Hi Grem
Thanks for those kind comments - always appreciate you taking the time to have a watch and listen
Hi Daryl
thanks for that, really appreciated
Thanks for this, your comments always appreciated
Hi Bjorn
Ah lockdown - unfortunately we still have lockdown, albeit somewhat watered down, but still a curfew - think everyone has had enough of it by now. But as you said, it did give us time to do some stuff we wouldn't have!!
for what you've described this is to be used for, it sounds very good to me - it has that sort of Historical feel to it
Look forward to hearing / seeing the finished piece
Bill - had a listen to the excerpts - its difficult to gauge them from such short clips - have you thought of saying picking your favorite and just posting that? Would love to listen to a completed track as they sound interesting!!
Hi Fossile
Tried to have a listen - it does sound interesting, but i had problems playing it - it kept cutting out - very likely a problem my end - here in Africa things like internet can be a little hit and miss at times!
Cool track my friend - liked it a lot - i think the fade out at the end needs to be more gradual - does sound a little abrupt - that's it, and love the Cello!
Good song - I actually like the vocal but agree the lead needs to be up a bit on the Chorus - I think with the backing vocals you already have that could sound really good - i know you have no percussion on this but I do think something, even maybe a shaker / tambourine might be cool
Thanks for posting