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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. You can set the Microsoft GS Wavetable synth as your MIDI output, depending on what Driver Mode you're using.
  2. I think they must have recovered that from the Titanic.
  3. Welcome to the forum Press P on your computer keyboard and let us know what you have listed for Record and Playback Timing Masters. Go to Insert at the top and choose Soft Synth and TTS-1. In the next dialog make sure Create MIDI Source Track and First Audio Output are selected. In the MIDI track that is created make sure the input is set to your controller and the output to the TTS-1 soft synth. The TTS-1 soft synth's output should be set to whatever the Preferences dialog showed as your Playback Timing Master. Or a bus which should be set to that output. In the MIDI track, select a channel and Patch (instrument sound). It might be a good idea to turn down the volume of the TTS-1 soft synth track to keep from clipping. Some of the patches can be pretty loud. Play something on your controller. Can you hear anything? Are the meters moving? Good luck!
  4. Some plug-ins designed for mastering have inherently high latency and shouldn't be used while recording. Which plug-in is it?
  5. I have never in any iteration of my Cakewalk software seen a template where all of the tracks are already armed for recording. You must have set it that way at some point and saved that project or template. So, open the template in question, disarm all of the tracks and save it again.
  6. She was so good she phoned it in!
  7. So sorry to hear that, Kenny.
  8. Well, Dave's not here but I'm sure he would mention that he shaved his head recently. I'm retired and haven't trimmed anything since last November, and don't intend to any time soon. The first time I heard the commercial I thought that was my song, but you can hear that the composer jazzed it up after the 3rd measure and it's a little faster. But the chord progression is the same, the sound of the piano is the same, heck it could have been sampled from my song. And today after comparing the 2 I hear that it's even in the same key. Bit, I thought about those ludicrous infringement cases, but I may have uploaded it with creative commons licensing. I did that with most of my songs back then, unfortunately. Still, the similarities are striking.
  9. I assumed it would open and play in a media player. Apparently not; all I can do is download it and play it. Sorry.
  10. Listen to this: zztest.mp3 The first part is from a current drug commercial featuring that girl who just wants to have fun. The second part is from a song I recorded and released ~10 years ago. It's nice to know someone is listening! ?
  11. Say, OP, could you post a pronunciation of your name so I (we?) know how to say it?
  12. I don't know why this is happening on stereo but not mono tracks, but you could try splitting the stereo tracks into 2 mono tracks and do the pitch correction on them as a workaround. You could then bounce the 2 corrected tracks back together if you want.
  13. I thought it meant a week out of school. ?
  14. I think that lieutenant was in my shop, too. Did he have the nickname 'The Rock'? As in 'dumber than'.
  15. Does it make the noise if you use Ctrl>S instead?
  16. Just imagine what you'll save on combs!
  17. From the movie 'The Nice Guys': "Marriage is giving a house to someone you hate".
  18. I know a lot of folks like Take Lanes, but I have also seen many threads here asking how to use and manipulate them. I prefer the old way, record takes on different tracks, then each take is ready to be routed to whatever bus you want, add different effects if desired, and you can still cut the track into pieces and drag the clips you want into a single coherent track. I think the reason behind Take Lanes is to reduce the amount of real estate used by multiple tracks.
  19. Just for giggles, what happens if you bounce or freeze the affected track? Does the sustain play correctly in the bounced/frozen track?
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