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Vernon Barnes

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Everything posted by Vernon Barnes

  1. All the Waves EPs are very good. Make sure you download the HD library rather than the standard unless you are really tight on disc space.
  2. Because the GForce price includes VAT if applicable in your country of residence. Buying from a US retailer you evade the VAT.
  3. Product page. https://www.gforcesoftware.com/products/ob-1/?utm_campaign=OB-1 Release&utm_source=emailCampaign&utm_content=&utm_medium=email Everyplugin price is very competitive.
  4. Horses for courses, but for me, unless the perpetual licence and subsequent updates are dirt cheap I prefer the subscription model. I am currently subscribed on a monthly basis to see how it works out. I will probably keep the sub running but I don't see me getting a perpetual licence.
  5. I have signed up for the sub on a monthly basis to see how it goes. There is a lot I like about Cakewalk's way of doing things but I am almost exclusively using Studio One these days.
  6. I passed on the Pianet T intro sale. I have several Pianet sample libraries and none of them really float my boat, but I tried the demo and was hooked and bought it in this sale.
  7. LOL. I had the original and the MC202 sequencer version back in the day. I used to sync the MC202 to a Fostex 4 track cassette and multitrack. I was complex but fun.
  8. Installed (via the SonicPass sub) These are nice sounding effects with a bit of character and can see using them in ahead of the zillion other chorus / flange / delay options at my disposal in some cases.
  9. Thanks for the response to my issue. I contacted Waves support who provided the solution. It appears Studio One VST scan was not picking up the update properly and resetting the VST settings and forcing a complete scan fixed the issue.
  10. Has any one go Waves 15 working. They have scanned OK but wont load in both Studio One 6 and Bitwig. (I went to try in Cakewalk but I need to sort out the Bandlab account authorisation before I can do that,)
  11. Flute Flight is the only one I don't have. I think I will wait a bit before I decide if I want it or not.
  12. It would be worth checking out Amplesound too. I notice they have a MIDI guitar mode where each string has a different MIDI channel which I assume would be the best approach. Their Riffer strum sequencer feature uses the different MIDI channels to specify what string each note is played on.
  13. Oh well, hopefully there will be improvements.
  14. Well, I just WUPed ny Studio 4 licence while the WUP is half price. I have not really got the hang of Bitwig yet so I need to do a bit of studying. I do like the idea one can exchange project data with Studio One using DAWProject.
  15. 29 Euros for me. I have V collection X
  16. I already had the synth and tape so I was on the fence but I found that and Wasted Space and the four modules in the A-Class can be used in Modular and that tipped the balance.
  17. I have the sub version. It's working out well for me with the regular addition of more titles and updates to the software. They have just addressed my biggest annoyance with the ability to down load an entire library with one click while still retaining the individual articulations download for those pressed for disk space.
  18. I wonder if they are considering supporting the DAWproject file format?
  19. And that price is ex-VAT, that extra 20% has tipped the balance for me at the moment.
  20. I have not seen this posted here before https://www.gforcesoftware.com/products/vsm-iv/ I hope there will be a free or cheap upgrade from V3
  21. No brainer at that price IMHO. A superb emulation.
  22. Uninstaled and rolled back to the previous version.
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