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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. some very nice guitar playing in this - cool job, i Liked it a lot Nigel
  2. how many roadies does it take to get this into the back of the van after the gig............
  3. elements of this remind me of some other track / tracks but for the life of me i cant think what!!! So it must be good...my only comment might be that it sounds as if you could up the tempo a bit, certainly in some of the sections - have you tried that? When I have written something and sometimes I'm not sure of what tempo it should be in (or what key come to that) I use Decoda by Zplane - great piece of software. You can drop your demo into the software, then change BPM / Key at will!! Cheers Nigel
  4. Hi This could be a good track - it definitely needs more in the kick / sub department and to me it sounds a bit toppy. I've done a bit of mixing on some dance stuff and its really important i think to get those basic building blocks rock solid. EDM is pretty formulaic i feel and thumbing bottom end is very important. Get those kicks thumbing and a bit of a remix, you could have a good track on your hands Nigel
  5. I like this Jesse - like those delays on the vocals Cool Nigel
  6. Bajan Blue

    And Rest

    cool my friend - really enjoyed the listen - brightened up my morning - love those effects Nigel
  7. Bajan Blue

    Work It Out

    I love this - my only comment would be for me the intro was too long (about a minute) and then when the song got really going, there was only two minutes of it!!!! Love love love that second section Nigel
  8. Rex I do like your vocals - really sound professional and always sung with a lot of heart Cool job Nigel
  9. Guys Thanks really appreciate the listen and comments Cheers Nigel
  10. Ever since I got this about a year ago, I use it all the time and find it much easier to get better results - I think a real bargain and a bit of a secret weapon!!! nigel
  11. Keith A really good track - piano is great Cool stuff Nigel
  12. Hi John Sorry only just saw this - sounds beautiful, great job with the flute Cool stuff Nigel
  13. Sounds pretty good here - perhaps the drums are just a fraction too prominent, but not by much Nigel
  14. Thanks Lynn always appreciate your views Thanks for taking the time to have a listen Cheers Nigel
  15. Hi Jack, Douglas and David Thanks so much for the kind comments, really appreciated. I might be a little slow in replying as not only are we in full Lockdown but as of yesterday we now have Load Shedding - powercuts to anyone outside of Africa!! And this effects our internet...... Keep well everyone Nigel
  16. A Different Hue Guys We had some time, as we are yet again in another lockdown, to produce some videos. These will be off our 2014 album, Stop The Bloody Trade. We did this album purely to raise money for charities here in South Africa to help combat Rhino Poaching – we only ever promoted the main title track, Stop the Bloody Trade and that did very well, raising a good chunk of money. To make up an “album”, we added some tracks we had sort of hanging about!! We never promoted any of them. But on listening to them again after all this time, there were a few of the tracks that I think deserve a second go!! We never spent the time we usually do mixing and mastering these, but even so I don’t think they sound too bad. So here’s the first, A Different Hue. Hope you enjoy it Nigel
  17. Cool, interesting to hear the orchestral percussion in use - sounded good I thought - only comment around the 1.28 mark cymbals sound just a little toppy for me - a personal thing Enjoyed the listen Nigel
  18. Bajan Blue

    Morning stars

    Cool, as Lynn said very Surfs Up!! Good job Nigel
  19. Good track - could be really great with a few tweeks, such as the comments re the bass and drums Good stuff Nigel
  20. Great Guitar work, cool song Liked it a lot Nigel
  21. wow, that does seem a bit on the pricey side.... Nigel
  22. Larry - count me in, let me know how we do this - this is such terrible news. Nigel
  23. Dark different and great - I really like this. And a cool video Superb job Nigel
  24. Cool track and great musicianship, but I do agree re the vocals Nice Nigel
  25. Bajan Blue


    A Jesse discordant special - I enjoyed that Cool Stuff Nigel
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