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Vernon Barnes

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Everything posted by Vernon Barnes

  1. If they made this as a module for Voltage Modular I would be very interested. As I just got the IK version in the group buy I think I will pass on a VST version for now.
  2. Full Bucket make some great free synths and I will be getting this one. If I have a criticism it's that on these digital synths the emulate the programing controls a but too authenticity. I have their Poly 800 and is a big pain to program as the original. ( I had one)
  3. Or, just copy the folder containing the installed libraries to the new DAW which is what I did very recently and it worked a treat. I keep an Acronis backup of the folder on an external drive.
  4. This on Twitter a short while ago - Hang on to your wallets.
  5. Studio One 5.4 introduces a statistics tool in the plugin manager. This will tell you how frequently you use your plugins. It will tell you those you have never used. ? I deem this against the ethos of the deals forum.
  6. Ah! NAD = Not a deal. Anyway, there are a few things in the new features that could be very useful.
  7. 34 now. Not sure what to get now, I have completed my shopping list. I might go for Orchestral Percussion for Sampletank, or one of the two T racks tape decks I don't have yet.
  8. There is also a update for EZDrummer 2
  9. Played one track and enjoyed it a lot. I followed you account and will come back when I have more time.
  10. It would be worth checking but I did a clean install on a new DAW a couple of weeks back and all my packs (including several of these) authorised correctly in in the inmusic manager. I have not be able to use the old BFD2 and Eco factory kits however. BFD3 has some great sounds and features but the workflow is far behind SD3. A significant update is needed. Its built in drum maps are the business though!
  11. There have been several threads, all well buried now. It may be worth looking through the free instruments thread, there may be some reccomendations in there amongst the free VSTis
  12. Hollow Sun. Synths and classic keys Hideaway Studios. Synths. Sonokinetc has some excellent free stuff amongst the higher end libraries Bolder Sound for cheap and some free folk type instruments. Indignus has some good low cost stuff.
  13. I succumbed. Got in at the 99 euro level using jampoints and buying Brian May Amplitube pack. I grabbed The Joe Satriani pack and the Orange pack which I partially owned to fill in the gaps. Next t-Racks Space echo and I upgraded Syntronic to Delux adding three instruments to what I previously owned. Now I am not really sure what to do ? I will probably complete my collection of tape decks and then I am mostly left with Sampletank instruments but nothing is jumping out at me.
  14. Yesterday I thought the price I was seeing was the non-upgrade price, I was wrong!!! I don't know if they changed anything but its now showing the much higher price. No longer in no-brainer territory for me.
  15. I noticed this post and decided to investigate. After trying the free pack I decided to get the full packs for the four Korg instruments I own. They all work well giving the full NKS browsing capability including audio clips . This enhanced browsing very useful for the Wave Station and M1. Control mapping is limited on the Wavestation and M1 im Combi mode due to the nature of those instruments but good on the MonoPoly and Polysix. The only glitch is the library image for the M1 is not showing, just a generic icon. Its just ascetic so no big deal and probably due to finger problems on my behalf. Installation is slightly fiddly copying several folders for each instrument. There are packs for quite a few other manufactures. https://freelancesoundlabs.com/index.php/downloads/komplete-kontrol-vst-packs I may consider the one for UVI Synth Anthology 3 later as I think it may benefit from the NKI browser and the control mapping. Prices are in Australian dollars so not as expensive as they first appear.
  16. I was hoping for further discounts as I already have a number of the products but the NI site says I do not own qualifying products. I assume you would have had to purchase them as a bundle directly from NI rather than piecemeal from Soundiron. Never the less the vocal suite is still looking very attractive at this price dispite the overlaps with my current libraries.
  17. Isn't it about time they updated the factory libraries?
  18. I assumed this is the same as the one in Synth Anthology 3, but from the screen shots it looks a lot more extensive? EDIT - bought it, its much much more than what is in the anthology.
  19. To be fair I don't use Adictive Drums often so it seems every time I go to use it there is an issue so I get the impression it's a common event. It is easy to fix, but it does not give me confidence.
  20. I don't dislike it but I do wish they would fix the authorisation. I only installed, authorised and tested it on my new DAW yesterday and now today its "Wrong computer ID" I decided to reboot the computer and low and behold the computer ID was correct. It does not inspire confidence.
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