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Nigel Mackay

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Everything posted by Nigel Mackay

  1. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    Why have you got a Send to the Master (and Output routed to Master as well) if nothing changed from earlier screenshots. Might be confusion there. Delete the Sends. For what you want to do, only use the Output of the tracks/busses.
  2. If you could use the GUI Mike would have shown doing it. As it is, he said he's moving over to his keyboard to record the bass and drums. ? VST instruments ONLY work with MIDI data. Apart from recording live audio that is what a DAW does: Midi-Data -> VSTi -> Audio -> FX -> Export-Audio. The MIDI data can come from a MIDI controller (keyboard, keypad, MIDI guitar) or MIDI data can be written into the PRV. What you can do is find a groove that you fancy from the presets in the GUI and drag and drop it onto the track. The needed MIDI notes will be added to the track.
  3. Start a new )Basic) project. Insert the drums. Open the drum GUI. Click on the snare. Do you hear it? You still haven't said. What to do you use to make drum notes? Keyboard plugged into the Focusrite? The Virtual Controller (PC Keyboard)? Please don't tell us that you are clicking the drums in the GUI. Because that is for auditioning drumkits, not for recording.
  4. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    Create a new project. Load any instrument. You can use the PC keyboard to generate notes. Pan it hard left and make sounds. On left or centre?
  5. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    Are you sure it is a stereo bus?
  6. If I do it the Solo buttons aren't linked. Unless I select them both and hold down the Ctrl key while clicking. Link to Original clips only links the events.
  7. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    The bus does all audio that is routed to it. Everything. Panning, level, FX, sends, etc. That is the point of a bus - one place to handle lots of things. Audio that must be treated differently must be handled BEFORE it goes to the bus. You want singer A softer, turn it down on that TRACK. You want singer B to be louder, turn it up on that track. You want ALL the vocals softer, turn them down on the bus. Leave the pan knob on the bus alone. Don't touch it. It must be centered. Adjust individual panning on the individual tracks. Everything that is unique must be done on the unique tracks. Everything that must be done together, like fading out at the end of the song, is done on the bus.
  8. Try the demo, that is what they are there for. A rompler is a VST that plays samples. As opposed to a sampler, which can capture/create/work with/modify/design samples.
  9. Probably Windows giving trouble. Might never happen again. Did you try to close Cakewalk using Task Manager? A bit better than restarting.
  10. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    That is not the Pro Channel. The Pro Channel is just the top section. That is the channel strip. You would see the FX in the track pane if it wasn't disabled in the view. At the top of the track pane change the dropdown (which here says Custom) to All. Your track views will look like the one in my screenshot. Besides, the where it says FX with Classic Reverb and Classic Chorus is the FX rack. And you can see the 2 little lines coming down. So they are stereo. In other words, your panning should be working.
  11. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    The FX rack is there on the right where it says FX(1). With the Sonitus Delay in it. Look at the bottom edge of Sonitus Delay. Two tiny little lines going downwards. Stereo.
  12. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    VERY easy to miss. ?
  13. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    The GUI for the VST FX you want to know if is stereo or mono. It opens when you insert an FX. Or if you click on an already inserted FX in the FX list in the track. If you insert the free Voxengo SPAN you see this: Click on the little down arrow next to VST3 at the top middle. Select Plug-in Properties and then click on Details.... Outputs is 2. Stereo. Also, there is a button to Switch between LEFT or RIGHT as the front graph in the display. But only a few FX will have a give-away like that. The ones that have input and output meters mostly show left and right.
  14. Hmmm. Here is a screenshot of GPO - Wet - Section Strings - Cellos - Cello KS Combo. So we don't seem to be talking about the same GPO.
  15. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    If they have input and output level meters there is a pointer. And, unless it is very old, if there is a mono version there will be a stereo one as well and it will be reflected in the name. In the GUI, click on the VST, VST3 dropdown -> Plug-in Properties. Then Details.... Is Ouputs 1 or 2?
  16. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    Play safe. Put the WAV files on a stereo track and only use stereo EVERYWHERE. Set the PAN on the original tracks. Leave all other PANs centered. Only use stereo FX. Then you should be safe.
  17. Might be a German language version issue - sparse info in the dialog. The first post in the Early Access forum has a rollback installer which you can run.
  18. In the track there is a command to set the volume. With the track selected, open the event view (Views -> Event List, or Alt-8). Look for anything that isn't Kind Note.
  19. Documentation says that if checked and the channel strip is transposed, the map will be transposed. Makes sense. Check box would say "Take channel from track."
  20. Articulation Maps - Suggestions and Requests and Ideas. 1) Let maps take the channel from the track. Configurable option? Otherwise major problems with Kontakt and the like. 2) With the editor, be able to specify defaults for Kind, Channel, Play At with new MIDI Events. 3) How about "Duplicate map with new channel number." 4) Is it difficult to implement MIDI Learn from the Virtual Controller?
  21. Be aware that when Garritan say octave 0, in Cakewalk it is octave 2. Cakewalk starts with note 0 being in octave 0. Very often, note 0 is in octave -1. Cakewalk doesn't have negative octave numbers. Garritan keyswitches start 2 octaves up, because most people don't have keyboards big enough to go to the 2 lowest octaves. So playing live/recording would be difficult. You have to be careful with that. With these maps, to use them with Garritan you need to add 24 to all the note numbers.
  22. I tested it and the virtual controller works. ? My previous reply seems to have disappeared. 1) Do you click the Record Button as well? The Red button on the track is Record Arm. 2) While you are recording, do you hear the drums?
  23. I have created an articulation map for Ample Sound Guitars. It should work with any of their guitars. Adding Orange Tree Samples Evolution series. Ample Sound Guitars have been updated. Ample Ukulele added. Here is the link.
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