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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Jack Agree with Lynn this could really be a good track, but the vocals are a bit hard on the ears. Nigel
  2. Agree totally with Douglas, bit more please!! Good stuff Nigel
  3. Hi I did try to listen to this but I couldn't get it to play Perhaps it's our links down here at the bottom of the world??? Nigel
  4. Definitely sounds better - I just listened to both and prefer this one. Good song well played Good Stuff Nigel
  5. Nice playing - recording and mix sounds excellent Good stuff Nigel
  6. Bajan Blue

    Part 5

    Cool track my friend - a bit Tangerine Dreamish I thought, which of course is an extremely good thing!! Great stuff Nigel
  7. Kevin Sounds good and a good track this mix sounds pretty much there to me Nigel
  8. Definitely a Jesse Special, and yes a fog horn! I like this, really different and yes reminiscent of Zappa / Beefheart Nigel
  9. Thought that was very nice and cool lead Guitar, as always!! Nigel
  10. some nice playing, enjoyed this Nigel
  11. Zo I don't have EC 300, but I do have McDSP 6030 Compressor collection (10 x Compressors) In Cakewalk, in the past I have noticed on a few occasions when I have opened an older project that the 6030 has lost its settings - even had the Compressor model change. This did not happen often, and I just put it down to things like Windows updates - on Windows 10 here. Nigel
  12. Guys Thanks for the comments, interesting that things haven't changed much Will probably not bother on the Groove Agent update - got far too many drums anyway!! Nigel
  13. cool stuff, love this Nigel
  14. Well I bought this and had a bit of time yesterday to try it - initial impression was very positive - a very transparent and easy to use limiter Well worth getting Nigel
  15. My problem is that it is a Steinberg product - I am very wary of this - many years ago I had a number of Steinberg products that they just dropped without notice - when I complained they deleted my account!!! I always liked Groove Agent but it never worked correctly - pretty sure I paid to upgrade it a number of times but it still had fundamental issues - can't remember what version I gave up on. All this was many years ago - has their customer support improved any?? Nigel
  16. One of my favorite delays - well it's quite a bit more than a delay!!!! A bargain Nigel
  17. Thanks Lars, not spent much over all the sales so think I might support Boz and buy this - i do like nearly all his other plug ins a lot!! Cheers Nigel
  18. Hi - anyone used this? any thoughts? Nigel
  19. Marcello You have the makings of a good track here. One of the things I do when mixing, is to use a Master Buss Compressor and mix into that - I use the Glue by Cytomic but there are other alternatives, some which are free. https://cytomic.com/glue This would help you keep everything controlled and "glued" together. The Guitars are panned a bit too wide as Bjorn mentioned, but keep working on this, it will be good when you have it done. Nigel
  20. hi reid have you ever tried the Kong Audio stuff - I bought this many years ago to use on a video project I was working on re the wall of China - I havn't used it for sometime and I don't know if they have updated it recently http://www.chineekong.com/productsmain.htm
  21. I agree, until something happens I won't look at anything further from BFD - they really need to at least update the groove browser for instance - everything is starting to feel very old
  22. Sounds interesting, would love to hear it when finished Nigel
  23. Hi Fred This really sounds fantastic - loved it Cool job Nigel
  24. I was a Beta tester on this and now have it - i find it really useful when writing - you can change the key and BPM of a song at will - it has other uses as well but i just use it basically for writing - good product Nigel
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