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Vernon Barnes

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Everything posted by Vernon Barnes

  1. Mmmm, I wondered what they would come up with this time. As much as I like Cherry's products I have Minimoog emulations coming out of the ying yang. I am not sure what this will add to my party. Mark Barton's involvement makes its likely this will be very good and excellent value for those who don't have so many other options. I may wait and see if its added to to Synth Stack with a tempting price.
  2. Just wondering if this link will accidentally take me to porn. ?
  3. The VM900 modules are superb. Probably the best thing available for VM.
  4. I must admit I found the presentation tiresome and and did not watch it all. They missed an opportunity to push me off the fence. The bandmate tab looks interesting enough to tempt me but I would prefer it in Superior.
  5. David Longdon was a exceptional talent, I am glad they did not just go for a sound alike. His loss came shortly after Danny Manners, Rachel Hall and Dave Gregory all left the band. I have a ticket for Aylesbury in September, it will be a very different band from the last time I saw them.
  6. Shirley the description of super looper is wrong!
  7. Big Big Train announced today that they have recruited Alberto Bravin, formerly with PFM as lead vocalist following the tragic death of David Longdon in November 2021. It looks like September's European tour will now go ahead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtgDiTQOxV4&t=1s
  8. I succumbed a few weeks back. I started feeling a bit rough on Sunday, a Lateral flow home test was negative on Monday when I certainly had many of the symptoms and felt pretty bad. It was Wednesday before I had a positive test and Friday of the next week before I had my first negative test. I am still suffering headaches, earache's and fatigue. The whole household went down with it, even my super fit 23 year old grandson was bad for a few days. I know several people that say with Omnicron its often a few days from symptoms appearing to a lateral flow test showing positive. I had the initial two Vaccine shots and a more recent booster. Good luck.
  9. Ah, that's where I got confused looking at the comparison chart. The mini LFO is good for most basic modulation. The LFO can be voltage controlled and has more waveforms. In the higher bundles there is also the super LFO with a wide range wave shaping features.
  10. A good place to start and see if you like the modular environment. It seems to be lacking a LFO? Core is a big upgrade adding a lot of capabilities including polyphony. There are a lot of third party modules, none particularly expensive and some free. Don't overlook the possibilities of using as a multi fx unit.
  11. I do find the audio previews useful for the Wavestation and M1 in particular.
  12. There is always this. https://freelancesoundlabs.com/index.php/downloads/komplete-kontrol-vst-packs/itemlist/category/120-korg Freelance soundlabs NKS packs are pretty good, the prices are in Australian dollars so not as expensive as they first appear. Jason is also quite customer focused and open to comments and suggestions.
  13. I must not commit a TOS violation.
  14. In the settings one can turn the animations off. I have not tested to see what effect this has on resources, but it would seem like a good thing to do if you are having issues. Another concern is it seems to dump all the sample content to the C drive, I did not see any option to choose a location. (correct me if I am wrong.) This could become an issue for a lot of people if there are more product in this range. It does sound good!
  15. I installed the update before creating the Tonenet account. Amplitude would not connect to Tonenet, so I reinstalled Amplitube and everything worked.
  16. This is a really nice synth. Absolutely no buyers remorse with this one!
  17. This Twitter thread is relevant.
  18. Bandcamp is great with lots of options. I have sold a few copies and made a very modest amount of money but you can of course charge nothing or do it pay as what you want. You get a bunch of codes so you can give away downloads, good for reviewers or family. If you have sold some copies they give you more free download codes. You can add extras to the download, like PDF liner notes etc. and making a decent looking page for an album is quite easy, including adding lyrics. You also retain control of what can be streamed and how many times it can be streamed without a purchase. Normally they take a modest percentage of the sale but they have monthly "Bandcamp Fridays" where they waive their fees. The hardest part is promotion and directing people to your music.
  19. Pretty much the best Rhodes library I have come across.
  20. The folk EZKeys sounds like it might be useful.
  21. I suppose the real value here is learning how to program rather than creating a specific sound. Once you understand how the sounds are created its often quicker to create a patch from scratch for the sound in your head than scroll through thousands of presets looking for something close.
  22. There are always modules for Voltage Modular on sale at Cherry Audio. The challenge is deciding what modules will be useful to you. This one is a real keeper. https://store.cherryaudio.com/modules/cm22x-distortion Currently $8.50 (I am not sure what the full price is). I have made some great sounds using it like a wave shaper on a oscillator and modulating the five controllable parameters with different envelopes. Its possible to create some interesting, harmonically evolving tones. Of course its also possible to patch it to effect external sources and my initial experiments with virtual guitars are very promising. Requires Voltage Modular.
  23. However each of the emulations has their own unique extra features which make them different. I have several Minimoog emulations (Artutia, NI, Softube) but use Minimonsta the most.
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