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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Hi Wookie Well our lockdown has been one of, if not the most severe in the World -for instance although we have hardly any Covid stuff still happening (not that we REALLY had that much in the first place), still no International flights and we still have stupid stuff such as curfews!! So far in the 8 months of "Covid" time, we have had an absolute maximum of around two thousand deaths a month - in any normal year we have around 1500 murders a month, 5500 TB deaths a month and believe me, they are not even the biggest "killers" in South Africa (AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer etc) - but we never do lockdowns for any of them!! Now of course the economy, which was already in problems, has been totally trashed - unemployment is already up to 50%!!!!!! Poverty and hunger will kill way more people than the alleged 2000 Covid deaths a month for MANY years to come - OK off the old soap box now??? Not having a go at anyone, well bar the stupid Politicians and the "experts", who don't seem very expert in anything to me!!!!! Thanks for taking the time to have a watch and glad you liked it Cheers Nigel
  2. A really nice calming instrumental - definitely a bit of the old celticness in there!! Cool Nigel
  3. Hi John Was never into Meatloaf, but I really enjoyed this - you do great covers my friend Cool job Nigel
  4. Freddy right in my wheelhouse, love this. Great bluesy guitar By the way, it's best not to watch too much news - most of it is biased or just down right false?? Keep up the great work Nigel
  5. Hi William - sounds really good - slide guitars sound just right Mix is excellent Great job Nigel
  6. Hi Barry - this sounds really good now and I love that Guitar hook as well Cool stuff Nigel
  7. Always different - cool stuff - keep it up - really liked Stay to the Left - definitely a James Brown vibe!! Nigel
  8. Hi David Really cool, great piece of composing and playing Enjoyed the listen Cheers Nigel
  9. Here in Cape Town we STILL have lock down – unbelievable really, but that’s Africa for you. At least the weather improved so we could finish the last video off our 2017 album, On Top of The World. This track is called Steal the Light from the Trees – we enjoyed getting the video somewhere near what we imagined when we were planning this video!!!! Hope you enjoy Cheers Nigel
  10. Wookie - definitely a bit of a prog feel i thought - I like this and those synths sound cool Nigel
  11. Loved the music, the trumpet and the video, so a full house thumbs up from me!!! Nigel
  12. Hi Freddy Thanks so much for those kind comments - really appreciated Nigel
  13. Hi Paul Thanks for those very kind comments, really appreciate them Cheers Nigel Hi Allan - well it was written about 13 years ago...so nearly in the 80's!!! Thanks so much for the fantastic comments and taking the time to have a listen Cheers Nigel
  14. Bajan Blue

    Happy Place

    Really good stuff and a definite Ultravox type vibe - I love all the vocals, they really are excellent. Good open mix as well First Class Nigel
  15. Hi Doug - like this, really good track - the only thing I would say is I did find the cymbal crashes a splashy, if you know what I mean! When you output from Addictive Drums, do you output the individual tracks then process on a drum bus, or just output the final track - I haven't used Addictive Drums in some time, but if I remember it was a bit long-winded (PITA) to output the individual outputs correctly. Anyway apart from that, good stuff Nigel \
  16. Bajan Blue


    definitely a bit of a Talking Heads vibe - good track - the only thing I would say I thought the drums sounded a little boxy, other than that all good Nigel
  17. good track, enjoyed it - definitely 80's for me!! And I really liked the intro as well Nigel
  18. ?? - just think how distracting it could have been in high definition!!!!! Thanks for the listen and the comments, really appreciated Cheers Nigel
  19. emm, i have to say, she has a LOT more talent than most of the drummers i've worked with? perhaps i should interview for my new drummer now!!!
  20. Hi tom we all seem to be peddling a lost faster these days but keep going backwards instead of forwards!! i can't work out if its all the garbage in the world we have to tolerate these days, or if its because we are just getting older, sorry more mature!! You are right, some of our older stuff with Dave singing did tend to be a bit more poppy, well that was until we went all sort of dark and mysterious, but that's another story!! keep well Nigel
  21. Hi Lynn - thanks for that, really appreciate those very kind comments Cheers Nigel
  22. Hi David I like this - as Douglas said you should make a longer version as you definitely having something here Thanks for positing Nigel
  23. Bajan Blue


    Classy stuff and love the sax - could listen to this all day.... Nigel
  24. Mark - this is really chilled - loved it Thanks for posting, Nigel
  25. really great playing, loved it thanks for posting Nigel
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