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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. A quick sample from a track I am working on at the moment - this is not mixed at all, just straight out the box so to speak Nigel Legacy Rock sample-Entire Mix (Bounced).mp3
  2. Keith - cool track, i really like it - but I think it is crying out for some vocals!!! I think you could make a spectacular track with some vocals - now this is a personal thing I know as I rarely do instrumentals, but i do think that it would sound fabulous with some!!!! Great job Nigel
  3. Fabulous - great track and great playing - especially love the Guitars and the sax Superb job Nigel
  4. Hi Reece Good mix but would agree about the vocal levels - just doesn't seem to cut through quite enough sometimes Cheers Nigel
  5. Eric sounds good - were they "real" synths or in the box? Its just that I have a K4 Kurzweil and a Roland JX3P (real ones!) that I have just decided to use on some tracks we are doing - cant beat the sound of the real thing!!! Nigel
  6. cool, nice listen early in the morning - great job Nigel
  7. Hi Wookie - love this but over far too soon.....like many enjoyable things in life???? Cool job my friend Nigel
  8. Rex - good, well put together track - do agree about the snare and the harmonica being a bit too much in your face, otherwise great job Nigel
  9. Bajan Blue

    original song

    As Bapu said, the mix does seem a bit distorted Otherwise good effort Nigel
  10. John Definitely shades of Steely Dan as others have said, but all its own thing and way cool Great job Nigel
  11. Nice playing but agree about the vocals - they need quite a bit of work Otherwise pretty cool Nigel
  12. Bjorn - great lyrics and lyrics that get more pertinent I think the older more mature we all get?? I actually wrote a song with some similar lyrics quite a few years ago, but i never recorded it. Good playing as well - great job Nigel
  13. Bajan Blue


    Kurt Sounds good - i really enjoyed this Thanks Nigel
  14. Bjorn - this is cool - i like this a lot!! Great stuff my friend Nigel
  15. Doug - I like this, especially the chorus Cool Nigel
  16. cool stuff - i agree with the comments re the guitar sound - really can be difficult to get a nylon stringed guitar cutting through the mix - if you have something like a Magg 4 EQ, i would give the guitar a lot of the "air" setting. For videos we use Magix Movie Edit Pro, which is basically a slightly upgraded version of Vegas. You can see our videos here https://www.youtube.com/user/DevineLie/videos Keep up the good stuff Nigel
  17. Lars I uninstalled ALL my Waves plugins and gave up on them about three or more years ago - far too much WUP'ing for my liking! Even though I have owned Amplitude for years, I have given up on it - every time I went to use it I didn't have something that I'm sure I used to have before some upgrade or another. I have and use quite a bit of the old stuff - Sampletron, SampleMoog etc. No support for these anymore, so probably will stop working at sometime in the future - it is such a shame as the products are normally good - the continual trying to make you buy things to make the product work properly, like with Amplitube, seems the biggest issue with IK - there are probably more but as I don't bother much with them anymore, I am not up to date I expect!! Nigel
  18. This does seem a very good price - however I have nearly all the synths mentioned covered by either real synths or software by UVi or Arturia - the only one I don't have and it is one of the hardware synths I have tried to buy in the past, but they have simply sky-rocketed in price and are now outside my budget, is the Alesis Andromeda - anyone tried this and could let me know how close an emulation this is - I assume as Fleer says this is Mostly developed by the guy behind the Alesis Andromeda, it would be pretty good? Nigel
  19. Guys to my ears the library just sounds so alive - I've just finished writing our next album, so I am now going through to record it all properly - part of that is replacing many of the existing drums with Legacy of rock. I'll try and get a couple of samples of just the drums and post them so you can have a listen Nigel
  20. Exactly what Wookie said! Apart from that I like it Nigel
  21. Bajan Blue

    my anger

    The intro is way too long but the song is interesting after that Cool Nigel
  22. Exactly what Bjorn said!! Love this Nigel
  23. Love the Celtic feel to this, close to my heart!! Cool job Nigel
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