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Everything posted by Astraios

  1. but I have another idea about the use of 'N' I'd rather want (for example) n copy ctrl +n paste crtl+shift+n cut alt+n delete I tell you, you'll get a hard time
  2. has nothing to do with lenses - this problem exists for years to make my Point of view a bit plastic: that's how Cakewalk decides you have to use the letter N in their keybinding-religion N Snap to Grid on/off CTRL+N File > New SHIFT+N Open Snap to Grid settings CTRL+SHIFT+N Swap the primary and secondary Snap to Grid settings ALT+N Show/hide Navigator pane
  3. Thx - great Information!! It works ?
  4. Wow!! CbB is a incredible tool ? Finally I solved it this issue with 'cakewalk generic surface' technic. I was surprised to open more than one instance of 'cakewalk generic surface'. This allows me to control vol/pan/mute and solo with my controller-keyboard with surface 1 and the quad-curve eq with my pocketC (16-knobs) with surface 2
  5. discussed 2014 in the old Forum under: "unchangeable keyboard shortcuts? Surely a bug .."
  6. Sorry, I'm nerving ? start CbB plain (without any project loaded). Goto preferences --> 'Keyboard Shortcuts' and realise there are almost no factory-assigments shown in the window. Load a project and see what happens... Now you will have 100 Cakewalk factory-killer-assignments determinig my/your workflow. Please Bandlab give us freedom to make our own keybinding rules finally! ?
  7. Hi and hello correct me if I'm wrong - but there aren't any shortcuts (keybindings) for Inspectorpane (clip,track or pro-ch)? doesn't really hurt … but why? peace from Berlin
  8. Yep, you can do this with any pc- keyboard. Only precondition is a good conception, how to layout your keybindings. I choosed the numpad for all kinda transportation functions, loop and marker-settings blue section is for HUB tool arrows stand for --> Ctrl/Shift/Alt Ctrl+Shift and so on... this offers hundreds of possibilities. Imagine, almost every keyboardbutton could be linked in combi with ctrl/shift/alt and others and ATNsoft (low cost) keyremapper software lets me route every botton on my pc-keyboard to where I want to have it.
  9. This is a Picture of my self-build Sonar hotkey (keybinding ) keyboard... works fine in combination with ATNsoft 'KeyRemapper' software and it's a complex concept - actually to complicated ?
  10. Hey seadude, exactly the same what I experienced too with keybinding madness … My vision of keybindig support would be a graphical, programmable 'pc-keyboard-layout' inside CbB to let me determine which hotkey (or ctrl/shift/alt combination ) hits what… ?
  11. ? Hi out there again, do you know about a possibility to save my ProChannel Quad Curve EQ remote controller-settings (adjustments) for the next session? For some reason assigning my 'Doepfer Pocket Control' works heavenly and immidiately with Quad Curve-EQ - but!!! no chance for me the get the EQ working with ATC controlling. All the best from X-Mas Berlin ?
  12. 'do nothing' is an opportunity - but!!! (don't know if it is still that way) after setting 20 or 30 'do nothings' sonar strikes und crashes... so you have to save every 'do nothing' otherwise --> ? lost all 'do nothing' assignments you made before and you start the whole process again. As I wrote before, it seems they uncoupled almost all 'comands' in the default kbn-file. Thank you Bandlab for making my workflow a lot easierer ?
  13. Oh, thanks for respond! I realized Bandlab modified a few things inside keybinding structure and the "SONAR Default Key Assignments.kbn" now is free from those many associazions. That's cool... ? So I get rid of all these: no action keybindings. ? but some parameter-changes still take a Long time
  14. ?Hi out there, wondering if I'm the only user waiting 'ten hours' for reaction by changing the parameters in: preferences--> keybinding? Other Question - do you know about the existence of a complete empty unbinding *.kbn file. Like to have this one, 'cause I have my own straight ideas combinding keys an associations. Maybe the expected kbn-file is lost or deleted in my path. All the best from Berlin ?
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