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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. Such as, Track View, Piano Roll View, Staff View, Arranger View, etc.
  2. There are no hits in the PDF reference guide for tape monitor. That is something you would find on a stereo receiver to monitor the tape input, hence the name. ? In Cakewalk's track pane is a button called Input Echo which allows you to hear what you're playing/recording while playing/recording. Looks kinda like this:
  3. What display? On the keyboard or in the Cakewalk MIDI Track Pane? If it's the keyboard, you may have Local Control Off, which disables the keyboard's sound module when the keys are played, so you don't hear the sound twice. Once from the Korg and again from the Korg being driven by Cakewalk. Glad you got some of it solved. You can go to your first post and in the title bar, add 'solved', but you can never close the thread.
  4. In MIDI, yes. In audio, there are some hoops you need to jump through to get the click to match the changed tempo. I have read here that it's easy, I've just never done it.
  5. I've never used Ripple Edit so I don't know if it's better. It may depend on the complexity of the project? I've always used Insert>Time/Measures from the top menu. Place your cursor where you want the extra space, use Insert to, uh, insert how many measures you want, click OK. Everything in the project should move the specified amount.
  6. They were offered, at a higher price. I remember in the old forum a fred about glasses and a couple folks remarked that they had difficulty adjusting to the progressives, thus the decision to get the bifocals. Already there, Bill. She said I have the beginnings of cataracts in both eyes.
  7. Looking good. She's been home since Monday from her second stay in the hospital. Getting around, eating real food. Friday she gets her drains removed! Whoo hoo!
  8. I think it was a Champ I played through way back in 1980-81. It belonged to one of my room mates and was the best-sounding amp I have ever played. I have undoubtedly played through fewer amps than most of you, but it did sound good. Great tone.
  9. No, not when routing through an interface; just select the interface as the MIDI device. Use the Focusrite and make sure the Focusrite is using their ASIO driver.
  10. Similar: Noel Borthwick says to see if one of your plug-ins is causing this.
  11. Well, since the neck goes into the capo, I assume the capo is feminine.
  12. For the first time in my life, I'm wearing glasses, prescription glasses. I was the only one of us Fieldses who didn't wear them. I have been using readers for about a decade, but I had a physical a while back and their cursory eye test revealed 20/80 in my right eye and not much better in the left. I went to an actual eye doctor and ordered the specs, which arrived Thursday. Bifocals. I'm still getting used to them, but everything is better, vision-wise. Except the computer monitor is too close for the glasses and too far for my old readers. I suppose I'll have to sit farther back if I don't want to change glasses for every different task. But, music sounds so much better now!
  13. Make sure 'enable MIDI output' is off in Kontakt, if it has that setting. Insert a new stereo bus and change the outputs of your Kontakt guitars from the Aux track to the bus, see if it still does it.
  14. It's California; No one cares.
  15. Thanks, everyone. She had a setback. Went home, and less than 10 hours later she started feeling ill. Ill enough to call an ambulance. She had started bleeding internally, but they think it's under control now and she may go home (again!) tomorrow.
  16. Or that you have a Alembic.
  17. Very nice, but you need more cowbell guitars.
  18. If you mean you open Cakewalk and the Console view is showing, just close that view. The Track view should be beneath it. And welcome to the forum.
  19. No stomp boxes here, but I do use a modeling amp which I used to mic. I can't do that where I live now due to excessive ambient nose, so I run a cable from the headphone output of the amp to the line in of my interface. I think that's not the correct way, but I haven't recorded anything worthwhile in a long while, so no problem, yet.
  20. What is this? The Big Bang Theory?
  21. Is see. The only options I have are Guitar and Matrix DATA Track. Don't know what that is, but selecting it does nothing and it reverts back to Guitar when re-opening. I think your library must have burned down. ?
  22. While in the Staff view, I click on the Chord tool and it will display a white bar above the staff. Click in that white bar and it will show C for the chord C. Make sure the staff view layout has 'Show Chord Grid ' (or something like that) enabled. Right-click on the C and the chord library should pop up. Navigate to the chord you want where you clicked in the C. Click OK. That selected chord should be displayed where the C was.
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