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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Jon Gillespie is a regular human. Whom I have made rich.
  2. Hi Bjorn! thanks so much! The video will be tough. I will wear out the stock clips! Yes to the Ensoniq, which was quirky enough of a name to rhyme something with. Thanks Jack! It took years of weekends to mix this but I think it came out OK! Not perfect, I hear a few things I'll get to. Hey, you worked on the Ensoniq? Did you create the original patches? Maybe Bjorn knows now whom to blame? Thanks for the comment! Hi Paul, how great is "synthological journey" ?!? I would not have thought of that, it's perfect. I'll pass kudos to my son, thanks. And when Hollywood calls, I'll cut 'em the 3:30 version Thanks again!
  3. I'd agree with light, breezy, toe tapping! I liked the Finnish? music website, and I see you have a bunch of songs you've uploaded! Fun stuff! You might let the fade at the end take a longer time, it cuts off a bit abruptly? well done! -Tom
  4. Well I feel you have given this very excellent song a wider audience, and it totally deserves it. You have graciously shared a secret gem. I'm glad I got to the second mix, which is improved indeed. It's that last five percent that it needed. Your vocals are great, smooth, and the harmonies work well at the end. The song's structure is not only good, it's 70's good. I picked it out on piano and it's fun to play! It might need a "C" part to make it 7:30, though. I noticed your second mix is a fair bit quieter? Those guitars in the second mix are very very cool, the work you did paid off handsomely. And it's not a "cover" if hardly anyone has ever heard it! Thanks for sharing this. cheers, -Tom
  5. Ha I wish for that plug-in! $29! yep, my son doing the main vocal. He was good enough to put up with the Boomer lyrics! thanks for the comments!
  6. Started in 2018. I guess you could say it's a story song. Video is in progress, and I think this mix needs help. What are you hearing??? Any suggestions or comments are more than welcomed. Thanks ! -Tom
  7. Catchy AF, love it. I'd boost the vocals just a smidge, and the drums just a smidge more. But that would only make it a different mix, not a better one. What you've got is wonderful! Sheeny shiny synths! A boppin' 80's groove! Vocal performance is Howard Jonesesque. killer! cheers, -Tom
  8. PhonoBrainer

    mind mine

    Well who knows what issues need to be addressed on this one? Mix issues, I mean. What, did you think I meant something else? Guitar tones are nice and clear, and the vocals are guttural yet very discernable. It holds the listener's attention, no problem there. I'd vote for the kick on the left to merge with the kick which I think is on the right, if it's not a low tom right? Perhaps its too conventional for what you want to do here, I get that. Judging by this one, you are mixing things 1,000 times better than a year ago, it's a very clear mix so well done! cheers, -Tom
  9. Anybody know what day it is? These might be a nice addition to my Mark Harmon mutes.
  10. Sell the album just minus that one song, drop that from YouTube? I think your tempo is faster, if memory serves? I would think that would throw the AI off. Or just sell the Google song to . . . Google. There's your money.
  11. Please also let us know when Adobe and Final Cut have sales on tools that will make us win Oscars.
  12. Fun as usual, more than adequate song idearrr! Mixwise, whatever you are using for bass guitar (is it the lower strings on an actual guitar?) Is coming through a bit thick, maybe some eq notches in the bass instrument around 300hz would sling some mud out of the mix? Could be wrong, worth a shot. Digging it though! cheers, -Tom
  13. I do enjoy this! Bass is in a nice pocket. Kudos on the vocals, they kill when they are doubled. Allow me the first to make the complimentary Steely Dan reference. Glad I had the good headphones on for this one! Sweet pan moves at the end. Loved it! Cheers, -Tom
  14. I really enjoy using this, even though the midi export of patterns works about half the time. And wave academy has never issued an update, it's been years now. Sounds great tho.
  15. Great song as usual. Totally not a surprise there. Mixwise, superior tones all around. Love that bass performance, so locked in the pocket with the drums, and you have mixed the AD2 drum kit very, very, very well! Guitar tones are clean yet gritty, perfect. Your best pocket is in the chorus, and the pre-chorus. I think you might check the timing of the guitar that's playing that main riff, especially in the first half of the song. You might slide it back in time just a smidge, it might fit the groove better. As it is (check the first ten seconds) that lead guitar I think is coming in just a hair early. In the first verse, for me, the vocals might be drug back a little as well, but the guitar stood out as early compared to the groove more often. Again, it's the guitar riff part - all of the rhythms and other lead noodles are waaaaay cool. frickin' great tune. cheers, -Tom
  16. Bring it! Love the birds. The sonic backdrop is stellar. I totally zoned out. Marvellous. One mix idea is knocking down the violin a bit when it bursts forth, most of the time it's chill. cheers, - Tom
  17. Ah, close to running out of colors, I see.
  18. Oh Jeeze. Hopefully rescheduled soon.
  19. PhonoBrainer


    I liked how it started straight and then slowly a shuffle evolved. Or did I imagine that? Sonically rather compelling, not sure how the house picture relates. The filters at the very end were fun! I don't t know how well the yoga studio would react to this lively number ? Thanks for the fun listen!
  20. Suh-weet vocals with bgv's. Maybe I'm naïve too but I don't find the lyrics that twee, and the chord progression seems different enough when you go to that minor chord, very nice indeed. I was hearing the bass guitar come in just a hair earlier than the drums on the beat? Might be worth a check, and the drums of course are super soft in the mix. You might just solo bass and drums, turn the drums up a smidge, how's their timing, is it together? That piano is also plenty busy with the little noodles, nice as they are. Your vocal however never leaves center stage, so nice and up front, I think it's perfect in the mix. Dude, I think it's a great song, I could hear people doing karaoke on a 70's night to this! cheers, -Tom
  21. Is "the sound of life" planned?
  22. Musicians friend had 15% off codes if you create an account there. That's the best deal I could find when I finally upgraded to omni 2
  23. Yea! I get a USB port freed!!! All cause I bought "Whistler", my only VSL library.
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