. Still this tune is a great jam, and she has a very likeable voice for sure. cheers, -Tom
  12. Very cool! Great guitar work and tones! I didn't really get full-blown EDM out of it, but the fusion/lights out jazz side is super strong. With the modern whooshy touches! I did wonder if some of the risery-whooshes might sit better in the mix, and not encroach on the guitar or other elements, if the high eq was trimmed a bit from the whoosh. 1:25 area? at :026 maybe double check that kick rhythm? very creative, good writing and playing! cheers, -Tom
  13. It was an awesome tool in the toolkit! In 2014.
  14. Ok @craigb correct, seems like many passengers jumped and ran and lived! I got Mandela rolled.
  15. 62 survivors? That's a gas. So, @craigb, where did you get that quote about the "survivors" from? This thread IS on topic, it's an analogy for Bit's band . . . ?
  16. Technically, just a bit before that, when they opted for hydrogen instead of helium in the Hindenburg:
  17. Wow! I caught both mixes, second one does seem cleaner, very nice! The vocal delay on her? voice is amazing. Your vocals and guitar work just shine. Love this. SubVibe is female? I wasn't completely sure, it doesn't matter but the vocals hit that sweetspot of upper register male / sultry female. It's got me wondering! Great song, great mix. cheers, -Tom
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