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Nigel Mackay

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Everything posted by Nigel Mackay

  1. It definitely is your issue. It might be mechanically loose, and keep changing. It might be dirty. See if you can "service" it. See if you can disable it. The orange entries are "Control", the black ones ate "Note."
  2. For a start, install the Studio Instruments - bass, drums, piano, strings. You do that through the Bandlab Assistant. Then you download free instruments, you buy instruments. Here is a video about some good free instruments. And this is a thread about free instruments. It is part of this forum. And VST4Free is a site dedicated to free instruments. Here is a video teaching you how to install instruments (and FX.)
  3. If the MIDI note doesn't change, check in EZDrummer for Humanising or Randomness.
  4. Any drivers to install?
  5. @Sean Street My Aux tracks stop delivering audio. Can't use them, have to uses buses, but that is not the same because not place next to the source tracks.
  6. It could be the playback device for the mp3. Check your audio driver, it might have different settings for apps and media players.
  7. OP = original poster In this case, you. ?
  8. Inserte la SI-Drums y seleccione MIDI Source y First Synth Audio Output. Abra la GUI de la batería A la izquierda, busca un surco que te guste Haga clic en él y arrástrelo y suéltelo en la pista MIDI Presiona play Abra el PRV en la pista MIDI y vea cómo se programan las baterías. Haga clic en el teclado y vea qué notas tocan qué batería. Prueba a escribir tus propios ritmos. Puede abrir el controlador virtual (teclado de la PC), asegurarse de que sea la octava correcta (toque las teclas para escuchar lo que obtiene) y grabar los ritmos de batería de esa manera. Un poco incómoda, pero funciona.(f
  9. Use the synth track. Ignore the knobs on the MIDI track.
  10. So you create a project. You call it Bob's Song. You save it. In a folder called Bob's Song. You shut down the PC. Tomorrow morning to try to open Bob's Song and Cakewalk tells you the name already exists. Or is that a typo and you mean you work a bit on it and then save? Are you maybe using Save As..? If you are working on Bob's Song, autosave saves it as Auto-save Copy of Bob's Song.
  11. Email to support@cakewalk.com
  12. @ZirrexCrescendo and diminuendo are done using automation of Volume.
  13. Have you set the MIDI track to use the drum map? Are you using MIDI channel 10? Is 8-SI-Drum Kit correct?
  14. Look at the far right edge of the screen. You see this There are those 2 thin vertical bars. Click and drag the left hand one towards the left : Now drag it much further. There is the Master bus. Screenshot please. ?
  15. @JordiCheck the box Transpose and the correct channel will be used.
  16. Nigel Mackay

    artist - title

    Sounds to me you need a tag editor. Try this.
  17. Nigel Mackay

    Bus versus Pan

    As a matter of interest, have you tried putting the other FX back? To make sure it is the VX-64, and not just any FX.
  18. Can we have something else to force channel selection, and not Transpose? If we use transposition in a track and select Transpose, then the keyswitch in the map will be transposed.
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