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Everything posted by Astraios

  1. What I also want to ask you is, why doesn't this method work with plug-ins (that aren't set as synths)? I came across this issue because I was somehow trying to load the parameters (20 or 30) for the QuadCurve Eq as an automation preset into the instrument track. Furthermore, it doesn't matter whether you select 5 parameters or 100. It cannot remember the selection without restarting the project. well, I would say that could perhaps be improved...
  2. In this way you can easily select 30 or 35 parameters (of maybe 700) and then edit them as envelopes. For me a way to avoid a lot of mouse clicks and time...
  3. Hi and Hello, Maybe someone is interested and if not that's totally okay... it could also be that I'm wrong and I'm just going about it the wrong way... Sonar DAW - get all synth parameters into your instrument track AT ONCE
  4. After spending some time with the BlueCat Remote Control, I am very convinced of this plugin. True, it's a bit overpriced. Here is a YT clip of me about Sonar, Nexus 4 and the BC Remote Control... Blue Cats Remote Control on Sonar DAW control Nexus 4 Synth by reFX
  5. Here is something about parameterisation.... I don't know if this fits to your question? "Sonar DAW - get all synth parameters into your instrument track AT ONCE" www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DLodhgkb7g get all synth parameters into your instrument track AT ONCE
  6. There is also a plugin called "Blue Cat's Remote Control" that might ease your needs... Blue Cat's Remote Control is a plug-in which lets you control and monitor in real time several MIDI controllable plug-ins or devices from a single customizable user interface: https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products...
  7. I'm wondering if there is something like a MIDIRemote Control Map, like the one here in the Melda plugins? (See photo) Imagine you have 25 MIDI controllers linked to your MIDI controller (keyboard or something else) via the remote control function. If you haven't written all of this down manually, you won't be able to easily find out which ones you've already taken and then you're left with a mess. A MIDI map like this would be really helpful. You then have an overview and can orientate yourself. This is important for EDM production. Sonar must have the assignments stored somewhere, but it doesn't talk to us, it just keeps it to itself, ha ha
  8. I've done a clip about Spacedeck on my 12" Android Tablet controlling Spire Softsynth (Reveal), if you like to watch it... ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol1vj1WMweU&t=4s
  9. And that also has the advantage that you know exactly which parameter you are controlling. The hardware MIDI controllers have the huge disadvantage that the switches, controls and buttons are not labeled and you have to have everything more or less in your head. If it gets extensive, you need several layers to operate everything. too complex for my needs www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9vUMnX_T3Y
  10. A fairly different method would be if you have a 12 inch Android tablet on which Spacedesk software is installed. Then you have the synth right in front of you and you can easily control it with your fingers. www.spacedesk.net/de/
  11. FL Studio DAW they have this `last touched´ function, which is a very much more convinient and works so much faster
  12. I tried it again and the MIDI assignments remained intact for the Beatstep Pro Midi Controller even after a project restart. Hm, admittedly, this is certainly not the most convenient solution. I don't really understand exactly what you want to do - but I'm not much of a professional either. The AZ Controller may be able to do this for you...
  13. Part-2 all Parameters Sonar Spire all Parameters-Part-2.mp4
  14. I don't know if this helps, but you can also record all softsynth parameters (at once) into the instrument track (using the 'write' function). Then all the parameters of your synth are available in envelope tracks. That could be 300 pieces (or more). You can then assign fixed MIDI controllers or MIDI notes to these individual tracks using the sonar remote control option. If I'm not mistaken, the assignments will be retained the next time the project starts... Sonar Spire all Parameters-Part-1.mp4
  15. So now I can acess Spire Softsynth throu my MIDI-Keyboard, while triggering Melda Dynamic EQ (buildin MIDI-Remote section) with the other MIDI Controller simultaniously. What a kick in my setup, ha ha. Finally will quit with QuadCurve EQ and go happy with Melda EQ on all my tracks, which has amout of functions and power. But... setting up 5 or 10 EQs in the project - hm... I will see what happens
  16. Hey Dude ? Thx, fantastic again!! That works for me fine
  17. I have another question about the MIDI organization in sonar. I have two MIDI controllers routed into one instrument track. Now, let's say, one controller should trigger the soft synth (on channel 1) and the other controller (on channel 12) should trigger the plugin in the fx rack. However, both should work independently of each other...??? Any solution for this one? ?
  18. Great idea - that did do the trick... thx ?
  19. Hi and Hello - if I configure this eq as a synth I can use the extensive remote function of the eq, but if it is loaded as a plugin in the fx rack, the midi remote thing doesn't work. It seems as if the MIDI remote signals from the MIDI controller are not being signaled through to the plugin. Does anyone know why and is it due to sonar or the melda product?
  20. Okay, I get it... if the remote assignments were saved, problems would arise because all QuadCurve EQ instances receive the same signal. For example, if you have 6 tracks each with an EQ, the "gain" signal would control all the "gains" of each eq, which is not what you want. It would be better programmed if only the QuadCurve EQ that is currently active receives remote control signals. For an expensive, modern, professional DAW, I don't find that convincing.
  21. As I wrote, it can be realized via ACT... --> remotely control
  22. Did you meant the preset of the ProChannel? This also doesn't work for me here....
  23. I found out: it can be solved using the ACT-Controllersystem, but this way is quite complicate...
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