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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Great vocal Freddy - enjoyed this Nigel
  2. tom Loved this - just great, no crits at all from me - after my initial flirtation with folk rock (when I was young and knew no better) this was what we played all the time Love it, do it again, as they say Nigel
  3. I have been using an RME Fireface FireWire for many year but it was really beginning to struggle - due to lockdown here in Cape Town I didn't have much choice for a replacement, but as I wanted to go USB 3, I went Zoom UAC8 The pre amps are not as good as the RME without doubt, but as I always use some kind of pre amp or mixer, this didn't really matter so much to me. The latency is very good indeed and has made a big difference to my set up - a very good price as well. So far operation has been solid as a rock and I am very happy so far
  4. Nice tune - agree a little about the clicking but not a deal breaker, just a bit too up front perhaps Otherwise really good - guitars playing and tone great Nigel
  5. Tom - like this - as Douglas said thought it was just going to be a club dance sort of thing then the Banjo and heavy guitar!! Only I would say perhaps the kick could be heavier in the first part (club mix bit) Nigel
  6. Hi Douglas - good track, enjoyed the listen - thanks for posting Great job Nigel
  7. Starise Thanks for those great comments, appreciated. Yes videos are very important these days - we try and do what promotion we do get round to, via video these days! Have you checked out our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/DevineLie/videos This has all our latest videos - the ones on our website are OLD - well in today's world they are considered old - my goodness some of them were made OVER 10 years ago!!!! Cheers Nigel
  8. Hi - thanks for taking the time to have a listen - glad you enjoyed the video - we are trying hard to get better at these all the time!! Cheers Nigel
  9. Hi Bjorn - good stuff - impressed with the violin and the vocalise - sound good Nigel
  10. Bajan Blue

    The Surf

    wow - Beethoven meets the Moody Blues - very cool, love it!! Nigel
  11. Good song - do agree the drums don't sound right to me - apart from that, good stuff Nigel
  12. Nice vocals and cool song - good stuff Nigel
  13. Loved this - sounds great - well played and mixed Great stuff Nigel
  14. cool stuff, agree with it could do with a bit of mastering to bring it up a bit Nigel
  15. Bjorn - like this - the bass line reminds me a bit of Tangerine Dream - good stuff Nigel
  16. Bob - thanks so much for this and taking the time to review - really appreciated Nigel
  17. hi Mark - thanks - we are lucky to have Gina as our vocalist - she really is good!! Cheers nigel
  18. Hi Wookie Thanks my friend, always appreciate you taking the time to have a listen - and thanks for the kind comments Nigel
  19. Hi Freddy Thanks for this and I should be the one saying "wow" for your gracious comments - really appreciated Cheers Nigel
  20. Hi David As always, appreciate the comments - we do try hard on the lyrics and they always seem to take longer to get right than the music!! Cheers Nigel
  21. Hi Grem Thanks - glad you liked the Martini!!!! Thanks for this, really appreciated. Nigel
  22. Lars Good to have you back my friend - place has not been the same without you!! Hope the family emergency got sorted ok Cheers Nigel
  23. Good cover all of you and I like the style you've done this in Nigel
  24. took straight back the eighties - good stuff and well played Nigel
  25. Hi Paul Well structured and written track - good stuff. And I like your vocals, they sound great Nigel
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